UFOs, Black Projects, Shadow Goverments ETC.

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Once when I worked in Palo Alto driving north back home I saw a flying saucer. It was shiny, like made from sliver. It flew crossing freeway. I thought I worked to hard during the night fixing problems of computer network. It was 11 am. So I told nobody about it. Until few days later approximately at the same time I saw the same "saucer". But this time it flew a little bit differently so I saw wings. It was shiny aluminium airplane. :D
I was talking to a NASA security guy who claimed to be just an engineer . I asked what was Roswell all about ? He said it was big mistake and we had all seen what it was in the TV series the 6 Million Dollar Man ( opening titles where the plane crashes ). That was a very early attempt at supersonic flight in 1947 ( Bell X1 ? ) . He said that was the actual footage . His explanation was that the military were very paranoid about the USSR having better Nazi scientists than the USA . A little bit of research would have told them the USA got most of them as the scientists made sure the US got them as they feared the Soviet death camps if not . He said the spooks bought beers for locals and encouraged the UFO stories so as to keep the test flights secret ( some say these were Nazi designs which the Nazi's allowed to be captured to show how near they came to domination of the sky's ) . In the Korean war the US noted many primitive aspects of the admittedly excellent MIG fighter . None of the Nazi tweaks of the tailplane . Roswell then would not go away .

The other part of the story that got no response was the discovery of transistors from the Roswell wreckage . Some say Bell will not show the original transistors as they are not germanium ( unlikely as that could be faked ) . The story goes the transistors are fragments of that which was found . Some say even Pentium is inspired by what was found . An estimate of 800 years advancement on where we were . The NASA guy said with a glint in his eye are vacuum tubes of this world also ? He then said if not who would I blame ? I said Mark Twain and Tesla , I think that amused him . Later Star Trek had Twain doing time travel . Who knows if I influenced it ? I said Twain ( Clements ? ) as he demonstrated Lizt effect with Tesla his friend using their human skin !!!!!!!!

As I say about the Bible I wasn't there . As a film it would be excellent .

The most remarkable part of this story is how the USSR pieced together a space program form what they found in Germany . All Soviet engineers I believe ? The USA then had to use the engineers they were sort of keeping under house arrest in the USA to catch up . The present day Russian rockets are superb devices of commonsense design . The advanced Soviet engine that so nearly was destroyed by politics is used by the US on unmanned rockets . It works beyond temperatures considered possible . Russian railways also operate in seemingly impossible places . Note the use of Russian and Soviet to show the time line ( forgive if not the accurate description of country or launch site ) .

UFO Phenomenon: Reverse-Engineering Roswell UFO Technology Part 1
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When I was also about 14 an American cousin of a girl I had known for years came to stay . One night they wanted to play the game with the glass and letters .

Here is some so called information,

Its meaning less (Hogwash) told to me some years ago.

When people do the game you descride there is no protection.
(I wouldn't do it)<<<Lets say I'm suspisious of the unknown..

Here is what was said..When you do this sort of thing the people who take part can become "open". They may have a gift that they are not aware of and this can (Turn it on). Power around you can use this and unnoticed contact can take place..This can lead to people experiencing phenomenon of an uncontrolled nature at later times.. I don't want to bore you however this is what was explained..

I am only having a laugh here..
Talking to healers in the past asking about life force.
The power is developed in a circle of love and light, it takes a long time to learn (even to get a small result)
This power can be used to “bridge the gap” between one world and another.
“They” have to know what you are trying to do and be in agreement to set up a (door keeper)
This protects both sides of the “Bridge”.
This power that is released (depending on how much there is and how strong)
Can be used to make contact with others, heal or manifest a physical entity.
What can be done in a circle regards the light can be done regards the dark.
Everything must be in balance..without the work on the light dark could dominate.

__________________The above is hogwash_______________________________

This would mean energy can give mass. In this case I recon it’s flawed.
I just thought it might be interesting I have seen this talked about in every area of supposed contact.
Including the idea of poltergeist needing the Same “power” so they trick someone by entering a dream (how they let it in) create fear this creates the energy etc ect. Focused mainly on an individual because it is feeding on fear and needs the power I guess to give mass..LMAO
LOL..an invisible entity that needs power from a living host to give mass so it can interact with the physical world..I guess this would go for all the rest as well..and there is always a get out: it normaly interacts when the person is on their own because fear is greater in isolation.
With this kind of thinking you would think the fear would be enough to see hundreds..
Anyway I’m going to shut up now because I don’t want to take a side.

Again (7N7is) no drugs taken honest.
Back to the speed of light.

M. Gregg
I would 100 % agree although some is only by the experiences of others if me .

Poltergeist are said to have no need for previous beings if they exist ( a study of two girls in Birmingham if I remember , the house did have things which were filmed , none before the girls arrived and none after they left , it was a council house so had many families before and after ) . Apparently if they exist at all they may be projections of the people living in a place . My very sensible grandfather went Poltergeist hunting whilst in the Home Guard ( 1940's ) . Apparently although he refused to believe he also refused to go again . He did see something and objects were thrown at him . On one occasion it was only mice . Some say the Home Guard were very troubled men . They were not Dads Army although my mum insists they were ( Rye , Winchelsea Sussex , almost exactly the same place as Warmington on Sea ) . The Home Guard were obliged to murder key British people should invasion take place which was felt to be inevitable . They were also to fight to the death . Certainly the German ones did in Berlin .

