Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hello Eric,

in my interfaces File, there is no auto eth0.

There is some Information, that it is overwrtiten by the player Network Configuration.
So i think, that moode changes these settings.

It was the same case with the dhcpcd.conf file, when i tried the static settings, it was always overwritten bei moode.
Now with the Static settings in moode, the lines are in these file.

Best regards, Mirko

Hey klicker09,

You could try changing :
auto eth0
in /etc/network/interfaces file by :
allow-hotplug eth0

This could be better (no wait time without eth plugged)

However, this change could be broke by UI network settings ... so backup the file if you want to revert later.

This must be done for testing purpose atm. If it solve your problem, Tim could look further if this change could be a problem with his network UI settings management ;)


Did an apt-get update to get the new kernel and it works great on a pi 3b+

using a i2s IQaudIO Pi-DAC+ with the music on a nas.

Are you able to test using internal Bluetooth and internal WiFi simultaneously ?

Older RPI models need an external adapter for bluetooth or wifi to avoid audio stuttering.

Interesting to see if this issue is solved now with RPI3B+ ;)
Are you able to test using internal Bluetooth and internal WiFi simultaneously ?

Older RPI models need an external adapter for bluetooth or wifi to avoid audio stuttering.

Interesting to see if this issue is solved now with RPI3B+ ;)

I don't use Bluetooth, but I can test.

I had a look at the config and I can only work out how to make moode appear as a Bluetooth speaker, not connect to one. could you give me a quick hint as to what you want testing?

Edit, ok so I moved moode to be on my wifi, and streamed audio from a phone over bluetooth, and it skips like crazy. So I guess that's the issue you were talking about.
Last edited:

Anyone successfully connect Gustard U12 to Moode audio on RPI 3?
Trying to connect, but there is no USB device to choose in MPD CONFIG.


Hi Matt,

Do you mean you don't see the Gustard U12 listed under the USB dac profiles?

You should be able to use the generic "USB audio device" profile to connect to the Gustard unless there is some need for a special driver to be installed. I successfully use a couple of USB dacs that are not specifically listed by using the generic profile as they all use the standard driver in the Linux kernel.

Hope that helps.
White Screen

Hello Veazer,

my main Problem is, that i didnt have any Ethernet connection on my PI.
It is installed in the CAR and only Wifi must work.

But when no ETH is connected i have two major Problems:

1. longer Boot time, 1min without ETH. With ETH it Boots in 39 sec.

2. When the start Screen from Moode comes UP, it is only white with no Cover Infos or Title Infos. After a manual Refresh everything is back again.

Because of this Problem, i am looking for a solution to make the boot faster and showing the correct Screen without having to press refresh.
In the Car it is not a good idea to press this tiny buttons to refresh the display.

Best Regards, Mirko

I have the same Problem in Moode 4.

I tried to disable the localui Service by:
sudo systemctl disable localui.service
but that did not work.

In Moode 3.8 i used the following srcipts to start Chrome / moode:

start-gui script:

matchbox-keyboard --daemon &
/usr/bin/xinit /opt/start-moode -- -nocursor

start-moode script:

sleep 3
/usr/bin/xset s off
/usr/bin/xset -dpms
/usr/bin/xset s noblank
/usr/bin/chromium-browser --disk-cache-dir=/dev/null --kiosk --touch-events --disable-touch-drag-drop --enable-touchview --enable-pinch --window-size=800,480 --window-position=0,0 --disable-session-crashed-bubble --disable-infobars --incognito --no-first-run Welcome to nginx!


Description=Start Chromium GUI
After=nginx.service php5-fpm.service mpd.service



This works without the need to refresh the Screen.
Maybe Tim can make a change in his scripts for the localui ?

If your source is SMB/CIFS, try adding the following in Advanced -> Mount Flags:

doesn't work... i'll do a complete reinstall - i can connect via NFS - but despite it being properly mounted i can see no files. Shares on the NAS are ok since everything works well in kodi/osmc

Thank you for your suggestion!
I have the same Problem in Moode 4.

