speaker cable myths and facts

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Hi Vacuphile

RE speaker cables as transmission lines.

I have observed the following experiment carried out which I believe proves that
speaker cables do act as transmission lines. A similar test was published by
Stereophile some years ago with the same results.

A signal comprising a 1Khz 1V square wave is applied to a typical length (3Meters)
of any speaker cable by any type of amplifier. The end of the cable is loaded by
a variable resistor.

First this resistor is set to be much larger than the cables nominal characteristic impedance and the waveform at the amplifier end is observed with a scope.

The leading edge of the square wave will be seen to be composed of a series of steps like a stair case. The time interval between each step corresponds to the time a reflection would take to arrive ie about 15nsecs for a 3 meter cable. The multiple
reflection die away at the rate you would expect given the amount of reflection
due to the mismatch at each end of the cable.

Now if the resistor is adjusted to match the nominal characteristic impedance
the steps disappear.

This behaviour proves for me that the cable is acting like a transmission line. I
would be interested if there is any other explanation.

Its an easy test to try to prove it for yourself.
Please, MaxTownshend, first, compensate your loudspekers motional and selfic impedance in order to get the flatest impedance you can. Second, change the position of the amortissment materiel in your inclosure (in the middle of each lengh, instead at on the panels), and mesure the changes. Then compare the sound difference..
Now, compare the ones of two different cables ?

Did you will continue working on cables magic ?
If this cable (as in Isolda) is terminated with an 8 ohm resistor, then the cable will appear to be purely resistive at frequencies above about 1 kHz.

No a match terminated system has a pure real impedance at all frequencies. Not enough loss angle at 5.6 milli-ohms/m to make much difference.

The resistance of the cable affects the impedance of the cable at lower frequencies, rising to about 60 ohms at 10 Hz for a cable with 5.6 milli-ohms per metre (again Isolda).

Please provide a reference to this. On the surface it makes no sense at all.

For a real speaker with impedance varying from say 4 ohms to 12 ohms below 1 kHz, the deviation from 8 ohms is minimal. Above 1 kHz, if the load impedance is set at (about) 8 ohms (connect a Zobel of 10 ohms in series with 0.022uF across speaker terminals), then the cable will look like 8 ohms in the critical region between 1kHz and 80kHz.

Now you're stabilizing the amplifier. If it sees 8 Ohms at an angle of 0 degrees why would it need a Zobel? The Zobel does nothing for the speaker/cable interface.

The rest of this is such nonsense it's not worth the effort, we go from matched impedances to "bouncing back and forth" signals with only 5% of each bounce transfered (where that number came from I would like to know). You obviously have something to sell.
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Use a Smith chart scaled to 8 Ohms. You couldn't make one big enough to see any of this. Same holds for .0005 wavelengths on a PC board.

Few speaker cables are 8R CI.

Many are way over 100R CI.

My point was more subtle though.

Somone asserted that "transmission line theory does not apply to short runs of cables".

That statement is patently wrong.

We may argue that at audio frequencies speaker cables are too short to exhibit transmission line behaviour at audio frequencies, however that is different to saying "it does not apply", in fact it illustrates that it does apply.

Ciao T
"The end of the cable is loaded by
a variable resistor".
"would take to arrive ie about 15nsecs for a 3 meter cable."
1- Does not this variable resistor load change the behavior of the amplifier ?
2- Agree, but do not agree it has, at the involved frequencies, a so noticeable auditive impact ;-).
Least than hundreds of others factors in your amplifier or loudspeakers design, situated in the audio frequencies range. You better look-at them first, don't you agree?.
Some can be afraid looking to the class D signals. The same can love how some of them sounds.
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A signal comprising a 1Khz 1V square wave is applied to a typical length (3Meters)
of any speaker cable by any type of amplifier. The end of the cable is loaded by
a variable resistor.

Please find me "any type amplifier" that will put clean 15ns edges on a 1kHz square wave. And a low resistance pot that's good to 70MHz.

BTW the total distance is 30ns travel out and back.
My post was to describe an experiment that shows that speaker cables
act as transmission lines to debunk one of the "myths" as Thorsten said.
15ns is indeed a short time but the reflections continue for a considerable
time. If we can get the fact established re transmission lines then we
can move on to whether the reflections can cause sonic differences
dont you think.
Somone asserted that "transmission line theory does not apply to short runs of cables".

That statement is patently wrong.

We may argue that at audio frequencies speaker cables are too short to exhibit transmission line behaviour at audio frequencies, however that is different to saying "it does not apply", in fact it illustrates that it does apply.

Ciao T

It is a fact that at audio frequencies speaker cables are too short to exhibit transmission line behaviour. Just as it is a fact that chlorofyl is green.
Therefore: Transmission line theory does not apply to the speaker cables that I use.
Zeta, i can confirm your assertion, made some experiments on this long time ago.
I decided to forget about that at the same time i had stopped to look in a microscope the result of the work of my home vaccum cleaner.
I remember, in the research and development office i was working in 40years ago, we had reduced by a factor of 10 the distortion of our amplifier only by changing the design of our printed board (symmetry of the output stage , point where the CR was took).
I prefer to work on that kind of thinks than on the sonic differences between gold, coper and silver ;-)
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Sorry not to make it clear. Considerable time meant the time for over 100 reflections in the experiment I witnessed. This is from memory so its not exact. It showed that there were multiple reflections which could affect the sound (or not).

Again why doesnt someone else try it? Surely its worth doing to prove once
and for all the transmission line behaviour. I could (and probably will) repeat
the experiment for myself but somehow I doubt that even then I will be believed.

Few speaker cables are 8R CI.

Many are way over 100R CI.

My point was more subtle though.

Somone asserted that "transmission line theory does not apply to short runs of cables".

That statement is patently wrong.

We may argue that at audio frequencies speaker cables are too short to exhibit transmission line behaviour at audio frequencies, however that is different to saying "it does not apply", in fact it illustrates that it does apply.

Ciao T

On the contrary, the transmission line theory always applies, and if you are careful enough to model the losses vs frequency you would get pretty good results.

Let's up the ante, and say S parameter analysis also applies. So if you had the speakers audio frequency S parameters and placed your 8 Ohm line model in there you have no choice but to use the tiny fractional wavelengths. Now substitute the lumped R/L/C and plot the difference.

Speaker parameters are unfortunately not stationary with power level and I'll bet that makes more of a difference.

Do I understand you correct that you tried this experiment and came to the
same conclusions ? Good we can move on.

Your opinion is that the reflections shown are too small to bother about. OK
we can now discuss this. This is where I came in with the difference test.
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