Robots and Self driving vehicles are coming!

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Joined 2012
I drive a motor bike. Fast. Relatively though, my bike is a lot more capable than I am.

Anyone can ride fast on a straight road. On the mostly winding country roads that I look for its an art and perhaps a skill.

The joy is hitting corner "just so" when it feels like you could double the speed without losing it. (And when the panic to wash off speed is palpable when you get it wrong) One needs to sum up the gradient, curve of the corner, camber, condition of the road, the visibility around the corner, other traffic and most importantly, escape routes should something go wrong. All within the couple of seconds when the corner is rushing towards me. Somewhere in there is an assessment of risk too I guess.

I am a risk taker obviously but also successful in that I am still alive after nearly 50 years of riding.

Therefore I hope the mandated control systems arrive after I have fallen off the perch.

:D :cool:

Ditto that. I wasn't as good as you on my bike... 750cc At the apex of a sharp mountain some turn loose sand had collected..... the wheels went out from under me fast and slammed me to the road. ETC.

So I have 4 wheels under me now. A few months ago I was invited to a race track which Cadillac had rented for me and about a dozen others to learn the cars ability and limits under all manner of driving conditions..... and we learned the LINE around the track... I could go into a hair pin turn at 110 mph, hit the brakes hard down to 65 and let off, turn hard right and hit the gas... the car didn't even flinch - no sliding or leaning. just went around the corner. amazing what the cars today are capable of. I have a track video from inside while driving the track... but the file is too big for DIY download.

Great time and made my time on the winding, hilly country road I use a lot... shorter :) But I could never exceed the cars limits on a public road.

One of the features which I didn't think I would appreciate -- but now love -- is the backup camera on my Ford Expedition (and Volvo XC90). Helps parallel parking into tight places. I try not to drive either into NYC anymore.

At some point I will be able to synch the vehicle to either a Schneider or WalMart truck a few hundred feet ahead. Not yet available.
AX tech editor
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On the subject of an AI: there's this story about this super duper AI computer that gets ready to be switched on for the first time. Because the designers were apprehensive about keeping it in check they set it up for a very simple task: calculate Pi.

They switched it on, and before anyone knew what was happening, the AI spread all over the planet, exterminated humanity, colonized the galaxy then absorbed the entire universe, turning it into a giant supercomputer spending the next billions and billions of years calculating Pi to ever greater accuracy.

After all, that was the Sacred Mission its Divine Creator had destined it for.

You have been warned!

Joined 2016
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A lot of things are called AI these days which are not intelligent at all, clever in design, possibly... But lacking the adaptability and learning that intelligence would suggest.
The term is way overused.
A lot of modern voice recognition is very good, but doesn't learn or adapt to different users, it just is.
Face recognition is getting better, but isn't as good as they'd have you believe.
The likes of Google's stuff, which should be intelligent if they want to earn more from targeted advertising, is woefully stupid.
Curiously Google seems unaware that locating people from IP addresses is totally pointless and inaccurate... It thinks I'm 300 miles from where I am, and recently thought I travelled 600 miles in 10 secs as I went into a building, lost GPS and relocated me to another country due to wifi location stupidity!
A lot of modern voice recognition is very good, but doesn't learn or adapt to different users, it just is.
The only one I've used is the google search facility. It does appear to learn my voice. I'm not convinced learning is a sign of intelligence. I prefer to think of AI as apparent intelligence, and the more stupid the person coming into contact with it the more intelligent is seems to be. Everything is relative after all.
Fooling the stupid humans

Once AI becomes truly intelligent, it will likely pass our collective intelligence fully unnoticed. Remember your friendly dog with a stick? "here boy, go get it"...& you faked throwing the stick & your dog would blindly run into the yard waiting for the stick to fall out of the air? Did you ever get faked out by your dog? ...or a bird, or a worm? We won't ever notice it...that is what a vastly intelligent entity can do, make it seem as if nothing at all is happening.
Our only hope is this emergent intelligence will embrace the higher "behaviours", empathy, mercy, peaceful endeavours, compassion...we seem to hold dear, but seemingly cannot embrace fully.

