Something to lighten the mood

It’s official, folks.


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...I miss my old Centronix printer cables...
I miss my old Centronix printer. Sure, it weighed half a ton, and it was upper-case only, and I paid like THREE HUNDRED BUCKS for it in 1980, but it was a printer! In my house! What a concept.

It was easy enough to wire to a parallel port on my SD Systems Z80 Starter Kit. But when I upgraded to a Commodore 64, I had to buy this little DIN-to-Cen parallel adapter dongle. It didn't work. After much head scratching, I figured out that the dongle was sending the LF before the CR, or maybe vice versa, can't remember; whichever the sequence, it was not what the printer wanted to see. Of course the printer logic was all discrete TTL stuff, so I just fly-wired the output of the LF decoder to the CR driver, and vice-versa. Problem solved, heh. We sure can't do stuff like that anymore.
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Yeah, I thought so too.

While I was gone, I got my first check from Social Security... I guess I'll have to return it.

The biggest problem now is my wife retired. She has that nice 77" LG OLED in the den and she has a habit of watching it.... so I can't quite play the stereo in the living room. Before she was working in her home office and that meant I could play about 2 hours of music in the living room daily.

Honestly, I don't know why I did it... but the job is interesting and I'm an expert at it.

My kind of people... this was on the fridge in the coffee room at the office..
Well now that the toilet paper issue is finally settled and we have our basic engineering toolkit established, perhaps it’s time we delve into proper tool use. A recent excursion into the realm of home improvement has reminded me of the old saying, “When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail!”


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