UCD180 questions

Re: Quite impressive modules !!!

Calimero said:
There are a few questions I haven't found answers for, it's about the max continuous current and peak current the UcD180 and UcD400 can deliver. Does bridging allow me to double those numbers?

A current limit is a current limit. Bridging does not allow any more current, only double voltage swing. It doesn't matter what class the amp is.

justcallmefrank said:
-Has anyone actually come to a conclusion on a comparison between this and a Zappulse based amplifier?

At the end of the days it comes down to preferences, I don't think there ever can be a conclusive answer that one <insert item of choice> is better than <insert other item of choice>.

justcallmefrank said:
Also, one other question, I'd assume my idea of attaching the modules to a plate of aluminium to heatsink them would suffice in cooling them?

The modules come with a little heatsink on them already. There's nothing to bolt a sink to...
Re: Re: Quite impressive modules !!!

richie00boy said:

A current limit is a current limit. Bridging does not allow any more current, only double voltage swing. It doesn't matter what class the amp is.

At the end of the days it comes down to preferences, I don't think there ever can be a conclusive answer that one <insert item of choice> is better than <insert other item of choice>.

The modules come with a little heatsink on them already. There's nothing to bolt a sink to...

Bolt the heatsinks to the aluminum case for better cooling and make sure it has some airflow around it. Fan's not required just some good venting.

After listening to the ad8620-based buffer for 2 weeks , i wasn't fully satisfied with it , so i tried OPA627 then came back to my first idea : a AD826AN which is my favorite op amp for line output stages
At the first seconds i listened to it with the UCD , i knew that it will stay there , it has the airy presentation of 5532 but with transparency and delicacy
I use the ad826 with its own power supply , a 30va r-core transformer + 10x 1000uF , unregulated and i use interstage capacitors , 22uF Silmic2 // 1.8uF SCR "sa" (polypropylene , tin foils )
For me , it's the better combination i' ve tried
The only thing i have to do now is to listen to my records

justcallmefrank said:
Hi guys,

I apologise if this has been discussed earlier in the thread, it's just doing my head in trying to read it all at once! :)

I've got a few of questions.

-Has anyone actually come to a conclusion on a comparison between this and a Zappulse based amplifier?

-Has anyone compared this to something like a BelCanto Evo amplifier?

-Has anyone compared this to a good Gainclone amplifier?

-What would be the optimum size transformer for best sound quality? I plan to be using a separate transformer per channel/module, and power isn't a huge issue (within reason) as my PHL/Focal drivers are very efficient.

-What would be the recommended amount of capacitance for these modules, the Zappulse amplifier I was thinking of building was going to use 12 4700uF capacitors (6 per channel).

Apologies for all the questions, I'm just starting to really get into this sort of stuff, and my mind is buzzing with all these questions so I can't get any study done! :)


Hi Nathan,

Well I compared the UcD180 with my Accuphase E407 and a Tripath based Marantz, the UcD blows both of them away. In comparison with the ZAPpulse, I have to say that the ZAPpulse also sound very good but I have used the ZAPpulse only for a few hours in my system so I have no long term listening experience. For me the ZAPpulse did not work out for the high and mid drivers (active system) because of the noise level. The noise of the UcD is far lower. If you have high efficiency drivers for high and mid I would not recommend the ZAPpulse. Even with my Vifa ringradiators I found their noise level too high.

Best regards

Hi Gertjan,

I remember reading awhile back something about BG caps taking a looong time to burn in, something like 60+ hours before they really started to shine.

When you experimented with them did you burn them in?

Just wondered since you said they weren't in use for long. Maybe you could run them on a dummy load for awhile and re test?

Hi Gertjan,
Thanks for the reply. I've got a friend who has a Zappulse I might have to try out when my speakers are complete. There was a slightly annoying noise I noticed the last time I've heard that, but I'm reserving judgement for now.

Has anyone got any feedback based on the other amps I mentioned (thanks to those who already contributed :D )?

Also, does anyone have any ideas concerning the transformers and whether the capacitance I had planned would be fine?