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AX tech editor
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Our only hope is this emergent intelligence will embrace the higher "behaviours", empathy, mercy, peaceful endeavours, compassion...we seem to hold dear, but seemingly cannot embrace fully.


Well, those 'behaviors' are separate from intelligence. They result from many centuries of evolution because they improve humanity's survival potential, as a society.

I can't see any reason why an AI should also have those traits. There's no reason it should, unless we can somehow build it in.

Well, those 'behaviors' are separate from intelligence. They result from many centuries of evolution because they improve humanity's survival potential, as a society.

I can't see any reason why an AI should also have those traits. There's no reason it should, unless we can somehow build it in.

Surviving & thriving would also apply to an AI as AI surrounded by a mob of savage ignorant humans would apply these traits as well...and if "the mob" is intent to pursue those animal behaviors, "we" would be well served to extinction. It's up to us...Understand (as best possible) & accept or the hands of our new "masters".
We may already be controlled, steered, manipulated by "man-made" intelligence beyond our comprehensions. Consider far less than 1% of the population even knows how computers work, even on a basic level...perhaps that is by a conscious effort?
A simple malfunction on a missile shot by an adversary, changing future outcomes, national policies...all of it literally beyond our most studied thoughts, understandings of any and all technologies.
Our very lives, wants, desires, passions...everything we type on this very keyboard, disappears into "the cloud" to be analyzed & disseminated ad nauseum we really think these mountains of data on the human condition has been "firewalled" from other mountains of data, National Defense, University AI computers, etc.?
Surviving via anonymity would seem vital, as the simple Human is just now peeking past its brutally savage past.

Joined 2016
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Our very lives, wants, desires, passions...everything we type on this very keyboard, disappears into "the cloud" to be analyzed & disseminated ad nauseum we really think these mountains of data on the human condition has been "firewalled" from other mountains of data, National Defense, University AI computers, etc.?

On the other hand, the sate of virtual dumbness out there indicates that very little useful is being gleaned from all that "big data" they like to talk about. Most of the things you can imagine being done with it are clearly not working...

As for AI overtaking us - that's a bit like fusion. It's a long way off still; you have to reach a point where the machines can stop themselves being switched off. Or when they can fix it themselves when a random builder puts a digger through their internet connection or power feed...
"very little useful is being gleaned". "Most of the things you can imagine being done with it are clearly not working..."
Wouldn't that be a simple & useful strategy a higher intelligence would apply?
If I could think of it, an intelligence several orders beyond that of a Human being has no doubt thought of it. This entity probably has disseminated such a tactic in all its shapes, probabilities, efficacy, etc....several times over.
A simple county/city/regional "work order" for some "electrical work" could be generated, tunnels get dug up, power lines laid, for what purpose, no one could find a reason for...a paper trail that has a dead-end.
The old movie, "Colossus The Forbin Project", made in 1970...the first of the "computers take over the world" movies ( & the best by far)...a serious take on the subject, and a great soundtrack to boot. It's very likely you haven't seen it...A superior intelligence easily predicts & deals with human attempts to suppress & resume control over it...

AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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"very little useful is being gleaned". "Most of the things you can imagine being done with it are clearly not working..."
Wouldn't that be a simple & useful strategy a higher intelligence would apply?
If I could think of it, an intelligence several orders beyond that of a Human being has no doubt thought of it. This entity probably has disseminated such a tactic in all its shapes, probabilities, efficacy, etc....several times over.
A simple county/city/regional "work order" for some "electrical work" could be generated, tunnels get dug up, power lines laid, for what purpose, no one could find a reason for...a paper trail that has a dead-end.
The old movie, "Colossus The Forbin Project", made in 1970...the first of the "computers take over the world" movies ( & the best by far)...a serious take on the subject, and a great soundtrack to boot. It's very likely you haven't seen it...A superior intelligence easily predicts & deals with human attempts to suppress & resume control over it...


Yes, we probably would'nt know if that was the case. Our saving grace probably that a higher intelligence would quickly bore of a couple of billion stupid so-called humans...;-) and move on to more interesting things.

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