I tried to disable the localui Service by:
sudo systemctl disable localui.service
but that did not work.

In Moode 3.8 i used the following srcipts to start Chrome / moode:

start-gui script:

matchbox-keyboard --daemon &
/usr/bin/xinit /opt/start-moode -- -nocursor

start-moode script:

sleep 3
/usr/bin/xset s off
/usr/bin/xset -dpms
/usr/bin/xset s noblank
/usr/bin/chromium-browser --disk-cache-dir=/dev/null --kiosk --touch-events --disable-touch-drag-drop --enable-touchview --enable-pinch --window-size=800,480 --window-position=0,0 --disable-session-crashed-bubble --disable-infobars --incognito --no-first-run Welcome to nginx!


Description=Start Chromium GUI
After=nginx.service php5-fpm.service mpd.service



This works without the need to refresh the Screen.
Maybe Tim can make a change in his scripts for the localui ?


Bug is fixed in upcoming moOde 4.1 update.
Hi Matt,

Do you mean you don't see the Gustard U12 listed under the USB dac profiles?

You should be able to use the generic "USB audio device" profile to connect to the Gustard unless there is some need for a special driver to be installed. I successfully use a couple of USB dacs that are not specifically listed by using the generic profile as they all use the standard driver in the Linux kernel.

Hope that helps.

Problem is I have to set I2S DEVICE as "none" to use USB device. Then I am going to MPD options and OUTPUT DEVICE list is empty. There should be something like XMos or anything to use USB connected dac or converter.
Many thanks Tim,

maybe you could have a look at another issue with the localui ?
Sometimes when playing Radio the right scrollbar appears.
Then the ui resizes little smaller and the the scrollbar dissappears.
The ui resizes to litte larger and the scrollbar reappears...
and so on.


Hi, Michael.

Interesting. I'd observed this oscillatory scrollbar behavior occurring when I reduced the width of my desktop-browser window to a critical dimension (I even captured a video of it because it reminded me of a pattern in Conway's Game of Life).

I reported it privately at the time but it seemed unlikely users would be fiddling on their desktops. It didn't occur to me that the localui would fall into the same "twilight" zone (my excuse: I don't have one!).

The CSS wizards may need to do some tweaking.

Hi, Michael.

Interesting. I'd observed this oscillatory scrollbar behavior occurring when I reduced the width of my desktop-browser window to a critical dimension (I even captured a video of it because it reminded me of a pattern in Conway's Game of Life).

I reported it privately at the time but it seemed unlikely users would be fiddling on their desktops. It didn't occur to me that the localui would fall into the same "twilight" zone (my excuse: I don't have one!).

The CSS wizards may need to do some tweaking.


Hi Kent,

and this doesn't happen everytime, but often when i swap between radioparadise and the jazz groove.

And sometimes after some minutes it's gone.

Post the output from System info and I'll have a look.

Hi Tim,

Thanks so much for your help! I reinstalled everything the 4th time... tried both via wifi and lan, no success with getting anything to show up on any screen (not pi 7" offical, not on external hdmi). Changing the screen brightness works but no UI. Posting an img of what's on screen + system info:

	  S Y S T E M    P A R A M E T E R S  

	Date and time	= 2018-03-16 14:57:30
	System uptime	= up 1 minute
	Timezone	= America/Detroit
	moOde		= Release 4.0 2018-01-26

	Host name	= moode
	ETH0  IP	=
	ETH0  MAC	= b8:27:eb:b0:79:ed
	WLAN0 IP	= unassigned
	WLAN0 MAC	= b8:27:eb:e5:2c:b8

	HDWR REV	= Pi-3B 1GB v1.2
	SoC 		= BCM2835
	CORES		= 4
	ARCH		= armv7l
	KERNEL		= 4.9.79-v7+
	USB BOOT	= not enabled
	Warranty	= OK