I've got Black Gates on my Gainclone, and on the M-Audio Revolution in my HTPC. They did take ages to run in, I've just been using them basically constantly until they came good.
Effect of different opamps

Hi Alain,

Thanks for the interesting report. Curious to know what you did not like about AD8620 (this is the opamp currently installed in my UcD180 modules).

Did you also try AD8620 with external supply, or did you only do that for AD826? Wondering what is the effect of an external supply on the sound of the opamps.

I have not had a chance to compare it with other opamps, and I am trying to decide which opamps to have installed in the next two UcD modules that I will order from Jan-Peter. If anybody else has had the chance to compare NE5532, AD8620 or any other opamps, I would be very interested in having some feedback.

Thanks and regards,

effect of power supply voltage


I have had the chance to change the transformer in a dual mono power supply for UcD180 from 2 X 18V sec to 2 X 30 V sec (all xfmrs are 225VA, encapsulated). From what I can hear, the difference at low listening levels is none (or small enough to be inaudible); at moderate to high levels the effect of having more power reserve seems to be that dynamic contrasts are enhanced. This might be related to the perception of music as more 'lively' with higher voltage supply. I think Matjans made a similar observation several posts back.

Apart from this effect on dynamics, no other difference. So I will probably use the higher voltage Xfmrs for frequencies below 500 Hz, and one of the lower votalge xfmrs for frequencies above 500 Hz, when I get around to build a second amp. This way I need to find a new home only for one xfmr...

classd4sure said:
Hi Gertjan,

I remember reading awhile back something about BG caps taking a looong time to burn in, something like 60+ hours before they really started to shine.

When you experimented with them did you burn them in?

Just wondered since you said they weren't in use for long. Maybe you could run them on a dummy load for awhile and re test?


No, I did not give them a chance to burn-in for a few hundred hours, also the UcD modules were not burned in. However, I don`t think the noise will become less so I decided based on that that I will not use the ZAPpulse for mid and high drivers.


justcallmefrank said:
Hi Gertjan,
Thanks for the reply. I've got a friend who has a Zappulse I might have to try out when my speakers are complete. There was a slightly annoying noise I noticed the last time I've heard that, but I'm reserving judgement for now.

Has anyone got any feedback based on the other amps I mentioned (thanks to those who already contributed :D )?

Also, does anyone have any ideas concerning the transformers and whether the capacitance I had planned would be fine?

I've got Black Gates on my Gainclone, and on the M-Audio Revolution in my HTPC. They did take ages to run in, I've just been using them basically constantly until they came good.

If you can try them before buying, that is the best thing to do, if you can live with the noise and find them good sounding and think they are worth the money, note they are significantly more expensive than the UcD modules that are extremely silent, then go for it. At least according to my ears, the sound of UcD and ZAPpulse is not dramatically different, that is on amps that are both not burnt in and on mid-end speakers (CDM9NT).

For what it is worth, there are others on this board that also have both ZAPpulse and UcD, so maybe you can get a few more reactions.

Hi Goliardo

On some records , the ad8620+UCD+no coupling caps seems a bit compressed in my system , especially in high midrange
I use the ad826 with its own power supply because in a CD player i modded , it has been a major improvement
today i will try the in-board regulated supply to compare

Re: Power supply for UcD180

chrisb03 said:
Hi, I'm a newby attempting to build an amp using two UcD180's. I was looking at this power supply. What do you think?



Hi Chris,

I think this supply looks good and is reasonably priced, maybe some users on this board have even used this supply. This supply may however be overkill (very large filterbank) but of course that won`t really hurt, you may want to consider to use a softstart circuit to avoid large start-up currents.

Best regards

Acryl UcD case

Hello all,

Someone on this board suggest to built the UcD180 modules in an acryl case. Although that was not my original plan, I just did that. I had a test setup on a 25x25cm aluminum plate. Then the other day I found an Acryl box in a DIY store that had exactly the same dimensions and a height of 10cm (after I had it sawn to that size :)). I just put that on top of the aluminum plate with the connectors mounted in the acryl box (kind of tricky). And than just taped the acryl box to the aluminum plate using cellotape.

In the final version I plan to use an aluminum case but at least this is a good temporary solution that is safe for the kids. I need to built one more since this amp will be used in an active system. So I need two of these.

See attached picture

Best regards



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