What are you Watching?

I tried to re-watch this in the wee hours of the morning glory sky, but failed miserably (passed out, on the couch) ::

Sad to say that TMNT was *after* my time, I didn't get it then, and I don't get it now. Tried to get the SO go to see GotG, but no soap. Instead of watching, I'm reading "The Hunter" by Richard Stark (pen name of Donald Westlake). Surprised at how true to the novel "Payback: Straight Up" Brian Helgeland's director's cut is.
Late last night I was wasted. I wanted to sleep but it was just too hot. So I decided to re-watch a flick that I truly hate. I figured that I wouldn't have to do any thinking and that I would fall asleep real fast. ...It worked!


* I don't recommend that film @ all. Just don't go there; it is awfully bad.


And the night before last night (I think) I watched this ::


* I don't know which one of them two was worst. Again, don't go there.

<> I don't know what's going on nowadays with some of them filmmakers; it seems to me that they're just doing it as a job to get their paycheck. ...Extremely boring, and the true cinema art you can kiss it his axe goodbye.

I cannot watch a good film when I'm not predisposed (relax, alert and awake).
But I always watch films; and when I'm tired, or that I feel too hot, I watched the worst films to help me sleep.

Can you dig it.
The 'Universe' one has been rejuvenated, giving a life's extension, a renewed passport to multiverse cafe, @ the end of black hole avenue.
That one deserves expansion, that's fo sur. ...Go have a look for the latest; it is almost blind molding...uh, mind blowing.

I'm serious too. It's 'atmos' funny. /// No wonder Dolby is comin' up with new elevated objects from Atmos.
...And now they have Dolby Surround upmixer. ...I call it Dolby Spatial myself. /// Pretty special, yeah.

Space exploration is the key to Universe discovery, and through space we also get to know unknown aliens, and known ones too, us.
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Films (especially studio films) mostly suck nowadays because filmmakers aren't making films; marketing + finance are making films. There's an interesting article from a while back of an interview with Soderbergh on why he's getting out of making feature films and the current sorry state of film development.
Haven't seen 300 II, but Sorcerer is one of the unsung masterpieces of American cinema. Too bad it flopped in the box office when it got released against another (somewhat more popular) masterpiece, Star Wars. Sometimes, timing is everything.

I'm watching something I came across in the ultra-bargain-bin; I figured that Yul Brynner was worth the risk:

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