Pass Aleph P 1.7 preamp builders thread

Joined 2010
Paid Member
You'll get on top of it!

Work your way back, Check the voltage across the cap after the diode bridge, then the AC voltage after the transformer. Something will be screwy...

To simplify your test, eliminate your control circuit and hook transformer directly to the PSU, to the dummy load, and then power it up. I can see you've done a lot of work in there, so if this is a major job, we can probably find an easier way to get ~60Vac to your psu boards.
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funny feeling..... check the Vdrop on the non zeener diode in the gate network. i think its a 4001/4007 whatever its called i forget.
kinda seems to me like you have a large amount of resistance on the output, either from the fet itself or its not getting enough voltage to open up and let more current through.

and double check your soldering on the legs of the fet too could be high resistant solder joint that choyld make its output high impedance.
Im so confused.

I was reading 28.67v across the rhrd660s.
I checked the pa to ga output and had 60v and then the pb to ga and had 60v
Then i connected the audio boards again and pa to ga dropped rapidly to 1.5v but pb to gb stayed at 60v!!

This had me wondering.., did i miss something, was inconnected to the wrong output? It didnt make sense that it should differr as they look parallel (though i dont have power supply schematics).. So i plugged into the pb and gb instead, and the power supply jumped to 90vdc.....

Did i fry something again? I was so creful not to short anything.. Im getting a wee bit frustrated and quite confused. I dont understand what im missing or did wrong.
Stepped output attenuator for my 1.7. Such fun.


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...It might be worth checking the value of the resistor that is just before the output? It's 3R3 in the veteran schematic...

This was exactly the problem!!! Im delighted to say the power supply is no longer acting funny...

However my second attemp to get the aleph p clone up and running has run into another trouble... I think i must have a short somewhere becuas emy bulb tester glows when they are connected. But atleast now i know its getting power!
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Im getting into a vicious circle trying to find whats wrong with my boards.
I blow the irf610, replace it, get stable power, search for the problem on the ap board, cant find it then blow another power supply irf 610. The bulb tester only glows when the ap boards are connected.
What are the main culprits for a possible short in the ap circuit? I cant find it. Soldering looks fine.

Now that the power supply is up again, Ill re test the voltages and post them soon i guess
When you power yours up through a bulb tester does the bulb still glow a litttle? Mine does a pinch, as of its on a dimmer at anout 15% and ive been assuming there is a short, expecting it to be glowing less. But i cant find one. It glows the same as my chipamps do.

I replaced all the irf610 and irf 9610 on one board and that one now works,.. I found that the printed markings looked differne t and i got them off a forum member.. Maybe counterfeits.. Once new ones went in it worked, but the power supply irf 610s still keep blowing.

I replaced the protection diode, just incase.

But after maybe five minutes the 610s blow. And just allow current straight through, like a wire.

Do i need a heat sink for the powersupply irf610s. Ive been running them without them.
I havent noticed heat, but are they susceptible to over heat. My non reg power is 80v.
I was going to probe voltages again as i know the first time was useless and worked iut the problem that was limiting current to the board, but each time i go to i blow the irf 610 on the power supply and freak out and disconnect. What else could cause 610s to blow?
Im looking for Shorts, have t noticed overheating, but it may be overheating while im not looking...
Something is blowing them.. But what!!! I dont want to run my boards on 80v!
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without the voltage test results i would say a fet or fets. i would think the ztx's would smoke before the powersuply fet would go.

maybe pull the fets and test them.

The fets on the board got pulled, tested fine. Replaced them anyhow and it worked.which is why I'm guessing counterfeits.

The fet on the power supply has continuity between source and drain when the power supply fails (within 5 minutes after power up) and voltage goes from 60v reg to 80v unregulated. I replace it and it works fine until it just blows again.

Illt try and get some voltage test results asap.. But it will be some time. My father just got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.. things have been rough lately.

I know im repeating myself... Im just frustrated... :(
oh man! im sorry to hear about your dad. i hope he fights it well.

take your time we will all be here when you can and get to it.

bulb glow? could be normal. without doing the math i dont know.

good call on swapping the fets. give me a bit to do some math and simming and ill get back to you.

good luck, and thoughts are with you and yours.