USSA-5 Build with Review


Thank you for sharing updates and build pics. Good luck with the rest of it, and hope you will be making music soon. I am another one who wants to build the USSA 5 and got the PCBs from Fab a while back, but the project is still awaiting a few parts here and there... Hope to get it done eventually. In the meantime learning through the experience of fellow diyA forum members. :)
Hello Do,

Can’t wait to see and HEAR the final build too! :)

Thank you for your suggestion, I will try to put the AC lines in to the cellar (between mounting and bottom sheet if possible or use a shielding).
I will see what fits and what works, but I will stay in the middle.

Do you know if ferrite rings make any sense in an amplifier?

Have a nice evening.



Joined 2004
Paid Member
Does someone have the exact dimensions of the latest ussa-5 pcbs? I don't think the info in the manual is correct.
Also, the heatsink drill template with dimensions - the one I found in the gb thread doesn't have any dimensions.

The manual shows dimensions of pcb v 0.1 and 0.2.
Last pcb version 0.4 has a smaller size. See attached mounting holes relative positions.


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You can do this, but I would avoid it if possible. Keep,wires as short as possible.

The boards are small, so I would just do as Fab has designed. You also would have to put your tempco devices on flying leads, How would you mount them?

I would strongly avoid doing this.


Hi I just want to inform you all I was forced to stop with this project because of the missing 2PC, 10K trimmers. I could go on and set up the one channel so with some help we calculate the missing resistors. The truth is I want to do both the same time because of the mentioned calculation. I purchased those trimmers from eBay and it will take who knows how long to receive them. Now Canada Post office back and working I hope I receive bere the end of the year. I also have a problem with Parts Connexion, they shipped my order 4PC resistors short at Nov 1. I already called them twice, wrote a couple time also and no answer. Dave (sales representative) promised me twice he will look into that e-mail but nothing happened. We are so busy ............ It frustrating when they promise and after nothing. It looks like I will be forced to file a claim at ay Pal. I really do not want but what can I do when they do not even return an e-mail. This year I having a problem with them at the second time, unfortunately.