Spawn of Frugel-Horn

Joined 2001
Paid Member
I finally got some time to get Harvey Plans bashed into shape....

As well, Scott did up a Spawn BVR for the Lyeco LY802

I am still working on polishing up Iris & Bruce plans (both of which i have drivers for), and Scott is working thru the 3 long=path Nagoka-style stepped horns -- Mikasa, Hiro, & Sachico (they will be a bit taller yet again)

And if i haven't mentioned it, the Spawn Family will be residing -- along with the Frugel-Horn, the RonHorns, the Dalek, and Metronome -- at a new home on the web The site is under heavy development and should go live soon.

I finally got some time to get Harvey Plans bashed into shape....

Any word on the Long-Harvey plans being finalized? You noted that the Long-Harvey has a different frequency response than than Harvey earlier (extending higher) - do you have a curve you could post?

I worried about the WAF of such a tall cab. Is it possible to double the width and only build one half of the horn?
Kind of. Long path Harvey is named 'Mikasa'. The cabinet design is in the final tweaking stages, which smooth the response in the 100 - 300Hz region in particular. The predicted response of the first version (before these adjustments were made) is shown below.

Yes, theoretically you could make it into a single horn, but the objective was for double horns, so I've designed them with this in mind. They should look quite attractive though. ;)


  • mikasa spls.gif
    mikasa spls.gif
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Good question. Anywhere you like is the quick answer! I used a couple of binding posts (I hate trays) drilled about 6in down the lower line, and brought the internal wire out through the throat, and down. Worked fine. Wire was a single pair of 24AWG conductors exraced from a run of Cat5. But you could put the binding posts anywere you fancy really -even out the side if you felt so inclined.

Let us know how you get on
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Scottmoose said:
(I hate trays)

I'm not a big fan. But in a situation where you can't get at the posts inside the box to solder them, you have to have removable posts/plate/cup just to be able to hook the speaker up. We went as far as getting our own removeable wooden plates CNCed, but it was too much hassle & way to much expense, so we are back to using cups where we have to.

Once the Frugal-horn page is live, all the designs will have their 1/2 space FR plots etc., with them for reference purposes. The FR plots for the first pass design of Harvey are on the first page of this thread. However, the cabinet has been considerably tweaked since then, with a smoother midrange and better extension, so it's only useful as a general guide. We're actually working some further refinements at present into them, hopefully with curved mouths etc.

Yes, there was a sim of Bruce with the FR8, ut I've no idea where. It seemed to work passably.

BTW: I checked Harvey with the CSS FR125 and it's fine. A few tweaks to the throat CSA improve it still further.