Power cords and plugs (split from Beyond Ariel)

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I have no idea who those ‘most audiophiles’ are.
Do you have any proof you wish to present to me?
I hear what I hear. What I hear isn’t right as it isn’t wrong – it’s just what I hear.

What is it that upsets you concerning power cords?
I have no intent to prove anything to you. Why don't you ask for information about why your equipment sounds the way it does before you buy it?

If you really want to know, you could at least get the information of the products you have bought, and maybe some productive discussion can proceed.

For power cords, please provide the following information:
Material, material content and ratio of each kind of material used in conductor and insulation.
Structure, show structure illustration, conductor cross section area, number of strands used, gauge of each conductor in the strand. Other questions may occur depending on type of structure shown in the illustration.
To what safety rules was the cord certified?
Any other data you may have.

I have already explained the basics, it seems that you do not understand enough to ask deeper questions, so unless you cam provide some information about the products you are talking about, it makes no sense for us to waste time trying to satisfy you.
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As a person who doesn’t accept anything without valid scientific proofs, please prove (even only to yourself) that my subjective impressions are mere beliefs, not real.

The burden of proof is always on the claim, never on the doubter. How could it be any other way. You claim, I doubt - it is for you do make the proof not me.

You can say that you do not need to prove anything to me, and that's true, but that's also the way to a fool's paradise.
I have no intent to prove anything to you. Why don't you ask for information about why your equipment sounds the way it does before you buy it?

If you really want to know, you could at least get the information of the products you have bought, and maybe some productive discussion can proceed.

For power cords, please provide the following information:
Material, material content and ratio of each kind of material used in conductor and insulation.
Structure, show structure illustration, conductor cross section area, number of strands used, gauge of each conductor in the strand. Other questions may occur depending on type of structure shown in the illustration.
To what safety rules was the cord certified?
Any other data you may have.

I have already explained the basics, it seems that you do not understand enough to ask deeper questions, so unless you cam provide some information about the products you are talking about, it makes no sense for us to waste time trying to satisfy you.

The power cords I assembly are as follows:
Power cables made by Neotech, cut to length. Plugs (power male and IEC female) made by Oyaide. Plugs attached to the cable at both ends and that’s it.

I tried different cables and different plugs, the ones above are my favourite.
The burden of proof is always on the claim, never on the doubter. How could it be any other way. You claim, I doubt - it is for you do make the proof not me.

You can say that you do not need to prove anything to me, and that's true, but that's also the way to a fool's paradise.

1. Your doubt is based on apparent erroneous misconceptions. Your assumptions on the way I tested those power cords are far from the reality of the way I did it.
2. Sharing doesn’t put me under any obligation to prove anything to anyone. You are welcomed to go on doubting. I enjoy listening to music the same, whether you believe or doubt whatever.
3. When you state that my observations are definitely wrong, it’s your obligation to base that statement on facts, rather than on speculations (which is what you did).
4. Should you ask yourself why is it that you are stirred by what I shared (which I doubt you would), you may do yourself a service in clarifying to yourself in what ways you mistake your own beliefs to be actual facts.
5. Should you be really interested in the factual truth of the matter, you’d ask me to ship you a couple of power cords (which I will, provided you’ll ship them back to me) and listen for yourself, with your own ears. I don’t care if you’d measure them, or not, as long as you’d listen to them. Right now you are into verbal debate only.
Humour is very underrated imo. But that is for a different thread.

Yes, confirmation bias is very well understood and proven. It is not a belief, its a reality. We are all subject to it and even when we think we are controlling for it or aware of it, we are still captive to it.

There is also the related placebo effect. It applies to cables just as much as it applies to medicine.

Unfortunate for these sorts of threads and all involved no matter where they stand in the particular subject matter since the denial of confirmation bias by any side negates any opportunity to properly test the hypothesis.

Whether you accept that or not is not an issue for me - its an issue for you. I don't really care except to say that it puts all claims you make about the performance of anything in doubt.

If you are willing to be shaken, then you need to test the hypothesis "that different power cords present a different sonic signature" in a controlled way that eliminates confirmation bias. Double blind testing is the only realistic method of doing this.
I remember someone doing a test where cheap speaker cable (i.e. $20 per cable) was tested against high dollar stuff. It was supposed to be a subjective listening session, where the guy who owned the listening room would swap the cables back and forth at the listeners request. He cleverly laid out both sets of cables next to one another, purportedly to make it an easier matter so swap them (unscrew terminals, slip out ends of cable A, slip in ends of cable B, re-tighten, on both the amplifiers and speakers). In reality, when called upon to switch cables he would disconnect the cheapies, fiddle a bit, then reconnect the cheapies. No matter what cable the listeners thought were connected, it was always the cheapies. Until they neared the end of the session... :D

You can imagine the result. Of course, once the listeners found out they had been deceived they were outraged. Go figure...
There isn’t any piece of gear for audio that doesn’t have any change to the signal.
The bit that you missed, :), was the "that is still audible" part - meaning subjectively audible. Nothing is perfect, the trick is to reduce the impact of alterations by the playback chain to that level where the listening mind can unconsciously compensate for the remanent problems. This is 'invisible speaker' territory - the clues that the system is faking what you're hearing are now so subtle, that even when your eyes tell you otherwise the brain refuses to believe that the sound is not coming from where they're encoded by ambient cues to originate from.
The only thing I have come across which kind of backs up the principal of decent verses cheap and nasty power cords was an article on system grounding where the author made the case that a mains cord with good quality plugs and decent sized earth core could possibly help to reduce system noise.

Admittedly this is probably more due to equipment design issues than anything else.

I think this is what jneutron was hinting at but hey, I have been wrong before ;)
The only way the DBT will work to 'prove' something is if the doubters can be in the same room as the person being tested, without taking part in the experiment. No wiseguy playing with switching of the bits, this is just a bit of ego stroking by the doubters - a true random selection of which cable is hooked up, by an electronic die. And the person switching the cables is never seen, is completely invisible.
The bit that you missed, :), was the "that is still audible" part - meaning subjectively audible. Nothing is perfect, the trick is to reduce the impact of alterations by the playback chain to that level where the listening mind can unconsciously compensate for the remanent problems. This is 'invisible speaker' territory - the clues that the system is faking what you're hearing are now so subtle, that even when your eyes tell you otherwise the brain refuses to believe that the sound is not coming from where they're encoded by ambient cues to originate from.

That's something I often wonder about. If for example someone had only ever heard a very poor hifi and had not experienced the kind of effects you can get with decent stereo imaging , placement of singers, sounds seeming to come from between the speakers or the corner of the room etc.

If they did not believe you when you told them about this effect (I have been there before) how would you convince them (using science) of this phenomenon?

I tried once but was accused of the usual, it was all in my mind, not real, I made it up to justify spending lots of money on hifi etc. In the end i gave up.
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