This is what Really Causes Heart Disease

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Note: Excessive use of garlic can cause bleeding problems in some people.

Particularly vampires.

Now getting this thread back on the topic...

I had mentioned earlier the issues which women have in diagnosing heart issues. This came int he weekly email from the Mayo Clinic:
Recognizing Heart Disease in Women - Heart Health - Everyday Health

we lost a very good friend, dear classmate from eons ago who misdiagnosed her heart attack and didn't pull through.

another on AFIB:
Atrial Fibrillation and High Blood Pressure: Know the Stroke Risk | Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Prevention | Everyday Health
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Note: Excessive use of garlic can cause bleeding problems in some people.

Some possible links of interest in relation to heart disease and garlic:
garlic as anticoagulant journal - Google Search

Very true. Garlic thins the blood. Must be stopped at least a week before going in for any surgery ! However it's a safer blood thinner than any alopathic tabs as it has no side effects. But as always, ANYTHING in excess is dangerous.

The amount of garlic in this mixture is limited. It's perfectly safe. BUT if you are on blood thinning tablets ( which I think everyone should get off !) check with your doctor if this amount of garlic, 3 cloves divided by nine servings ( 3 per day for 3 days ) is safe for you. That makes it 1/3 a clove each time. That is generally much less than what you consume in food . But if you worry about it , check with your doctor !
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So will this extend our lives ?

I might add something else that I was told long ago and heard several times over the years and have now come to believe in.....watching what's happened to a lot of people I "knew" !

I was told..." Your life span is determined on the day you are born ! Even the day you are born is pre determined !" So once you are born, you will expire after so many seconds ! You generally can't change that. But from more recent material I have come across, it appears that you could have some control over that though it's only small over the whole life span and it has to have a very good reason.
One day my mom who was 84 declared she was getting bored and tired every day . We chatted for a while and then she said It's enough. I've had enough. I don't want to get any older. I've seen everything in life and I've had enough. Half an hour later she started having breathing problems and in less than 48 hours she was dead ! She took no alopathic medication ( all those years !), and all her bodily parameters were perfect for the last 20 years ! Except for worn out knee bones she was perfectly fine ! Explain that ! The end was due to a severe heart attack ( at the hospital ) and she never ever had a heart problem before. She decided she wanted to die ...and she died !

All the exercise and healthy life style and "medicines" that we take will only ensure a happy healthy life till the last day or close to it. It will not 'extend' it !
We have a reason being born and have a very good reason for it to come to an end on this planet. You don't die ( never die !) . You just stop using your body and move on to another plane of existence.

So the ELIXIR could possibly help reduce 'problems' but will not 'extend' your life. Why would you want any more of it on this planet anyway ? It's much better on the other side ! Don't you see people with an NDE always say they very strongly didn't want to get back ?;)

PS: This is just my viewpoint on what life is all about. If anyone doesn't agree it's fine but don't come back and ask me to support my view point with 'evidence'. If it gets there just delete my post and don't look at it again. I'm not going to give more reasons or explain why etc. It's just my viewpoint and obviously many people have their own different ones and I respect that and will not question or argue with any of them !
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at 58 I follow this advice and I feel better

It is the inflammation of the arterial walls and the immune system response to it that results in the formation of arterial plaque that is the root of most heart disease.

As stated eating a diet of nearly pure saturated animal fat does not result in heart disease. The Eskimos and Intuits in Alaska have consumed mostly seal and whale fat for it's high caloric content for hundreds of years. Heart disease did not exist in their population until American processed foods were introduced.

The combination of sugar and Omega 6 fats are particularly bad for producing arterial plaque, although the combination of saturated animal fats and sugar may be almost as bad in some people.

In the quest for cheap foods with a long shelf life, two particularly toxic ingredients were invented. HFCS, high fructose corn syrup, and Trans - fats. Avoid both!

HFCS is a sugar compound that does not evoke the same insulin response as glucose. Therefore the sugar molecules spend more time in the bloodstream looking to cause trouble.

Trans - fats are a man made molecule created by subjecting corn oil (omega 6) to a process known as hydrogenation. I turns a liquid oil into a spreadable paste that we call margarine. Most trans fats are gone, but they have been replaced by new man made molecules with unknown health consequences.

I believe that this article is mostly correct. There are large economic forces at work protecting the status quo, especially big pharma's profits in statins, so change will be slow to adopt.
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Mixing the honey !

Recipe as I use it:

Put all this in a blender and beat it up completely till no pieces are left. Might take about 2 to 3 mins. Then sieve this or put into a cloth and squeeze out the juice. Add another 20 ml or so of water in the blender and collect the remaining mixture and sieve it also.

To this filtered mixture add 1/3 rd it's volume of honey.

It's probably understood but just to make it clear.
Add the honey to the sieved mixture in a glass bottle and shake it vigorously till the honey mixes well. This works very well. If the honey is very thick it will take longer for it to mix. Do not heat the solution very much with honey as the honey's properties get killed above 70 deg C I think. Up to 30 to 40 C might be OK. I have seen some honey bottles have very thick honey. I hope they are pure and not mixed with sweetening/thickening agents !
I don't have a problem as the honey is thick but flows when poured and the ambient is around 22 to 26 deg C.
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Excellent jumping off point, thanks, it seems garlic may only be a problem if on blood thinning medication

Not necessary. Some gut bacteria can turn it into poison.

Gut bacteria in proper balance is responsible for healthy digestion. Routine consumption of antibiotics disrupts this balance.

From ages antibiotics from this plant were used, that are more potent against some harmful bacteria than chemical ones:

Oregano - Wikipedia

This drink, like other fermented foods, can help to restore balance of gut bacteria:

Kefir - Wikipedia
Then ride on the shoulder of the highway and dare anybody to mess with you. I got bumped by a trailer cab last week and everybody behind saw it. Stayed upright. And then nobody gave me any more grief the rest of the way. Normally I'd have been buzzed at least 2 or 3 more times.

All too often I see on the local news another bicyclist side swiped with the offending automobile leaving the accident, often never to be prosecuted.

At least once a year it involves the death of the cyclist.

This is a very rural area with the largest city in 50 miles has a population of 66 thousand.

I was hit once head on by a car that failed to stop for a stop sign and cut a corner so sharp they went off the road into the gravel entering my lane at a very shallow angle.

I literally get panic attacks riding on a road when a car passes me.

I'll stick to the bicycle trail.
It's such a shame, I used to ride on the road and I sometimes still hanker to, I really have to stop myself now, I'm not prepared to take the risk. Many people here feel the same I think and many ride on the pavements, but as a pedestrian I've had cyclists whizz past me from behind with no kind of warning and now pedestrians are being killed by cyclists.
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