Void the election results: is it possible at all?

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Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired
signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not
fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not
spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the
genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way
of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is
humanity hanging on a cross of iron.
-- Dwight Eisenhower, April 16, 1953

And if Moore presents lies, then the fabrications of this current republican regime are toa level that is truly beyond belief.

I watched 9/11 to see how much truth would be in it, and how far he might go. Moore stuck to the BASIC PROVABLE FACTS, and DID NOT stray into supposition or anything that could not be factually proven via multiple sources....all independent, I might add.

The level of corruption by this current 'regime' is frightening. Killing 100's of thousands in other countries used to be called war. now..it's the protection of oil sources.

look outside at your car and that of your neighbour. They are drenched in blood.

And...that is just -one- small factual comment on the pletora and multitude of directions of insanity by this current government in the US.

The truth is their animalism runs very deep in their confused and small minds. American people? Fine. A bit blind, to be truthful. To say the least. but...no balls when it come to the right thing to do. Their current government? Corrupt. Unquestionably so. THey know were to go. Prey on the religious, frail of mind,and low of intelligence. Gotta get the votes from somewhere.

Psychological Macrocosims and Microcosims. I can see your own flaws but can't see mine. A known truth. Unless I am incredibly self aware and strong enough to try and deal with my own issues. Tough on the best of days.

Read your own constitution. Democracy must be maintained through vigilance. Specifically... protected by the people... from corruption --within-- the government.

In any democratic system... the last place of unadulterated free expansion that a mindless, senseless, immoral beast that "corporation" can expand into..is via infiltration and control of said governments. Eisenhower himself warned you on this subject DIRECTLY. "Beware the Corporate-industral-military complex", he said.

Projection. where you find your fundamental flaws that you do not wish to deal wtih or fix...in all others. And hammer everyone but yourself. One of mandkind's daily personal sins.

Kinda like the way America is attacking other countries right now, in multiple directions and ways. Via projection, and not confronting it's own fundamental issues.

The ENTIRE WORLD can see clearly how the US is incredbily flawed on a most fundamental level, at this time. But...America itself cannot seem to see it.

And Americans had better get tough and strong and do it damned soon, for your country's politics and economy are truly screwed. Stop allowing those dirtbags you call a government run roughshod over the rest of the world at the same time they pound sand up your ***.
mikeks said:

If it's 'incorrect' in part or in it's entirety, then DEMONSTRATE by providing an item by item rebutal that this is the case....

Otherwise your input may only be of value in the deep south.....aKA George 'Dubious' Bush country...


I'll Let others, who have already covered the information, sum it up for Me.

Lies of M.M.

More M.M. Fun!

And, Saving the Best for last!!!!

Fahrenhype 9/11

I just love the "Deep South" or "Hillbilly" references that are always brought out whenever one of your "Bastions" of "Truth" and "Integrity" are questioned.

As usual with leftists, your assumptions are way off base.

Not only am I not at all from "the South", but both sides of My family are from Europe/Canada.

In Fact, (That's a word that You might want to learn a little something about.) I live in a city that is north of the nearest Canadian City.

I hold several degrees.
I'm not Religious.
I'm married & it's not to a relative.
I don't have old cars in My yard! ;)

To take the drivel that is spouted by this man and his ilk, as anything even resembling the truth, is silly.....If not more than a little foolish.

Having to "Prove" Or "Dispute" the words of fools, by proving that the sky is NOT Purple, but, In Fact blue...is a waste of valuable time. Why are so many eager to listen to the words of such people as Moore?????

I just don't get it.......... :whazzat: :whazzat: :whazzat:

Tall Shadow
Tall Shadow said:
....by proving that the sky is NOT Purple, but, In Fact blue...is a waste of valuable time. Tall Shadow

You 'hold several degrees'...and yet are not cognisant of the fact that the sky is not blue??? :rolleyes:

P.S: you brought F911 up....

I only recommended:


...which is inherently sound of veracity and intellectual rigour.....

The Bush Mafiosi and their associates DID in fact gerrymander the election in florida...Period.
mikeks said:

You 'hold several degrees'...and yet are not cognisant of the fact that the sky is not blue??? :rolleyes:

Sorry!.... :rolleyes:
The Water vapor's, that is abundant in the atmosphere, refractive qualities make it appear to be blue.

Splitting hairs, are we?

mikeks said:

P.S: you brought F911 up....

I only recommended:


...which is inherently sound of veracity and intellectual rigour.....

By what means do you claim the validity of the "inherent soundness of veracity and intellectual rigor" of the above source?

Just because Amazon's description states that Greg Palast "argues persuasively" about somethings,
does not make it so!

mikeks said:

The Bush Mafiosi and their associates DID in fact gerrymander the election in florida...Period.

Oh, yes! Spoken like a true wacko' leftest!
Who is not even from here.....

