Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

build git, add username/pass/token/quality to mpd.conf in a plugin block:

input {
plugin "tidal"
token ""
username ""
password ""
audioquality "LOSSLESS"

I wrote a little python script that converts a tidal album to a m3u for now as no ui.

the m3u just has like :


in it.

and it just works, aside from a little issue as it loads the next track, but not sure if that is just on my network, still testing :)

Prolly this:
Tidal buffer underun loading next track * Issue #221 * MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD * GitHub

I'm running MoOde 4.0 and I noticed one thing that was somewhat disconcerting. When I restart or just connect to the UI, I typically just play the 1.FM Blues Radio to make sure that everything is OK. And now as I'm typing, I hear nothing - causing me to think that something has gone wrong with my system or configuration. After verifying that other radios stations played just fine, I realized that 1.FM must be off the air. It would be nice if the player could detect dead air or a silent track of "music" and display that fact on the Playback view or display a signal level vs frequency graph..
so close...

... so I got to "final cleanup" on v2.3 build recipe. I could see my music. play test worked... after the reboot after 'clear-syslog' I can no longer access moode Everything seemed hunky-dory up to that point. any advice or should I just start over? I can't access anything to dump a status etc.

I've tried power cycling a couple of times. nada

System: Pi 3 + Kali + piano Dac 2.1


never mind...

In a fraction of the time, I started from scratch and executed the mosbuild script and that went swimmingly...

my advice... do the install script. all seems to be working with far fewer keystrokes and as I said, a fraction of the time invested.

just my opinion ...


... so I got to "final cleanup" on v2.3 build recipe. I could see my music. play test worked... after the reboot after 'clear-syslog' I can no longer access moode Everything seemed hunky-dory up to that point. any advice or should I just start over? I can't access anything to dump a status etc.

I've tried power cycling a couple of times. nada

System: Pi 3 + Kali + piano Dac 2.1


[edited:***STOP THE PRESSES*** A new moOde 4.0 I built just last night has now disappeared while I was doing something else.


So 4.0 was still freezing with

1) a fresh install,
2) no software modifications (I ask this because I see in your previous install's moode.log dump that, in addition to trying the unstable kernel, you had bumped up to mpd-0.20.17),
3) wired ethernet,
4) a USB DAC,
5) UPnP renderer enabled?

This configuration has been working fine for me, albeit with a white-label USB DAC and BubbleUPnP instead of JRiver.

There's no special driver loaded for your DAC, right?

For the sake of completeness, what happens if you try running the same install but without the external DAC, i.e., with mpd configured to the on-board audio device?


Hi Kent,

Thanks for your answer!
I will build a fresh install tomorrow (to make sure everything is standard Moode 4.0) and will only use the internal audio output.
I'll keep you posted.

@kent @koda59

I deleted the WiringPi directories and restarted the build script and it completed all the way to end! But it is not 'right'. I get the moode web page, I can set up the card, but it will not mount my NAS share. So, maybe koda59 is on to something with the bad sectors. So I tried with a new SD card and it gets to the same place in the build process, wiringpi, and stops. I tried deleting the directories like last time and letting it continue, but that did not work.

@kent @koda59

I deleted the WiringPi directories and restarted the build script and it completed all the way to end! But it is not 'right'. I get the moode web page, I can set up the card, but it will not mount my NAS share. So, maybe koda59 is on to something with the bad sectors. So I tried with a new SD card and it gets to the same place in the build process, wiringpi, and stops. I tried deleting the directories like last time and letting it continue, but that did not work.


About not mounting NAS, look via SSH if /mnt/NAS exists ?
If /mnt/NAS is not here, just type :
sudo mkdir /mnt/NAS
... and try again to mount it via UI ;)

Very weird ... same problem on two different SD Cards :eek:

Upcoming moOde 4.1 release includes a newly designed NAS config that provides a Samba scanner for easy NAS connections :)

There is also a companion smbscan utility that can help in troubleshooting Samba networks.


