Show us the most beautiful speakers you've ever seen... I'll start

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Never heard them but from an elegance perspective, it's hard to beat the MBL's.


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    Screen Shot 2014-08-06 at 6.49.17 AM.png
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Did you refinish those radios? Outstanding job!

No, they are exactly as found. I removed the original baffle boards, speakers, wavemagnets (antenna) and grill cloth and stored it all. One of the radios was in working condition when we got it.

I'm sure we have all had WAF issues with speakers, especially DIY speakers. Sherri and I were wandering through an antique flea market about 200 miles from home when she spotted one of the radios. She said, "those are pretty, why can't you make speakers like those." The light bulb went on, and I bought the radio. When we got home I set out to look for another radio that would make a good match for that one. I thought the chances of finding an exact match were zero. I searched Ebay and found an exact match about 10 miles from home. I made arrangements to see it and the guy had it playing when I got there. I didn't tell him what we had in mind.

We have a non matching Magnavox console radio/record player that may become a subwoofer or a wine cabinet if the sub thing doesn't work out. I think the Maggie will be too hard to seal so the sub will be in it's own box inside the radio cabinet.
And the funny thing is the MBL's are no where near the most expensive speaker out there, just what I think is the prettiest. Talk about WAF.

gee, ask a group of wives, and don't be surprised at the lack of consensus - let's take a vote net Friday night, over some BBQ salmon and glass of chardonnay - hell why not flout convention and make that an Argentine Malbec, my treat
gee, ask a group of wives, and don't be surprised at the lack of consensus
Not correct. They emphatically agree that men are wrong. All of us. 40 something years of marriage should have taught you that.

What's that? You weren't listening either? hehe.

Still, the MBL's would be highest or near the top of the list of 'acceptable' speakers methinks.
Not correct. They emphatically agree that men are wrong. All of us. 40 something years of marriage should have taught you that.

What's that? You weren't listening either? hehe.

Still, the MBL's would be highest on the list of 'acceptable' speakers methinks.

We were talking about speakers, pal - the sooner we can agree on the other (took me only 2yrs in) , the more likely we are to avoid first person participation in the "divorced" thread .

As for the MBLs, as a piece of art/scultpure, production engineering, not unlike a Lamborghini Venero, yes they are quite spectacular, but I'd bet my wizened manhood that I know the name of one member of the WAF club* who would disagree with your assessment.

* do they have secret meetings, or just communicate telepathically?
hi Retrovert - regarding the Karlson gold grill cloth = no luck -found a hideous gold Wurlitzer jukebox cloth which would muffle a subwoofer.

speaking of subwoofers, thejessman just made this little sub for me and along with lock miter joints, its probably pretty enough to post in this thread'

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