Universe vs Solar System

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Joined 2004
Paid Member
It seemed like the original comparison was apples to oranges, so I proposed another similar comparison.
It is sort of apples and oranges, that's part of the point. Let's see.

Me: Of this years entire worldwide citrus crop, you own 2 oranges. That ain't much.
You. True, I have a tiny part of the orange crop, but I own a full 1/3 of the apple crop. That's not too shabby.

Or to use your house analogy.

Me: Your house is 1600 square ft. That's a tiny, tiny fraction of the land area of the U.S.
You: True, but my house is 80 years old, a full 1/3 the age of the nation. Not too bad, as fractions go.

Astronomers and philosophic wonks are fond of telling us what a tiny dust spec we are in the cosmos, smaller than a grain of sand in the vast universe.
OK, sure. But we are fully a 1/3 as old as time itself. That ain't too shabby.
In the dimension of time, we hold a large part. Even if we are tiny in some other dimensions.

Perhaps this means that the universe is vast in size, but not very old.
of the Creator who designed it.


the world's oldest profession,

would have to be architect ...

A warning not to start a religious argument.

wasn't about something else?


this website is owed by a branch of the usa goverment.

i forget which one at the moment.

no idea about Illuminati site.


'stormfront' is an actual 'state department' website.

its very easy to upset these people -


Before you post anything, remember that words have consequences, both for you and others.
This is true even if they're posted pseudonymously on a discussion board.

Don't post anything you wouldn't want attributed to you in a court of law,
quoted on the front page of the New York Times,
or read by your mother.
Don't come back in a few months or years
and ask us to delete all your posts because
you can't take the heat or
you've "changed your mind."

almost all of my post at this site have been deleted.
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Ask yourself "Who owns them anonymous VPNs and routers?"
Who has the money and incentive to build such infrastructure?
A honeypot to funnel exactly what you most want want hidden
directly into their hands.

Just like the Virus writers also working part-time for symantec and AVG.

Everything is a racket.

One could be optimistic , I suppose - "rackets" are Karma for a greedy ,
self centered population .

The laws of the universe don't care about this petty stuff.

If all were fair, an equal quantity of antimatter would assure we never happened.
Quantum cruelty preferred it this way. It also seems to have a thing for donuts.
And clearly something against half-dead cats.

If merely making an observation has such profound effect, understanding should
be even more dangerous. Stop trying to understand it while you still can!
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Since this is already offtopic, I say rich people have a far better hearing and understanding of music, that is why no exotic hi-end systems exists for the poor. If you disagree you are not wealthy because you cannot hear those subtle nuances.
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Don't say we are driven, because we aren't. We are just being
offered certain choices and we make decisions. I choose not
to trust the world, for the world offers money, fame, selfishness
which in reality is a killer of your life and you own nothing except

Driven may not be the correct word but we are certainly conditioned. Just look at the crap that's on tv.
Yes, someone is trying to implant their values into us
by means of tv and although the meadia itself is not to blame,
it's the people or should I say more correctly, a group of persons
who are trying to accomplish a certain goal. Therefore, I refuse
to watch the shows that I see are bad for my health. One of the
main reasons why people are easily influenced is they are
not willing to put the effort into reflecting about things happening
around them. I have experienced myself that I can't be happy without
people and I have to care about them. My only goal is to become
a good person.
My personal thoughts about the universe, which I got during deep meditation, many years ago:

I allways thought that every small atom or particle has its own gravity, when the universe began it was all a great explosion of gas and dust, then the gravitational pull of particles gathered clusters of clouds. The clouds built up to a point where the pull would eventually become enough to compress the gas and dust into solids and liquids in implosion like events, making heat and energy in the process, melting particles together into various substances. Planets form, suns are made and so on. After living for a while the suns are burned out, yet again reaching a critical moment, eventually imploding in on themselves and creating superdense black balls radiating masses of energy. Maybe one day when all the suns have burned out and sucked into them all the planets, comets and leftover dust, will gather in a massive black ball together until once again creating the ultimate reaction, a massive implosion in on itself, so violent and ultimate, there will be no more stages of compression, therefore the implosion will immediately create the ultimate explosion and once again, the universe will be created.

Never bothered checking the theory, I find this line of thought strangely satisfying.
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