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The first one, which I assume it the ROAR given its funky response curve shows about 3db more output, so basically the same as 2 of the other units. However, the second ones look like they go pretty deep and would slot straight in with no mucking about (EQ)

Ultimately, this is why i went for the ROAR because they do provide a great amount of output i.e. about the same as 2.5 of my compact cabs with the same driver. I wanted to double my output without having to buy another 6 drivers and building 6 more smaller cabs. Building 4 ROARS did exactly that job. But, it comes at the expensive of a more narrow useable band. If you are crossing at 100, 110 anyway then it doesn't matter. You may need a bit of EQ to tame the 90hz bump (this is where it is with my driver, doesnt look like that on your one). This is basically what paraflex cabs do. provide great output but the trade off is a more narrow band, and some EQing.
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What drivers you used for your cabs,With what Amps you will power your rig?
As a side note.
What's the difference between the roar15 and the tham15, freqwise
Assuming that was for me. Faital Pro 15HP1060. Soundgear saturn 10 amps (4 * 2500 watts rms into 4 ohms). I'm currently running a stack off one amp, so it does 2 subs, 2 mids, and then the other 2 channels are dedicated to the coaxial CD. A lot of wasted power but it means each amp is happily running it's entire stack off a 13 amp socket.
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Assuming that was for me. Faital Pro 15HP1060. Soundgear saturn 10 amps (4 * 2500 watts rms into 4 ohms). I'm currently running a stack off one amp, so it does 2 subs, 2 mids, and then the other 2 channels are dedicated to the coaxial CD. A lot of wasted power but it means each amp is happily running it's entire stack off a 13 amp socket.
Hey Damo , nice setup, so you stack 2 roars per side right?
Have you tried to stack em all 4 over one side?

Btw, I wonder how 4 per side will sound !!!
(8 total)
A lot of what I've seen described as a Paraflex enclosure is really either a compound quarter-wave line like the Wave Cannon (covered in the Bose Acoustic Waveguide patent), with the terminus of both lines combined at the same exit, and maybe an expansion taper also, or else a Transflex-style quarter-wave line with a decoupling chamber between the rear side of the driver and the exit of the quarter-wave line. There's a lot of self-congratulation by the Paraflex guys but I don't think it's as stupendously novel as they make it out to be. I once promoted a mass-loaded tapped horn concept and even built a prototype with a friend that worked decently, but it was just a JBL Air Coupler with an expansion taper; efficient over an even narrower range than a normal tapped horn.

My hot take: A better mark is made on the DIY community by just developing an optimal design for a common use case, using all of the tricks that are known, rather than trying to 'invent' the most novel design.
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Matthew Morgan hasn’t even listened to, or built a paraflex design he describes to the internet …. ( I think he has a pair of cheap Chinese drivers in someone else tupe C to be fair).

It’s unfortunately a big hype for a lack luster bottom end in a BIG cabinet thats annoyingly Full of HF resonances instead .

your idea sounds much more ‘subwoofer’ 👍🏼


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People will obviously have an opinion on whether paraflex is good / bad / rebranded tech. does it really matter? Build some and enjoy, or dont. it is the result that matter. All I know is I am more than happy with my ROAR15s on many levels (size v output v portability v cost) and am very glad I went with this design.
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