Resurrecting a Crown DC300A

anatech said:
Hi thermal runaway,
What out for "thermal runaway" when you first power it up. :D Let's hope you don't experience that actually.

Shawn did an amazing job on his amplifier. It was well worth the effort in my view.

Thank You. Your opinion is in very high regard!

thermal runaway said:
Mebe it will start a new cult in rebuilt or even customised DC300A's !!

I think my intentions amoung many others like ACD & Anatech prove there is an interest to rebuild the boards for the DC300's. I find it very time consuming to work on such projects so they must wait in turn. I wish I could play with amps and speakers all day long...but I got to pay the bills.

Cheers to all the DC300 dreamers & believers!

crowning glory!

Hi guys,

sorry i have been a bit busy with a family beveavement and lots of work, hope all is well shawn and the crown is working well...

just a thought , does anyone have a complete dc300a transformer? Im in the uk, so that would be favourable!

Its for an unstarted project! lol......

keep well guys!

Hi Karl and folks,

I managed to pick up the last DC300A for $75 so I guess if you hunt them down on eBay you may be able to find the entire amp in bad condition for a similar price? So far I just have the two units but no spare parts.

The rebuild has been tweaked a little further on the A channel but I have not recalibrated and tested. It has been in stoage for a few months but that will change soon.

I found an industrial work space in an old factory/loft building and I plan to set up a full test bench and build area. I just signed a lease agreement today and I'm waiting for final approval. I've invested $$ in some new test gear over the winter and I can't wait to get it all set up.

Jan, the fall would be a very good time to settle back into a DC300A PCB project. Sounds like there is alot of fun just around the corner. :)


anatech said:
I have found that everything you buy on Ebay is defective in some way. -Chris

Sounds like words of wisdom to me. eBay is great but you must prepare yourself for that unknown something. I have been fairly lucky with my eBay purchases thus far.

I purchased a brand new dual adjustable 10Amp power supply a month ago. It was NOT from eBay. ;) I have some other goodies too and in a little while I should be back in the grove with much better results from my DIY efforts. I'm very excited about the studio space. I'm certain I'll have some pictures when it starts functioning.


ebay..... the final frontier!

well guys,

I approach ebay with a different attitude, I assume everything is defective! I have bought a few bits of test equipment, and on the whole, been fairly lucky i guess......

I once bought an amp on ebay, and when it arrived "damaged" it turned out to be a totally different model form the amp originally pictured on ebay!

So yeah its a strange world.....

A few of us are honest enough.....

Best of luck shawn with your project, wish i was part of it !

If I get down with this thing, I will take the entire thing apart and rebuild the boards, wiring, power supply...the whole thing. Could be a good fall winter project too. Sandblast the heat sinks and the bell on the XFMR. Make her new again. I might pull it apart tomorrow? I'll need a few boxes and a bunch of glad zip lock bags and label all of it. Take a bunch of pictures...bla bla could be fun.



if you have not trashed it let me know i might want it...
Craig 561 441 4714
This has been one of the best reads I've come across for a very long time.
To any vintage Crown owners, it is very highly recommended that you start from the start, and don't stop 'till you're finished....
Full credit to TomWaits (aka Shawn). You're an absolute inspiration.
I thank you most sincerely.

George. ;)
Parts Info

Hi Shawn,
I can see it has been several years since the last post on this subject and don't even know if you are still participating on this site. I loved the whole article on the Crown DC300A. My question is do you still have a site dedicated to this project ? Also I am currently repairing a DC300A and can't find a source for the 25uf 15 VNP caps. I see from your pics that you seem to have found the non-polarized caps. If you remember could you let me know where you found them. If you don't have a current site is their any way to get a list of parts and substitutes you used for your project and how you set the bias and offsets etc.

I have given the amp to a friend. I should check in and see if he still has it? I have strewn all matter of equipment everywhere and have difficulty keeping tabs on it. As a hobbyist and listener I build and repair. It accumulates and I lend it out or give it away.

Perhaps I get it back and tune it up...
I never did give the DC300 was a loaner. I'll send buddy a message on face thing and see if I can get the boat anchor back. I go to work in the grind then spend spare time tinkering. I haven't been on the streets in years but I always have a toe in some kind of trouble...ha ha...
35 years ago, I learned about dried-out 7 year-old electrolytics causing major problems in 7 control-rooms of a big refinery.... change every one without question. Measure all resistors in-circuit, checking for cracks or open ones. Open and clean inside volume control tracks & re-assemble accurately. Remelt joints, suck away dry-joints and apply new 63/37 rosin-flux solder. (If any Germanium transistors anywhere, expect reverse leakage = defective).