Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

I succesfully installed beta 12 with the new installation script. Everything seems to work for me. Thanks to everybody who made this possible :)
I noticed that for some users the unknown installation time is a problem. Maybe it is possible to check the Pi type and download speed at the begining of the script and inform user, that "With Your Pi X type and XYZ download speed the installation will take approx. XXX minutes" ?
I hope, that LL and RT kernel will come back again. I am listening with 4 beta 5 ...
I succesfully installed beta 12 with the new installation script. Everything seems to work for me. Thanks to everybody who made this possible :)
I noticed that for some users the unknown installation time is a problem. Maybe it is possible to check the Pi type and download speed at the begining of the script and inform user, that "With Your Pi X type and XYZ download speed the installation will take approx. XXX minutes" ?
I hope, that LL and RT kernel will come back again. I am listening with 4 beta 5 ...

Out of Scope for a DIY product and a DIY forum...

There are so many potential users scattered all over the world using all kinds of routers and subscribing to all kind of Internet Providers... plus somebody needs to attend for God knows how long, bleary-eyed and with a chronometer at hand... The exercise would not be precise and it may lead the Linux non-savvy users (who are supposed to make great use of the timing info) do exactly what they are not supposed to do, that is: stop the process while it is still running...
Hi Kent,
Thank you for your kind and informative reply.

[aside: What do you mean by "old RasPi1"? Is it the original Raspberry Pi 1A? That model has only 256MB of RAM which may not be enough to build moOdeOS. It's conceivable that this is the root cause of your difficulty. Unfortunately, I gave away all my first-generation RPis so I can't try to duplicate your result.]

My RasPi1 has Ethernet port so this must be Model B.
Some RasPi1 Model B have only 256MB but mine seems has 512MB.

Here's result of top command:
top - 12:30:18 up 43 min, 1 user, load average: 0.44, 0.33, 0.29
Tasks: 113 total, 1 running, 112 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 3.3 us, 10.9 sy, 0.0 ni, 85.9 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem: 493244 total, 364904 used, 128340 free, 70956 buffers
KiB Swap: 524284 total, 44 used, 524240 free. 166604 cached Mem​

In response to all of this, I have to ask, are you building on a 256MB RPi1A? How did you build the system image you booted on your RPi1? What is different from the way you prepared the system image that booted and worked on your RPi3?
I build Raspi1 system image with Image Builder script. So base image must be stretch-lite. I think I didn't change anything while running Image Builder other than select Squeeze file system. Image for RasPi3 uses squeeze fs for www files but RasPi1 not.

i got a error

// STEP 2 - Expand the root partition to 3GB
// STEP 3A - Install core packages
// STEP 3B - Install core packages
// STEP 4 - Install enhanced networking
** Compile bluez-alsa
// STEP 5 - Install Rotary encoder driver
** Compile WiringPi
** Compile rotary encoder driver
// STEP 6 - Compile and install MPD
// STEP 7 - Create moOde runtime environment
// STEP 8 - Install moOde sources and configs
// STEP 9 - Alsaequal
** STEP 10 - Squashfs option not selected
// STEP 11 - Optionally, install latest Linux Kernel
// STEP 12 - Launch and configure moOde!
// STEP 13 - Final prep for image
// COMPONENT 2 - Auto-shuffle
// COMPONENT 3 - MPD Audio Scrobbler
// COMPONENT 4 - Shairport-sync
// COMPONENT 5 - Squeezelite
// COMPONENT 6 - Upmpdcli
** Compile Libupnp jfd5
** Compile Libupnpp
** Compile Upmpdcli
** Compile Upexplorer
// COMPONENT 7 - Optionally install gmusicapi
// COMPONENT 8 - Local UI display
** Error: Install failed
Hi Kent,
Thank you for your kind and informative reply.

My RasPi1 has Ethernet port so this must be Model B.
Some RasPi1 Model B have only 256MB but mine seems has 512MB.
I build Raspi1 system image with Image Builder script. So base image must be stretch-lite. I think I didn't change anything while running Image Builder other than select Squeeze file system. Image for RasPi3 uses squeeze fs for www files but RasPi1 not.



Thanks for the additional info.

You have adequate RAM. I've used the image builder script successfully on a RPi0W which, like your RPi1A+, has an armv6 cpu and 512MB of RAM.

