What are you drinking?

Cal, sorry for the delayed reply, but as regards to my retirement; I think I’m enjoying it more than my wife thought she would - or at least most recently.
About 3 weeks ago she took a tumble while we were hiking together on the type of path she very frequently takes alone. Fell on her left side, dislocated her left shoulder and suffered 3 fractures to humerus that required repair with plate / screws. She said worse pain than either childbirth, and of course no man can relate to that subjective measure.
Thankfully it was not her dominant hand side.
Estimated recovery between 6-8 weeks before attempting any type of physio, so that means she’s relying on me for the cooking, laundry, vacuuming, gardening, driving etc. Within the last week she’s regained enough clarity after weaning off the surgical anesthetic and pain killers to be bored AF, and while still appreciative, also more critical, so there’s that.
edit: yeah, the homemade Chardonnay has for some reason taken an accelerated consumption rate these past several weeks, so that’s what Chris is drinking. That, and a bottle of that nice Philips Fermentorium Stump Gin.
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$80 for a bottle of rum - outrageous. The best rums without a doubt are from Cuba and the Dominican Republic, they both age their rums in old sherry barrels not dissimilar to a Spey malt. In Spain a 7 year old bottle will be around €18.

I remember in 68 with my friend Brian we had arrived in Madrid at the beginning of March on our way down to Almeria to work as extras on a film about General Patton and went out the first evening and I ordered a 'Cuba Libre'. The barman was having an intense conversation with someone and was'nt watching what he was doing and he poured a tall glass almost full of white rum. He was'nt really bothered by this as the rum was cheaper than Coca-Cola.

Chrisb, I would have agreed with you until 2010 and then I had both sciatic nerves in play lifting a lot of weight badly. In Spain only 2 years earlier I got flipped over a bridge by a stupid young woman driver whilst out running and was lucky to only have 3 broken ribs and yes I got a cold but this pain was as nothing compared to the sciatic pain. Every time I needed to get up out of an armchair I had to prepare my mind for the pain that I knew would be coming. Sciatic pain can be so bad that people have committed suicide.

As your wife suffered 3 fractures to one bone was she checked for osteoporosis. One Christmas eve we were on our way out to do some last minute shopping and she missed her footing on a curb and suffered a spiral fracture to her right humerus. I did'nt think the fall was bad enough to create so much damage, so made her ask the question abio The medics in Galicia did'nt think so, however when my wife had occasion to visit a general hospital in Granada, she was sent for tests and immediately started on treatment.
Kjeldsen - I like value for money.

Has anyone tried Inca Pisco? the brother of a friend was a junior officer in the merchant marine and had come back from Peru and brought a bottle with him. they drain alcohol through a particular plant that has 'properties' a very strange night ensued and the next day I had to take a bunch of flowers and an apology to a buxom barmaid at my local. They also make it in Barcelona but it's not the same stuff.
Hop Water.

5 gallons of water in the kettle, bring to a boil and add two tablespoons of lemon juice. Add 12grams of hops and boil two minutes, then shut off the heat and drop the temp to 170F and hold for 30 minutes.

Chill and rack to a corny keg. Chill and carbonate at 10 PSI CO2.

Interesting drink.
I think perhaps that hop water could be improved with some kind of grain.
And I heard this neat little trick where they take grain and trigger a sprouting process before cracking the seed, which will halt the process but leave a higher sugar content.
I wonder if it would be a good thing to put this stuff in a smoker to get a bit more depth of flavour?

After all that voodoo a bit of boiling in water might be nice, to draw out the sugars and flavour compounds properly.

Not sure, but could well be that after getting a lot of water filled with sugar and flavour it would be a waste just let it go bad, perhaps it would be possible to add some kind of fermentation process to make it last longer and perhaps induce some small amount of anti-bacterial properties.

Black Stuart; while not my go to choice, and therefore based on a smaller number of samples than I gather is your case- when it comes to Rum, my favourite to date would have to be Goslings Black Seal. With a decent ginger beer - hard to find in some markets - makes for a delicious and sneaky Dark ‘n Stormy. The first two might seem innocuous, but by the time you get around to free-handing subsequent pours, things can get wobbly.
Chill and carbonate at 10 PSI CO2.
That seems low Gimp. I run my seltzer at 50 and even that is low in comparison with over the counter. Mine has a nice little tingle but no erp.
I think perhaps that hop water could be improved with some kind of grain.
I think I know where this is going.
And I heard this neat little trick where they take grain and trigger a sprouting process before cracking the seed, which will halt the process but leave a higher sugar content.
Uh-huh, neat little trick isn't it?
Not sure, perhaps it would be possible to add some kind of fermentation process
Just for anti-microbial purposes of course.

Man you crack me up K-man. :)

Can it get any better? :cool::)


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Well... Let's just say that for the last few years I've been able to cut down my coffee consumption to a single cup of coffee per day. Better to drink 1 good cup of coffee than several mediocre.
So now I'm grinding 50grams of beans for 500ml of water, so get about 350ml of the stuff, last me through the workday.

No, the strawberries in my tiny greenhouse and in the raised beds are just for snacking. We picked 12kg's of strawberries last Thursday at a farm. I have 10 Honeoye, 12 Korona, 12 Murano and 20 Frida plants now.
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