	ROOT size	= 15G
	ROOT used 	= 12%
	ROOT avail	= 13G
	FS expand	= expanded
	MEM free 	= 539 MB
	MEM used 	= 70 MB
	Temperature 	= 53.7°C
	CPU GOV		= performance
	P3-WIFI		= On
	P3-BT		= On
	HDMI		= On
	UAC2 FIX	= Off
	SSH server	= Off

	LED0		= on
	LED1		= on

	  C O R E    S E R V E R S  

	PHP-FPM		= 7.0.27
	NGINX		= 1.10.3
	SQLite		= 3.16.2
	Bluetooth	= 5.43

	  C P U    L O A D  

	CPU	%usr	%sys	%idle
	all	4.38	13.88	73.25
	0	13.64	10.10	63.13
	1	0.99	38.12	45.05
	2	0.50	3.96	95.54
	3	2.53	3.03	89.39

	  P R O C E S S    L O A D  

	 19      - apt-get          0.9   0 39.7
	 19      - systemd          0.6   3  4.5
	 19      -       0.2   0  2.5
	 19      - systemd-journal  0.5   2  0.9
	 19      - systemd-udevd    0.3   3  0.9
	 19      - dbus-daemon      0.3   0  0.9
	 19      - mmcqd/0          0.0   1  0.5
	 19      - sudo             0.3   1  0.5
	 29      - mpd              2.0   0  0.4

	  C L O C K    F R E Q U E N C I E S  

     	arm   = 1200 MHz      	 pwm   = 0 MHz
     	core  = 400 MHz	      	 emmc  = 249 MHz
     	h264  = 300 MHz	      	 pixel = 0 MHz
     	isp   = 300 MHz	      	 vec   = 0 MHz
     	v3d   = 300 MHz	      	 hdmi  = 0 MHz
     	uart  = 48 MHz	      	 dpi   = 0 MHz

	SD card	= 25 MHz

	  S Y S T E M    V O L T A G E S  

	core			= 1.2875V
	sdram controller	= 1.2000V
	sdram I/O		= 1.2000V
	sdram chip		= 1.2250V

	  U I  C U S T O M I Z A T I O N S  

	Theme			= Standard
	Accent color		= Emerald
	Alpha blend		= 1.0
	Adaptive background	= No
	Background image	= No
	Playback history	= No
	Extra metadata		= Yes
	Library			= Use Artist

	  A U D I O    P A R A M E T E R S  

	Audio device		= On-board audio device
	Interface		= On-board
	Hdwr volume		= 77
	Mixer name		= PCM
	Output stream		= Closed
	ALSA version		= 1.1.3-5+rpi3
	SoX version		= 0.1.2-2

	Volume knob		= 0
	Volume mute		= Off
	Volume limit		= 20

	Bluetooth controller	= Off
	Airplay receiver	= Off
	Squeezelite		= Off
	UPnP renderer		= Off
	DLNA server		= Off

	Rotary encoder		= Off
	Encoder params		= 100 2 3 4 5
	Crossfeed		= Off
	Parametric EQ		= Off
	Graphic EQ		= Off
	Auto-shuffle		= Off
	Autoplay		= Off
	MPD crossfade		= Off

	  M P D    S E T T I N G S  

	Version			= 0.20.12
	Volume control		= software
	ALSA device		= hw:0
	SoX resampling		= disabled
	SoX quality		= very high
	SoX multithreading	= off
	Audio buffer (kb)	= 4096
	Buffer before play	= 10%
	Output buffer size (kb)	= 81920
	Volume normalization	= no
	DSD over PCM (DoP)	= no
	Replay gain		= off

/var/www/command/ line 147: shairport-sync: command not found
	  A I R P L A Y    S E T T I N G S  

