Tang Band W3-1335s 3" Titanium Cone Driver

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I have been using Tangband units since around
2000 and while I have not heard the new
Titanium ones I believe thay will go down to
around 150hz without self destructing and no porting.
I wonder if we can assume they have a set motor design
for the Neos and for the older shielded units.
Underhung baskets are their specialty in the
3&4 inch domain. I use 16 Tb 532S in a shaded
dipole array and TB517s units in 150mm spheres.
The 517 and 319 look identical IHMO; except the 517 gets a
wooden nose job before leaving the factory!
I purchased Gallo balls in 2000 and took them back to OZ.
They were cute and my Dentist bartered them for some
teeth work! The thing that amuses me is how all the
reviews do not mention exact figures except for the Gallo
Reference 3! MR G claims that he uses some patented method
of decoupling his drivers so they go LOW! In a OZ mag they said
that when opened the units contained sort of plastic straw
material like spagetti.
Why the new TB Ti and bamboo drivers cost so much more than
the old ones beats me as the cone materials are a small part
of the design. Maybe it is "we have arrived" syndrome
or the mark up at PE has jumped. Popular = exploitation?




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chuck55 said:
W3-1231SH looks nice but I don't see how anyone could listen to it with that 15dB peak from 12-20k.

Actually they are not too bad. Not as good as the Jordans but with the right design, bass extension is acceptable as stand alone in small rooms. Actually there is a dip around 10K~12K that is more significant than the peak 12K~20K.

johnnyb831 was talking about Gallo frequency specs.
This in relation to and including the( TB) titanium Gallo balls.
Maybe the Gallo specs are all about using the
walls to get the bass down to 70hz. Question is
at what industry recognised plus minus db value? Certainly
because of the small size and lack of cabinet
sides the back wall enhancement factor may be the reason
for the perception management statement in reviews.
Allison speakers seem to make a living and they are specifying placement again walls too. In the 6Moons article the "Magic spagetti technology" call S2tm is given some nice snake oil polish
so dont you dare try building these at home children !
Come on; someone must do some Clio tests on these things!

I tested my own TB units but the file is locked on a PC at present.
It was a while ago!
Funny, the OZ mag when reviewing Gallo balls did not show off the spagetti inside the Gallo. Was it legal threats or those heavenly long lunches when you meet the rep down on the key in Sydney harbour and you do not want to hurt his feelings?

Have it good



A bit off topic but at least the Orb Audio units have
response data for their Polycone "me to" (spagettiless)
design cousins. All on page 3 of this 4 page PDF!

Perhaps Sphere size counts!
The ORB1 -3db point is 170hz and -6db 144hz they say.
I know this is going slightly off-topic but I am curious to see if there are any other remarks or info anyone has about the XMax of a driver and its bass limitations.

I was initially very keen to get a hold of a pair of Lowther DX2s until I got the Xmax spec for the driver - 1 mm. No matter what cabinet I modeled with the Xmax was exceeded for freqs below 45-50 Hz at 1 watt! Ouch...

I was initially very keen to get a hold of a pair of Lowther DX2s until I got the Xmax spec for the driver - 1 mm. No matter what cabinet I modeled with the Xmax was exceeded for freqs below 45-50 Hz at 1 watt! Ouch...

I have quite a few pairs of Lowther drivers. I have also used a few different Fostex drivers. In a resonant enclosure like a TL, a BR, or a ML TL I do not believe a 1 mm Xmax is that big a limitation. If you are listening to sine waves then I would agree, but misuc is a complex waveform and having bass notes that require greater then 1 mm of travel does not necessarily cause 1 mm of travel, the amplitudes of the other frequencies will cancel and add tending to limit the peak low frequency motion.

I drive my Lowthers with a 200 watt SS amp and have played them quite loud on occassion without noticing any sign of strain or distortion. The PM6C and PM6A drivers produce significant bass for a full range driver due to the higher Qts and I have mmade them jump more then once with acosutic jazz. I have really pounded my Fostex FE-208E Sigma drivers at times with no harm or loss of quality in the music. With acoustic music I don't think a 1 mm Xmax is a real concern, with heavy metal I might think differently but I have never played this through my speakers so I can't really say for sure.
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