Post Your Results II

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After a two month wait for the parts :confused: , a broken lcd panel :bawling: , getting shipped the wrong light bulb :mad: and numerous other problems :dead: I finally have some results to post :D . I am using a diylabs fresnel (split), diylabs triplet, a modified diylabs enclosure, t15 400 watt 6500k iwaski metal halide bulb, cmv 1512 lcd panel, and some black out cloth to project the image on. The pictures did not come out as good as they are in person (does anybody know what settings to use with an Olympus 2040 digital camera). I used the auto feature on the camera and it gave varying results but you will get the idea of the results. The pictures have not been modified except cropped and resized to 50% or the original. The image size is about 7x5 4:3 and 7x3 16:9. I will try to get some more pictures up when I tweak my projector a little. I would like to say thank you to the diy projection pioneers and all the cool people on this forum for all your knowledge because with out it I would be staring at a black wall.
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An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.


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Space Ninja, how are you finding the quality of the cmv1512 compared to a crt monitor? Someone said they were not crazy about it. I just plugged in my Dell 1504fp (analog vga) to test still assembled and it looks great. I was worried it would not be as good as crt monitors but it first glance it looks better than any Crt monitor I have seen. Contrast looks great. I see a little hint of pink in the whites which seem to be hard to get rid of with the settings. Maybe that will not be an issue with by hqi bulb source.
Dracul I think the quality of the cmv 1512 is good. I have a 21" ctx monitor and compared the two. I made sure to put the lcd through its paces (played DVDs, watched tv, and tested my xbox vga adaptor) before I took it apart. Many things were clearer with the cmv than my 21". They both had there pluses and minus’s but overall I was very happy with the cmv's picture quality. I think it is on par with other lcd’s in the same spec rang.
Thanks for the compliment but I don’t think you would want to buy it in its current state. If you want to build one I got almost all my parts from . He sells the enclosure the lenses and the light source. He even has some building instructions on his web site. The only thing you really need to buy is the LCD. If you want to see some pics of my ugly projector scroll to the bottom of this tread
It is not very nice looking but the picture looks great. I will probably build a new case latter because I kind of messed this one up but right now I am not worried about cosmetics.
Finally, here's mine :

I'm not particularly amazed by the results but I didn't go through the optimization process yet.

Here's the setup :

Diylabs Fresnel, Triplet, 250W HQI kit and the famous soup laddle :)

NEC 1545 lcd

Screen : A white sheet

The Fresnel isn't splitted yet and there's no condenser or really good reflector. In one sentence : It can't be simpler but it works.


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I got my semidiy projector up and running in it's bit more optimized condition. I am going to upgrade it with a HID light source in near future, but meanwhile I'll just have to do with cheap 250w halogens. Here's some images:

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An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The camera is really really bad in dark but the excellent contrast that is obtained by using silver colored screen is noticable in these images. Check the Spike's eye, I think that's pretty amazing with old LCD projector and halogen light source, huh!
There are more images and stuff about my project at my tweak'n'mod page.

Hi everyone !

Since several members asked me how everything was fitted in my box, I tried to draw a quick and dirty schematic. That should be enough to give you an idea

I hope this helps !

(If you wish to use that method, please remember that the slots doesn't have all the same depth since the LCD, glass and Fresnel don't have the same dimensions)

See ya !


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Well, we're getting a bit off-topic but here's some more details...

Since the Fresnel is smaller than my piece of glass, I had to make an additional part fitting in the old slot made for the Fresnel... It's kinda like a shim (is that English ?)

So the brown piece has been added over the grey part. It is made from standard 1/2 MDF and the slots have been made using a table saw. (don't forget to adjust your guide correctly :))


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i did all this for massive screened games and VR :) so i'm posting some pics here for those few of us here who care.

Lock On - Modern Air Combat (demo)

"I'm gonna throw up.. " was my first thought when I first saw this in VR cockit mode, doing low level fly-by. The immersion factor is incredible when your screen fills your whole peripheral vision.


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