Philadelphia Experiment

A total conversion process is not yet possible...It of course is done currently by using unstable materials that are undergoing natural atomic conversions (decay) into alternate, component parts. We simply hurry up this process & the resulting miniscule loss of mass gets us this energy.
Yes, if we could fabricate a total conversion process we could indeed heat our homes for years with a teaspoons worth of "crisis" solved!

Let’s keep in mind that the original subject here was invisibility through the controlled bending of electromagnetic radiation, which, of course, includes light. In other words, like a Star Trek Cloaking device, not energy matter conversion like a Transporter.
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Looked up this Hutchinson Effect", pure crap, another snake-oil salesman doing magic tricks & trying to pass it off as science. I thought our community was steeped in hard science, not the likes of magic pebbles. Since Youtube reinforced its anti-adblocker that it doesn't work unless Adblockers are removed.... so my primary source of music is polluted with snake-oil ads, all of them. So, which members here would be "deleted" by espousing unproven, peer reviewed unscientific theories? I'm getting so tired of the explosion of fiction that is polluting virtually everything...ya' know, that little skit, 2+2 equals 22.

Surely an erronious statement, @Richard Ellis?

I say this as a highly competent Mathematician.

Last time I looked, 2 + 2 = 4, NOT 22!


Just sayin'. Unless you are employing Irony. Which is generally misunderstood on multinational media.

Best Regards from Steve in Southsea. PO5. UK.
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Surely an erronious statement, @Richard Ellis?

I say this as a highly competent Mathematician.

Last time I looked, 2 + 2 = 4, NOT 22!

View attachment 1281968

Just sayin'. Unless you are employing Irony. Which is generally misunderstood on multinational media.

Best Regards from Steve in Southsea. PO5. UK.
Sorry Steve....I had thought virtually everyone had seen that skit, that little "mini-movie". It absurdly highlights the corrupting state of reason and science we seem to be immersed in these answer in a roundabout way to the "Hutchinson Effect".

A typographical error when I wrote, "...the corrupting state of reason..." It should have been written as "...a corrupted state of reason...". sorry to those who read this going, Huh?

Joined 2014
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You do not want unlimited energy.
Heat pollution, whether waste energy from energy usage, or the result of chemical pollution changing the optical properties of the atmosphere,
is the problem.
For fifty years I have been saying this, to glazed eyes.
Now everyone wants "carbon neutral" energy. But thermodynamics being as they are, they are missing the point.
Waste heat from energy usage is too great, and will increase, unless emphasis is put on using energy more carefully in every thing humans do.