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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Sit-3 is for Sissies


Pascal - that's simple ; in exact case , Papa didnt saw any need to linearise xformer's transfer characteristic , contrary to , say , Edcor in M2

so , driven with that generator ( complementary JFet buffer) and loaded with that load ( biasing circuit of OS ) , there is no need for altering transfer characteristic of Cinemag xformer
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
@ Miko

you have good eyes ..... and fast m......outh :rofl:

how you can tell ...... maybe only counting on Papa's honesty and integrity - to always place all parts on top of pcbs , and not hide parts in schematic ........ :clown:

anyhow , that resistor ( or RC) is trivial thingie for Pa , certainly not worthy of playing games with industrial espionage agents

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