	Version			= 
	Friendly name		= Moode Airplay
	Metadata display	= Off
	ALSA device		= hw:0
	Volume mixer		= auto
	Resume MPD after	= No
	Output bit depth	= S16
	Output sample rate	= 44100
	Session interruption	= no
	Session timeout (ms)	= 120
	Audio buffer (secs)	= 0.0

/var/www/command/ line 163: squeezelite: command not found
/var/www/command/ line 164: squeezelite: command not found
	  S Q U E E Z E L I T E    S E T T I N G S  

	Version			=  "DSD/SRC disabled"
	Friendly name		= Moode
	ALSA device		= hw:0
	ALSA params		= 80:4::1
	Output buffers		= 40000:100000
	Task priority		= 45
	Codec list		= flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd
	Other options		= -W -D 500 -R E

	  M O O D E    L O G  

    20180316 145606 worker: - Start
    20180316 145606 worker: Successfully daemonized
    20180316 145606 worker: - Init
    20180316 145607 worker: Session loaded
    20180316 145607 worker: Debug logging (off)
    20180316 145609 worker: Host (moode)
    20180316 145609 worker: Hdwr (Pi-3B 1GB v1.2)
    20180316 145609 worker: Arch (armv7l)
    20180316 145609 worker: Kver (4.9.79-v7+)
    20180316 145609 worker: Ktyp (Standard)
    20180316 145609 worker: Gov  (performance)
    20180316 145609 worker: Rel  (Moode 4.0 2018-01-26)
    20180316 145609 worker: Upd  (None)
    20180316 145609 worker: MPD  (0.20.12)
    20180316 145609 worker: USB boot not enabled yet
    20180316 145609 worker: File system expanded
    20180316 145609 worker: HDMI port off
    20180316 145610 worker: File check ok
    20180316 145610 worker: - Network
    20180316 145610 worker: eth0 exists
    20180316 145610 worker: eth0 (
    20180316 145610 worker: wlan0 exists
    20180316 145610 worker: wlan0 SSID is blank
    20180316 145610 worker: eth0 addr exists, AP mode not started
    20180316 145610 worker: wlan0 address not assigned
    20180316 145610 worker: - Audio
    20180316 145610 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
    20180316 145610 worker: Audio output (On-board audio device)
    20180316 145610 worker: ALSA mixer name (PCM)
    20180316 145610 worker: MPD volume control (software)
    20180316 145610 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
    20180316 145610 worker: - Services
    20180316 145612 worker: MPD started
    20180316 145612 worker: MPD scheduler policy (time-share)
    20180316 145612 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (on)
    20180316 145612 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
    20180316 145612 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
    20180316 145612 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
    20180316 145612 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
    20180316 145612 worker: - Last
    20180316 145612 worker: USB sources (none attached)
    20180316 145612 worker: NAS sources (mountall initiated)
    20180316 145612 worker: Volume level (0) restored
    20180316 145612 worker: Maintenance interval (21600)
    20180316 145612 worker: Watchdog started
    20180316 145612 worker: Ready
    20180316 145700 worker: Job scnbrightness
    20180316 145709 worker: Job scnbrightness
    20180316 145719 worker: Job touchscn


  • IMG_258A88BF872D-1.jpg
    231.6 KB · Views: 278
Problem is I have to set I2S DEVICE as "none" to use USB device. Then I am going to MPD options and OUTPUT DEVICE list is empty. There should be something like XMos or anything to use USB connected dac or converter.


This is confusing.

If, on the Audio Config page, you have set "I2S device" to "None" (and remembered to reboot if you had previously configured moOde for some I2S device), then on the MPD Config page you should see at least "On-board audio device" in "Audio output". If your DAC is connected, then you should have two options: "On-board audio device" and "USB audio device".

If you had previously configured moOde for an I2S device, and now reset "I2S audio device" to "None" but forgot to reboot, then I would expect you would see "Nothing selected" in "Audio output".

It seems to me that if the "Audio output" box is empty then something isn't right.
