The most effective Gainclone upgrades

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Hi Leon,

ok since you have tried it without boosting the bass, and it works ok in that condition, list of few things might go wrong:

1. your 1500uF supply caps is broken.
2. some of the rectifier is broken/miss-wired.
3. the bass boost pull down your supply rail (your caps is only 1500uF, bass eats power very quickly).

and.......other possible problems.

what happened with your previous problem you mentioned ? about the pcb track burning, this might give some clue.

Hartono said:
Hi Leon,

ok since you have tried it without boosting the bass, and it works ok in that condition, list of few things might go wrong:

1. your 1500uF supply caps is broken.
2. some of the rectifier is broken/miss-wired.
3. the bass boost pull down your supply rail (your caps is only 1500uF, bass eats power very quickly).

and.......other possible problems.

what happened with your previous problem you mentioned ? about the pcb track burning, this might give some clue.


You're probably right Hartono, I started thinking too that something have gotten damaged by that first power surge after all... Well, I was going to place another order at Peter's shop anyway :p
Russ White said:
There is nothing to argue here. This is a simple matter of math/engineering and very simple to test. 1500uf is simply not enough, not that it won't work, and not that some folks might say it sounds better (for who knows what reason) but I can tell you flat out it measures terribly, and all things tangible say 1500uf on the rails will never a great amp make. :)

Those all are amps built with small caps, good the people who judged them where not engineers ;)

Links to reviews are on my website.


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Peter Daniel said:

Those all are amps built with small caps, good the people who judged them where not engineers ;)

Links to reviews are on my website.

No probably not, and there is no accounting for that type of review. :) Does not mean much to me when I can test the exact same circuit for myself and know it both sounds( to me ) and measures (to everyone) inferior to a chipamp with a decent supply.

Audiophile reviewers are a colorful bunch indeed, but in all I cannot take them very seriously. :) I think, listen, design, and decide for myself.

Hartono said:
"Low manufacturing cost?"

I like that one :D

it's simultaneous rail clipping of both channel.


Ah right, yikes... imagine a 4-6ohm load with just 1500uf...

Its amazing to see how much of the output signal is apparent on the rails with 1500uf, it is quite a lot.... And that can never be considered a "good" thing. At least if your aim is low distortion.

I bet IMD is also not great. But I cannot measure that here.

Russ, have you actually tested all the things that you say? I mean, do you have GC with sockets and have tested everything out on a real thing by swapping different parts?

The reason I'm asking is that your opinions are... how to put it... in (vast) minority compared to what I have read / heard so far from GC owners. Maybe there's simply something wrong with your amp too?
uncle_leon said:
Russ, have you actually tested all the things that you say? I mean, do you have GC with sockets and have tested everything out on a real thing by swapping different parts?

The reason I'm asking is that your opinions are... how to put it... in (vast) minority compared to what I have read / heard so far from GC owners. Maybe there's simply something wrong with your amp too?

Yes I have, and it is not difficult. :)

I started out with the same exact sort of amp you are building(but from BrianGT), and yes at the time I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread, but you live and learn. :)

I am sorry what I am saying does no jibe with your expectations, but the facts are facts.

Also, nobody has or will dispute my points, they are accurate.

My thoughts are not in the minority of engineers and astute audio junkies I can assure you (not that I am an engineer). What I am saying is common knowledge. In fact if you look around this forum for power supply threads I think you will find I am quite correct.

You are more likely to find much more accurate views on the subject in the other forums on this site such as the solid state and Pass forums. In fact there is a whole space for power supplies. They are not trivial.

Most of the arguments you are hearing are purely subjective. While I appreciate such views, I like a more analytical approach to design.

There are several good PS write ups on the web you can wibble for.

Keep your mind open by all means, but don't put the blinders on to good engineering just because somebody says you should not care. :)

I have no stake in your amp, and I have nothing to prove. I am just here trying to offer some good advice. At the end of the day I just sincerely hope your happy with your project.

Hartono said:
which SMPS ?

It's the Skynet 8080, or to be more exact four of them. 2 in series 2 in parrallel. This gives you 24v with good power available. NUUK reckons that 2 smps giving 12v is very good, I found that I needed the 24v to get a sound that delighted me. You have to make a small and very esy mod to the smps to produce these arrangements. It's nothing to be scared of and Decibel Dungeon gives clear instructions on how to do it.

I unfortunately have not tried a conventional torroid gainclone so I can't tell you if the SMPS is better or worse. What I can say is that to my ears it sounds very very good.
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