Voicing an amplifier: general discussion

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I'm saying the goal should be a perfect transfer Function, not easily obtainable due to the many variables in sonic reproduction, in the end, its a careful artistic balance of the package to please the ears, art meeting science.

This is why there are so many church's, most here would understand that if they built anything for resale, many factors have to be addressed .......


Sorry I should have quoted, I was referring to yldourights' post.
The noise level in this thread has always been quite high, despite our efforts to inject some signal.

yldouright said:
Now we are closer to the truth than stating an amp with a flat 5-50,000Hz frequency response and 0.0001 THD must sound better than one measuring 10-40,000Hz and 0.003 THD.
Oh dear! Poor THD once again gets mentioned by someone mocking it. Only the most ignorant and naive engineer would believe the "must" in the above sentence, yet it seems that all engineers get tarred with the same brush. Most engineers would say that there is insufficient information in the sentence to tell whether the two amplifiers would sound the same or different, and if different which would sound better. Why can't people address what we say, instead of arguing against what we don't say?
I am not mocking the measurement but reminding people of its limitation. Okay, so since this is already a resolved issure, what measures do you believe matter most in making the most transparent amplifier? Since there are probably more than one, assign a percentage to their importance. As for tarring all with the same brush, what did you mean by "typical audiophile scorn" in your earlier post? Be more careful with your posts, they may inadvertently end up exposing your prejudice and hypocrisy :)
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You can't make anyone see what they don't want to see. Once again you've repeated what others have already said. You have nothing to learn here, why continue to post and read here?

Oh, the irony!

You can't make anyone see what they don't want to see. Once again you've dismissed without a shred of factual information the flaws in your thesis. You have nothing to learn here, why continue to post and read here?
yldouright said:
Okay, so since this is already a resolved issure, what measures do you believe matter most in making the most transparent amplifier? Since there are probably more than one, assign a percentage to their importance.
The basic requirement, as I and others have said, is for the output to be no more and no less than merely a bigger version of the input. This can't be achieved perfectly, but it can be achieved sufficiently well for music to be enjoyed.

Issues (as stated in earlier posts by others and myself) are:
- non-linearity - shown by both harmonic and intermodulation - a crude measure is THD, but low levels of higher order products seems to be especially important so various metrics have been proposed although none has acquired universal acceptance
- frequency response
- noise - both constant noise and any modulation noise
- interchannel crosstalk
- power level just below clipping
- stability
- output impedance (both value and linearity)
- input impedance (both value and linearity)
- variation of any parameters with signal envelope

I won't attach percentages, as that is unhelpful. I suspect that different listeners are sensitive to different issues in different amounts, provided that the whole is roughly correct.

I am sure others may wish to add to the list, but I think I have covered most issues.
@ FAHey

Amplifier on

1. Board
2. In alloy case
3. In steel case
4. In dual mono chassis
5. In separate mono bloc chassis

Will sound different , your same perfect amplifier, So whats your point ....

My point is: No they will not.

Why do you say so?

Please define what measurable or audible (for me both have an intimate relationship) parameter will vary according to what surrounds the amplifier.

If anything , the amp board "naked" on a wooden table may pick up external interference, RF or whatever or even be unstable for lack of shielding ...... I *hope* you are not referring to that :eek:

You claim you can pick, by ear (as always, without looking or getting other non auditive cues) which amp is in a steel case, which one in an aluminum one?
Wow, that's a tall order to fulfill.

Not surprised to find such statements here in DIY Audio where some people is known to claim to hear an improvement by replacing an aluminum electrolytic cap cans with wax and wood, basically the same as what you state here.
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