Authenticated to rp3 ([]:22).
Linux kernel 4.9.80-v7+ running on armv7l architecture
                          ____     __   
              __ _  ___  / __ \___/ /__ 
             /  ' \/ _ \/ /_/ / _  / -_)
                 moOde audio player 
                (C) 2014 Tim Curtis

The programs included with Moode are free software; the
exact distribution terms for each program are described
in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. 
Moode comes with absolutely no warranties expressed or 
implied, or any other guarantees.

Last login: Fri Feb 16 10:30:14 2018 from
pi@rp3:~ $ /var/www/smbscan.php
Scanning Samba network...
Parsing scan results...

host_name: LT1
host_desc: LT1
smb_share: LT1 user’s Public Folder - No description
smb_share: Software - No description

host_name: MOODE
host_desc: moOde SMB Server
smb_share: NAS - NAS Shares
smb_share: RADIO - RADIO Stations
smb_share: SDCARD - SDCARD Storage

host_name: RP1
host_desc: moOde SMB Server
smb_share: NAS - NAS Shares
smb_share: RADIO - RADIO Stations
smb_share: SDCARD - SDCARD Storage

host_name: RP2
host_desc: moOde SMB Server
smb_share: NAS - NAS Shares
smb_share: RADIO - RADIO Stations
smb_share: SDCARD - SDCARD Storage

host_name: RP3
host_desc: moOde SMB Server
smb_share: NAS - NAS Shares
smb_share: RADIO - RADIO Stations
smb_share: SDCARD - SDCARD Storage

host_name: RP4
host_desc: moOde SMB Server
smb_share: NAS - NAS Shares
smb_share: RADIO - RADIO Stations
smb_share: SDCARD - SDCARD Storage

host_name: RP5
host_desc: moOde SMB Server
smb_share: NAS - NAS Shares
smb_share: RADIO - RADIO Stations
smb_share: SDCARD - SDCARD Storage

host_name: RT-AC88U
host_desc: RT-AC88U
smb_share: VFAT256 - ASMT 2115's VFAT256

pi@rp3:~ $


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Hi, I need help with powering 7” Touchscreen Display after mounting Pi-DAC+/AMP+ combination on raspberry PI3 and I cannot find anywhere which pin is for power and ground on AMP+. Previously, I connected wire to Raspberry PI 3 GPIO pin 2 for power and the other one to pin 4 for ground.

Kind regards,


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Hi all,

If any one other than Kent and Tim were following my queries on Pi0w building I'll just follow up to say it appears to have been a build issue on the Pi0w. Have built it on a Pi3 and the used the build in two Pi0's with no freezes etc.

I'll have another go at running a Pi0w build another day.

Now I just need to figure out all the options.... Happy for now.


I believe a few of us (including me) have successfully built on Pi Zero W. I have three builds and they all worked - Pi 3, Pi 2B, and Pi Zero W. I've been building on a Mac using ApplePiBaker to copy the original image to the SD card, and then simply following the instructions. No failures yet. Browsing the group suggests that bad SD cards and unreliable networks are the main causes of failure.

Upcoming moOde 4.1 release includes a newly designed NAS config that provides a Samba scanner for easy NAS connections :)

There is also a companion smbscan utility that can help in troubleshooting Samba networks.


Tim, this looks terrific.

@everybody else - FYI - This utility will work great as long as your NAS is advertising its IPC$ service. Otherwise, even though it may have mountable shares they won't be discovered by the smb tools which underlie Tim's new function [Don't ask me how I know:rolleyes:].

Thankfully, Tim has included the opportunity to configure such shares manually (just as we can enter an SSID manually in Network config) so you can enjoy the music while you fix permissions in your NAS.

@kent @koda59

I deleted the WiringPi directories and restarted the build script and it completed all the way to end! But it is not 'right'. I get the moode web page, I can set up the card, but it will not mount my NAS share. So, maybe koda59 is on to something with the bad sectors. So I tried with a new SD card and it gets to the same place in the build process, wiringpi, and stops. I tried deleting the directories like last time and letting it continue, but that did not work.



