The Phonoclone and VSPS PCB Help Desk

The sound difference between PC one with X-reg and PC two with 78/7912 supply both with the same 50VA 12+12V Triad toroid was very small.

Get rid of the regulators. The X-reg, which is on board, is all you need. Send the rectified, unfiltered voltage to the boards directly. Then, redo all your tests.
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Get rid of the regulators. The X-reg, which is on board, is all you need. Send the rectified, unfiltered voltage to the boards directly. Then, redo all your tests.

Maybe i was not clear or i misunderstood your answer but I disabled X-reg on the second Phonoclone because I wanted to hear the difference between X-reg and 78/79xx regulation. So the 78/79xx are not in front of the X-reg.

@ Dimkasta, I removed the Mystic Mat and lowered the arm, first impression is that it solved the problem but for real critical listning I have to wait till it's after 0.00 o'clock then there will be much less distrurbing surrounding sound.
I am back at my original VTA and also the Mystic Mat is on the platter again. PC1 sounds realy mellow now. I am sure the harshness had to do with breaking in. I had to extend the PC1s supply wires to the outside of the case cause I could not implement a second XLR-inlet on the case for the second PSU. I think these extension wires needed a break in, can't think of anything else except for the ground wires, wich are the only wires connecting the left and right channel.
Further on I started to read this thread at page one, after reading the first 50 pages I got the impression I was reinventing the wheel with my tests as described above.....many of my findings were already written in the first 50 pages. Such as 12V supply sounds better as 15 V and ...... OPA627 sounds softer as OP27G.

Very interesting to hear your thoughts Ronald. Yes, there are many good ideas in the thread - its hard to find the info some times. I think the special "kit" offered by rjm prior to the x-reg is an excellent summary of the best parts for each position.

I have long wondered about a dual rail supply, fantastic to hear impressions from both side by side.

Damn... you both made me start reading again... :D

Ronald, about the second XLR socket, you can use a 6pin one. I just received mine to keep the psu cable a single one. Now I just have to find some nice 7wire olflex...

Yes i realized that but I did not want to wait with testing, now i have two 3-p XLR male connectors dangling outside the case.....

It is a nice read (but lenghty) how the Phonoclone did devellop till what it is today.



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I am back at my original VTA and also the Mystic Mat is on the platter again. PC1 sounds realy mellow now. I am sure the harshness had to do with breaking in. I had to extend the PC1s supply wires to the outside of the case cause I could not implement a second XLR-inlet on the case for the second PSU. I think these extension wires needed a break in, can't think of anything else except for the ground wires, wich are the only wires connecting the left and right channel.

Trying to do precision evaluations like this with vinyl is tough, but it does give you that extra dimension of flexibility: cartridge alignment can compensate for, or be adjusted with reference to, the phono preamplifier.

I'd have to doubt the break in of the wires as being the culprit here, but remember the coupling caps break in with hours played, not hours powered up, and need at least 100 of the former.


Joined 2004
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B-board testing with the Phonoclone

Spring break, I finally got a chance to look into how the B-board works buffering the phonoclone.

I did not have the B-board directly next to the Phonoclone, instead, I have it configured as a separate box running from its own power supply. There is 1m of interconnect cable from the Phonoclone to the B-board, as well as an extra coupling capacitor in front the B-board.

Because I'd be unlikely to hear any difference through the speakers, the B-board is hooked up to my Sapphire headphone amplifier, and I'm listening through HD-600 'phones.

I was comparing the Phonoclone directly connected to the Sapphire, vs. having the B-board, an extra 2m interconnect, and an extra coupling cap all in the signal path. I should like to point out that in this configuration the B-board cannot do anything useful: its too far away from the Phonoclone to help the output op amps, and there is no advantage to drive the input of the Sapphire with the B-board rather than the Phonoclone. I can only check to see how much all the extra componentry messes with the sound.

To find the answer strained my critical ear considerably. Put simply there isn't much difference, not much more than what you might reasonably expect from the extra cable and coupling capacitor. Like Ronald, I'm running into the basic variability of LP playback.

However, I could make out a difference. No B-board, the sound was slightly weaker and more distant, but at the same time more accurate in the delineation of the stereo image. Which is to say, more musical. Smaller, but more precise. The B-board seemed to accent the extremes of frequency and dynamics, an effect which seemed to magnify the recording - clicks and pops on the record surface, for example, were more distinct - and make it more more solid, but less well defined from the point of view of the stereo image. I couldn't "picture" it as easily.

The B-board tests fine, noise and distortion both below my ability to measure. I'd like to try a couple of tweaks though, just too see if the sound can be altered in any meaningful way. Also need to upgrade the coupling cap and get a decent second set of interconnects.

That s about what complaints I had from my friends when I switched to a passive attenuator replacing my preamps.
A bit more detail but less "body" on instruments. Good to hear that thre is no audible degradation with the board.
It seems like an interesting experiment. I think it s time for me to order some b-boards :) Richard ll send you a pm once I decide how many I will need

After a bit of research I found the Lehmann Black Cube Statement.

product page / review

Dual op amps, wall wart power supply. I expect the VSPS300 to sound better, but the Lehmann is more flexible, with MC and MM compatibility and different loading options.


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Hi Richard/everyone,

I'm considering buying a turntable again. So I started looking for a phono pre-amp. After a bit of research I found the Lehmann Black Cube Statement.

I was wondering if someone could tell me if the VSPS 300 is in the same league as the Black Cube or maybe better?

Dual op amps, wall wart power supply. I expect the VSPS300 to sound better, but the Lehmann is more flexible, with MC and MM compatibility and different loading options.

I haven't used the VSPS300 or Lehmann so cant comment directly, but the PC3 is shed loads better than the Dynavector P75 it replaced, and that is broadly similar in concept to the Lehmann