The votes were counted, counted again, and again, and again. Then later the networks, the newspapers, magazines, and web based media all got to do their own counts.......Guess What!?!?!


I guess they were all "In" on the scam. :whazzat:

I don't guess that you'll even consider that your information, source, or position might be wrong.......No...I didn't think so.

Sigh!.... :whazzat:

Tall Shadow

P.S. You might want to invest in a spell-checker for your future posts. The misspelled words make anything you are trying to say look like the work of a 2nd grader.
The Water vapor's, that is abundant in the atmosphere, refractive qualities make it appear to be blue.

No. The sky would be blue in absence of water vapor, as any visitor to Death Valley or the Sahara will attest. The blue color is a consequence of Rayleigh scattering, which goes as 1/(wavelength^4). Blue has a shorter wavelength, so gets scattered more than red.
Tall Shadow said:

Oh, yes! Spoken like a true wacko' leftest!
Who is not even from here.....

I object to being called wacko old chap.....I suppose education wasn't a priority in obtaining all those alleged degrees then..Huh?

Tall Shadow said:

The votes were counted, counted again, and again, and again. Then later the networks, the newspapers, magazines, and web based media all got to do their own counts.......Guess What!?!?!


I guess they were all "In" on the scam. :whazzat:

Do your research old chap before exposing your ignorance for all to marvel at......O ye of 'several degrees'.....:D
SY said:

No. The sky would be blue in absence of water vapor, as any visitor to Death Valley or the Sahara will attest. The blue color is a consequence of Rayleigh scattering, which goes as 1/(wavelength^4). Blue has a shorter wavelength, so gets scattered more than red.

I stand corrected!

I Did not know the Correct reason, thank you for the information!

Cal Weldon said:

I think that's just about enough of the name calling and provocation. You both have strong opinions on the issues but there is no need for disrespect. Continue this in a civil manner or not at all.

That is reasonable. I will try to keep my end as civil as possible, or discontinue My replies.

Tall Shadow
mikeks said:

I object to being called wacko old chap.....I suppose education wasn't a priority in obtaining all those alleged degrees then..Huh?

"A rose by any other name........"

No, education in fields outside of My career choice, or interests, is an area of "Limited" knowledge. I do not claim to be infallible in all areas, and I admit when I am mistaken. (See post above)

mikeks said:
Do your research old chap before exposing your ignorance for all to marvel at......O ye of 'several degrees'.....:D

Why would I do research into something I have no interest in? About something that was said "Off hand" to illustrate that some things are "self evident" or Incorrect, And can be seen and/or proven by/to one's self , No mater whom the person saying it might, or might not be?

As I Originally stated...The sky IS blue, Not purple. My not knowing the correct reason why it is blue does not make it stop being blue.

To claim not to be ignorant, I'd say, is to prove true ignorance.

I have knowledge in many things, some areas more than others. I do not know everything, nor can anyone ever do so. Therefore, we all are ignorant of something(s).

Having to attack the debater, not his argument, seems to say that your position in untenable.

Mine is:

The votes were counted, and recounted, by all who needed to do so. They were also re-counted by several media sources (Many who were less than pro-bush), and in the end the votes CLEARLY showed that Bush had won. End of story.

The Far-left arm of the Democratic party didn't like the FACT that they lost, and have been loosing elections since the Reagan era.
The funny part is that they don't understand Why!

That despite the record turn out for the 2004 vote, and despite that Bush won by a good majority, that they have lost even more ground to the Republicans, the democrats can't understand that their 45+ years of control has come to a crashing end.
For this I (And obviously many of My countrymen & women) are very happy!

The attacks from the leftists and socialists from around the world are more mystifying. Their systems are NOT working, Just as communism didn't/doesn't work. Our original system (Representative Republic) was/is not perfect, no system can be when people are involved, but it's the best so far.

Tall Shadow
mikeks []
diyAudio Member

Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Essex, uk

Post #1
Originally posted by Tall Shadow
Why would I do research into something I have no interest in? Tall Shadow

Then why pontificate with much pomposity on matters into which you've declared no interest in researching, and therefore about which you clearly know nothing?
The artist formerly known as mikek :)

:rolleyes: If anyone is pontificating here, my friend, it is You.

I was, as I've Stated several times above^^^, using a commonly known/seen thing as a metaphor for "Some things being self evident" (IE: "The sky is blue!"). Not WHY the sky is blue.

Why is this so hard for you to understand?

Your insistence on expanding this to mean that my entire view is invalid is preposterous to say the least, and to have to attack Me personally to try to make your point does nothing to validate it.

I have no need to attack you to prove mine. Make your argument or don't.....it's your choice. I'll make mine without having to resort to personaly attacking you.