It is complex and we must always treat the unknown as forever unknown in some cases . In the simplest of terms life is too short to realize some knowledge . I like Chaos mathematics as it says some things can not be known yet the causes are logical . Chaos is not random . Turbulence is a supreme example .

What I never expect to see in my life is Pluto in HD and Fusion electricity . I might have 50 years yet ( 56 now ) . I don't ever expect to travel supersonically . I do expect to own a hi fi with a real 60 dB dynamic range . 16 bit digital gives 20 dB to 40 db if lucky before it becomes granular . Vinyl direct cut 78 's the only source that might do it . Quad 63's will .
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Joined 2010

I only know a small amount about hogwash..

However I know enough to have more questions than answers..
The biggest problem is the mind gets all messed up with fear and emotion..
Its far more interesting when you get bored with it..and all the oh look and wanting something to happen gets put in the bin then its mostly boring..
However to step into the unknown with little understanding is stupid..

I always think about the people who ghost hunt and think well if something was to happen what then..of corse its good hype isn't it.
Then again its interesting when people put there hand on a glass in the game and relax and find there muscles contracting and pushing the glass take their hand off and it stops put it back and it happens again like cramp..Nothing like playing with fire for fun..:D (I'll give it a miss)

You may be correct about the link to the satellite burn up sounds about the right time last year... Very strange to see it. At least it was going in the right direction (away from me)..

M. Gregg
Something rather unusual happened the other day . I am by choice of my own logic a non atheist . That is my dice of how I see things always suggests that answer . Nothing complicated or religious . I see organization in things which to me seems the result of thought . I never got further than that .

Sitting quietly with my friend a couple of nights ago I said I loved her long departed mother very much for having been the one who brought her into the world . My friend is a very adamant atheist to the point of being hostile . She at that very moment saw a flash of light ( I didn't and was looking in the same direction ) . She was very shaken . I have no idea what that meant . I never met the mother I should add . My friend thinks her mother would not have approved of me I should say .
I see organization in things which to me seems the result of thought . I never got further than that .

I see no reason to exalt your idea of thought to the level of a divinity. More reasonable surely to conclude that, since you are part of the world and your thoughts are therefore a property of the everyday universe, the world will be, after a little more thought, just how it thinks it is.
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Joined 2010
Time for a re-cap :)

Err 35yrs.. :D OK so I got excited<<<perhaps I'm a particle..

It was probably the thought of the simulation of the night sky I programed into a ZX81 back in 1981 that took 2 hrs to type in on the bubble key board and crashed as I tried to save it on the tape deck..

I still have the zx81 and spectrum in the loft they still work...:D Remember the microdrive tape units...LMAO..the wobbly 16k & 32K RAM packs that wobbled and dumped the program..:rolleyes:

Wonder what chip Voyager has...then again its still 1977 tech..:eek:

M. Gregg
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I believe Voyager used RTL/TTL logic with core memory. While IC CPUs were in existence since 1971 (i4004), I don't believe NASA would have been using them yet.

I don't think it would have used ECL logic as power consumption was much greater than RTL/TTL.

Nigel, Glass and letters? Sounds like an Ouija board.
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I see no reason to exalt your idea of thought to the level of a divinity. More reasonable surely to conclude that, since you are part of the world and your thoughts are therefore a property of the everyday universe, the world will be, after a little more thought, just how it thinks it is.

The Divinity is a sort of reality in that the forces that exist give us life . I am a bit lazy and traditional so keep it simple . I am rather upset by the concept of intelligent design because I feel I then don't want to say it that way . I am not very impressed by religions . I prefer to say how fascinating and weird it all is . It is very very weird if you think carefully . Infinite anything , infinite chances . Yes I know .

If Plastic is good is Vinyl then that's my religion .
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Joined 2010
I believe Voyager used RTL/TTL logic with core memory. While IC CPUs were in existence since 1971 (i4004), I don't believe NASA would have been using them yet.

I don't think it would have used ECL logic as power consumption was much greater than RTL/TTL.

Nigel, Glass and letters? Sounds like an Ouija board.

I guess Cmos would be to delicate maybe...At 35 years running what about electrolytics?

Yes sounds like Ouija board..
I "know" there is something so I wouldn't chance it. And I'm not religious..there is what there is and nothing more..Pictures, images, and feelings.

M. Gregg
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Joined 2010

After Voyager there are no more long distance missions?
Its taken 35 years to get to this point..
Why haven't we launched more after this?

It's interesting if we were to launch more now I probably would not be around to see it reach this point..:eek:

Oh well...I'll have to be content with the next universe..:D

I'm reminded of a childs song..

Time is a gift given to you, given to me, to have the time of your life..

M. Gregg
There is a thought,

How do you stop dry joints with those temperatures?

And possibly run some heating?

M. Gregg

Cramoline is the dry lube invented for the cold. I bet I spelled it wrong.

It showed up in the hi-fi world for a while to treat records until it was found to have some long term effects. Sound Guard I think was the name. We used it as a lub on the surface of hard disks to help protect against head smacks and landing issues.
What's wrong with US . An iPhone is as good as it gets in this world . Have all the people of vision been castrated ?

I just started playing with valves ( I am 56 and did them at college , never soldered a set up before , have fixed a few things ) . Not exactly my cup of tea . However nice to say I became a player . I think it is a mental version of going to the gym . I have a feeling I wont give it up and possibly one day will even fall totally in love with them . My doubt is they are not a box of crayons as a friend said . They hate CD players .

Any 2N3055 in Voyager ?
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