I can't understand your moslog output about wiringPI because you must have something like that :

// STEP 5 - Install Rotary encoder driver

** Compile WiringPi
wiringPi Build script

WiringPi Library
[Compile] wiringPi.c
[Compile] wiringShift.c
[Compile] wiringSerial.c
[Compile] piHiPri.c
[Compile] piThread.c
[Compile] wiringPiSPI.c
[Compile] wiringPiI2C.c
[Compile] softPwm.c
[Compile] softTone.c
[Compile] mcp23008.c
[Compile] mcp23016.c
wiringPi.c:1248:21: warning: ‘digitalWrite8Dummy’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
 static         void digitalWrite8Dummy       (UNU struct wiringPiNodeStruct *node, UNU int pin, UNU int value) { return ; }
wiringPi.c:1247:21: warning: ‘digitalRead8Dummy’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
 static unsigned int digitalRead8Dummy        (UNU struct wiringPiNodeStruct *node, UNU int UNU pin)            { return 0 ; }
[Compile] mcp23017.c
[Compile] mcp23s08.c
[Compile] sr595.c
[Compile] mcp23s17.c
[Compile] pcf8574.c
[Compile] pcf8591.c
[Compile] mcp3002.c
[Compile] mcp3004.c
[Compile] mcp4802.c
[Compile] mcp3422.c
[Compile] max5322.c
[Compile] max31855.c
[Compile] ads1115.c
[Compile] sn3218.c
[Compile] bmp180.c
[Compile] htu21d.c
[Compile] ds18b20.c
[Compile] rht03.c
[Compile] drcSerial.c
[Compile] drcNet.c
[Compile] pseudoPins.c
[Compile] wpiExtensions.c
[Link (Dynamic)]
[Install Headers]
[Install Dynamic Lib]

WiringPi Devices Library
[Compile] ds1302.c
[Compile] maxdetect.c
[Compile] gertboard.c
[Compile] piNes.c
[Compile] piFace.c
[Compile] lcd128x64.c
[Compile] lcd.c
[Compile] scrollPhat.c
[Compile] piGlow.c
[Link (Dynamic)]
[Install Headers]
[Install Dynamic Lib]

GPIO Utility
[Compile] gpio.c
[Compile] readall.c
[Compile] pins.c

All Done.

If i look into our code, it really looks like your SD are quite dead !!!

Your output about wiringPI show some problems about empty lib ... but the package has been uncompressed without error and results are not correct because your compile output is not as it must be.

Clock skew is not normal too, it show some mistakes about files date ;)

Could you tell us more about model of PI, SD card ... and so on please ?

Last edited:
tokens are from TIDAL

or could be left as an excercise for the reader.

my quick and dirty, and badly written playlist -> extm3u converter is here:

extm3u used so it shows as "streaming source"

and yeah I'm aware the defaults are 4096,10% but I just do what I'm told when someone is helping me :)

When JF Dockes was doing the Tidal support in UPMPDCLI and confirmed by my testing changing the buffer to 2048 seemed to fix it. The problem then sort of disappeared so no change was needed for Moode.

(Just don't tell Max)

The RUN button will be disabled when Bluetooth is turned off in Audio config.


Just to clarify, I have tried to setup a Bluetooth connection following Moode’s instructions. Bluetooth is definitely turned on and the first process, ‘Scan for devices’, correctly identifies and lists all the ‘Trusted devices’, one of which is my android phone, which I want to pair. Having done this, I’ve selected my android phone from the drop-down list that appears beneath the listing of trusted devices and pressed the ‘pair’ button. Nothing happens for a while, it’s almost as if the OS of the Pi has hung, then the screen refreshes, showing this: -

*** Paired devices

I’m unsure whether that’s meant to happen, but sadly in my case this process hasn’t established a Bluetooth connection. Instead, as I said earlier, when I click on ‘Moode Bluetooth’ on my phone I’m asked to provide a pin and whatever I enter is rejected. I think this maybe an issue that relates specifically to Cambridge Silcon Bluetooth dongles, but I haven’t got another dongle to establish this...
When JF Dockes was doing the Tidal support in UPMPDCLI and confirmed by my testing changing the buffer to 2048 seemed to fix it. The problem then sort of disappeared so no change was needed for Moode.

(Just don't tell Max)

Thanks for the tip, sadly it didn't resolve the issue.

I'm not trying to get this support put into Moode as I'm sure everyone is happy, just this way works better for me.