Tall Shadow
Originally posted by Tall Shadow
I do not claim to be infallible in all areas......
Tall Shadow

Are we to understand, therefore, that you claim infallability in some areas..?

The artist formerly known as mikek :)


I know (infallibly) that I'm not going to be tap-dancing on the surface of the sun any time soon.

I know (infallibly) that there will always be good people, just as I know (infallibly) that there will always be bad people.

I know (infallibly) that I will always love my children.

I know (infallibly) that I will NEVER be able to repay those who have won my freedoms at the cost of Their lives.

I know (infallibly) that, eventually, everyone dies.

I know (infallibly) that the world will end.

I know (infallibly) that NO ONE will ever know everything.

Tall Shadow
Tall Shadow said:

The attacks from the leftists and socialists from around the world are more mystifying. Their systems are NOT working, Just as communism didn't/doesn't work. Our original system (Representative Republic) was/is not perfect, no system can be when people are involved, but it's the best so far.

Tall Shadow

If you were capable of seeing beyond the end of your nose, you would realise what utter nonsense you wrote.
I think it's quite interesting to note that only approximately two thirds of the population voted, and USA is supposed to be a 'democratic country'. On the other hand, participation in the elections for Cuban Popular Assemblies (the ones that actually govern Cuba, created in the 80's and renewed each two and half years) is as high as 95%, and this country is supposed to have a dictatorship government... :confused: :xeye: :bigeyes: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

It's obvious that something is going terribly wrong.
rfbrw said:

If you were capable of seeing beyond the end of your nose, you would realise what utter nonsense you wrote.

How so?

That in the history of this little place We all call earth, It's only here that so many things are not only possible, but realized??

That the folly of Communism, Socialism, and in general, liberalism has run it's course and has proved to be unworkable?

That in it's short (By world standards) history, rocky beginnings, and DESPITE almost constant grumbling from some of the other countries of the world, We have accomplished many things that others have failed, or are just now duplicating 35+ years AFTER we did?

That Here, ANYONE can be successfully. Live in a country where most anything is possible. And need not be born into his chosen "Class" in order to do so?

That >HERE< people CHOSE to live, that know the possibilities that this country offers, not GUARANTEES, but offers.

I don't see where "Giving" someone everything they "Need"(want) in a "Cradle to grave" type of government controlled "Care System" while they loose their freedom(s) in order to provide the money to fund it is a better system.

Nor do I see where giving the government total control of EVERYTHING isn't the same trouble , just in a different package.

Yep! I See where you might see it that way.........NOT :whazzat:

Tall Shadow

P.S. : I also find it funny that Some people here can't, or won't, even state Where they are from..........
Eva said:
I think it's quite interesting to note that only approximately two thirds of the population voted, and USA is supposed to be a 'democratic country'. On the other hand, participation in the elections for Cuban Popular Assemblies (the ones that actually govern Cuba, created in the 80's and renewed each two and half years) is as high as 95%, and this country is supposed to have a dictatorship government... :confused: :xeye: :bigeyes: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

It's obvious that something is going terribly wrong.

Yes!, I'd agree!!
Many Americans are too apathetic toward the daily workings of the country. I wish many more would be involved. Much of the blame is Our own. To much "Entitlement Mentality", not enough "I'll do it myself"! Too much T.V., not enough thinking.

However, Using Cuba, a place where your very survival might depend on >how< your loyalty to the very government that feeds, clothes, and "Protects" you, and your family, is perceived by those "In Power", is NOT a good example.

I'd suspect that given the above, The numbers that "Voted" in the elections there are more that a little suspect.
If your survival depends on not "Making Waves"....You tend to do what is expected of you to survive.
Tall Shadow said:

How so?

That in the history of this little place We all call earth, It's only here that so many things are not only possible, but realized??

That the folly of Communism, Socialism, and in general, liberalism has run it's course and has proved to be unworkable?

That in it's short (By world standards) history, rocky beginnings, and DESPITE almost constant grumbling from some of the other countries of the world, We have accomplished many things that others have failed, or are just now duplicating 35+ years AFTER we did?

That Here, ANYONE can be successfully. Live in a country where most anything is possible. And need not be born into his chosen "Class" in order to do so?

That >HERE< people CHOSE to live, that know the possibilities that this country offers, not GUARANTEES, but offers.

I don't see where "Giving" someone everything they "Need"(want) in a "Cradle to grave" type of government controlled "Care System" while they loose their freedom(s) in order to provide the money to fund it is a better system.

Nor do I see where giving the government total control of EVERYTHING isn't the same trouble , just in a different package.

Yep! I See where you might see it that way.........NOT :whazzat:

Tall Shadow

P.S. : I also find it funny that Some people here can't, or won't, even state Where they are from..........

If you were as secure in your paradise as you claim you would not feel the need to misrepresent other systems of goverment in a tone more usually associated with an ill-informed child.
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