Presenting the Trynergy - a full range tractrix synergy.

I have found a way to make a heavy flare, just cutted mdf sheet.

I did saw every 1 cm, I can do also 2 cm, for here part of 1 cm and part 2 cm cutting.

glue in it and it is strong, best I can do two sheets 1 cm sawing in and glue on each other.




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I have done search some wood who can be used for bend the horn flare, I have found 3 mm plywood who bent nicely, use glassfiber glu to make a nice heavy bend. like Rectavit Structan.

It looks very nice, it is not ready glued but just test with some bolds.



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Your bendy MDF was looking good, why switch to 3mm plywood now? It looks good though.

MDF get water in after time and break, the box who has the mdf bent was not mine but saw it on the internet.

This version I did post now is 3 mm bendable plywood, I go glu four on each other to make ad thick plywood horn flare, I go use a molt for it.

It looks also very nice, and mdf has less audio properties also.

I have to remake the upper and lower conic parts because I did not use a extra 5 a 10 mm and so corners do break, I make a precision molt and cnc the parts from it with a copy routing bit.

I did try some things in akabak, but why the woofer is so low efficient in this horn? a gain of 3.5 is needed for 96 dB output, when set on gain is 0 I get at best 87 a 91 dB even with a 99.8 dB watt woofer, so I get losses, maybe you now why this is.

Th wideband go 108 dB watt, and so this works fine, I have seen that also the normal synergy is also independent of the woofer efficienty because also these are not hornloaded.

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There is no gain on the woofer - the horn is too short to effect gain in the 100Hz range. You would need at least a 1 meter long horn to get any semblance of horn-gain for 100Hz, more like 1.5m for an expanding (flared tractrix) mouth horn. The woofers ports are simply there to make it all a virtual point source for the higher frequencies (circa 400Hz or 500Hz where the XO is). So to get the 96dB, you need lots of woofers in series-parallel. Notice how Danley has typically qnty 4 woofers? Use a pro audio woofer with 8ohm 91dB and in series parallel, you get +6dB at same voltage so 97dB net.
There is no gain on the woofer - the horn is too short to effect gain in the 100Hz range. You would need at least a 1 meter long horn to get any semblance of horn-gain for 100Hz, more like 1.5m for an expanding (flared tractrix) mouth horn. The woofers ports are simply there to make it all a virtual point source for the higher frequencies (circa 400Hz or 500Hz where the XO is). So to get the 96dB, you need lots of woofers in series-parallel. Notice how Danley has typically qnty 4 woofers? Use a pro audio woofer with 8ohm 91dB and in series parallel, you get +6dB at same voltage so 97dB net.

Afcourse it is not needed to get that loud, but I did saw these problems also with the synergie that is why I did ask you.

the system I go use is a tapped horn with this horn, but maybe a a sub without tapped horn who go more width like 150 Hz can be used, or I do make a 1.5 meter long one some day for test.

I have now work with these, I have to get back to wood store, she did saw the wood wrong this guy is not so precise, build some day a big cnc table and do it myself.:D

Danley do use four mids and two bas most of the time, but these are for PA outside.
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I expect (not swear) to measure ~tomorrow.
2380 throat is questionable and Paudio clone cost of one horn is about two 3fe drivers..
I'm planning to try some ~10" wide 1" throat cheap and not using horns I having, may be with cutting throat.
Directivity control will be lost at higer frequences - let it be)). At xover freq. both LF and HF will be about omni.. With cheap 10-12" woofer..
Well, stop dreaming :D . I don't know will this work low enough or not..
Nice plans very interesting, could be very practical and fun if dreaming ends up to work :D.
Good inspiration to use P.Audio stuff they have very attracting price level on their horns, at present i only have a original 2370-2426H combination, not shure i like cutting into that one :).
I can remain in this welcoming tread :) .

No rear chamber but drivers back closed with old sweaters.
Measurements with closed\open back is practically the same (horn is in free space in the middle of room).
But in corner placement backside must be closed.
I dislike the sound at first minutes while closed back)).
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