I haven't tried building moOde on an RPi3B and then using it on an RPi0W but it may be the armv7 vs armv6 architecture which caused your attempt to do the same with your RPi3B and RPi1A+ to fail.

The file system isn't squashed until long after the point where your build failed so choosing that option seems an unlikely cause.

At this point, I'm uncertain why you ran into a lock-clash so early in the build but if I think of something I'll give you a shout.

i got a error

// STEP 2 - Expand the root partition to 3GB
// STEP 3A - Install core packages
// STEP 3B - Install core packages
// STEP 4 - Install enhanced networking
** Compile bluez-alsa
// STEP 5 - Install Rotary encoder driver
** Compile WiringPi
** Compile rotary encoder driver
// STEP 6 - Compile and install MPD
// STEP 7 - Create moOde runtime environment
// STEP 8 - Install moOde sources and configs
// STEP 9 - Alsaequal
** STEP 10 - Squashfs option not selected
// STEP 11 - Optionally, install latest Linux Kernel
// STEP 12 - Launch and configure moOde!
// STEP 13 - Final prep for image
// COMPONENT 2 - Auto-shuffle
// COMPONENT 3 - MPD Audio Scrobbler
// COMPONENT 4 - Shairport-sync
// COMPONENT 5 - Squeezelite
// COMPONENT 6 - Upmpdcli
** Compile Libupnp jfd5
** Compile Libupnpp
** Compile Upmpdcli
** Compile Upexplorer
// COMPONENT 7 - Optionally install gmusicapi
// COMPONENT 8 - Local UI display
** Error: Install failed


Reviewing the COMPONENT 8 portion of, it appears your RPi failed to install the extra packages needed for the local display.

There may have been a momentary failure with DNS or with the package servers and so the fail may not be reproducible.

As others have pointed out, it may be possible to restart the script and have it pick up at this point but only if you haven't been changing settings through the WebUI.

Sorry this process has been such an ordeal for you.

Hi @northCountry

[aside: What do you mean by "old RasPi1"? Is it the original Raspberry Pi 1A? That model has only 256MB of RAM which may not be enough to build moOdeOS. It's conceivable that this is the root cause of your difficulty. Unfortunately, I gave away all my first-generation RPis so I can't try to duplicate your result.]

I don't believe this is the exact error message. Probably it's something along the lines of "Failed to start /etc/rc.local Compatibility". That's a message only a Linux-head could love. It occurs because of what you reported next.

The "E: Unable to lock the administration directory" error occurs when more than one copy of dpkg/apt tries to run at the same time. That shouldn't happen with a pure moOde image builder. I'll have to think about it.

The (doubled) /etc/rc.local line is the reason you got the "Failed to start" message. When the image build was cancelled, the contents of mosbuild including was deleted. However, when the build was cancelled, the script that was running should have exited to the command line; I don't know why rc.local is being invoked again.

In response to all of this, I have to ask, are you building on a 256MB RPi1A? How did you build the system image you booted on your RPi1? What is different from the way you prepared the system image that booted and worked on your RPi3?


Maybe it's due to /etc/rc.local start too earlier for the RP1.
The builder wait for 10 sec to avoid this kind of error (i got it during testing phase on RPI3 without waiting time) ... but maybe 10 sec is not enough for this model.

Maybe NorthCountry can try to edit and change wait4rc 10 to wait4rc 20 or more to see if it can be the way to success :D

Reviewing the COMPONENT 8 portion of, it appears your RPi failed to install the extra packages needed for the local display.

There may have been a momentary failure with DNS or with the package servers and so the fail may not be reproducible.

As others have pointed out, it may be possible to restart the script and have it pick up at this point but only if you haven't been changing settings through the WebUI.

Sorry this process has been such an ordeal for you.


hi Kent,
thank you for your help.

it tried it again with clean install now it stopt at step 3
how can i restart the script?
hi Kent,
thank you for your help.

it tried it again with clean install now it stopt at step 3
how can i restart the script?


Step 3 also involves installing packages. It feels like you have Internet connectivity issues.

Probably @Koda59 or @HeeBoo are better resources on the subject of restarting the image builder script. I should think you just need to reboot the RPi without having made any other changes, but I don't know if that's true at every step in the process or only when installing optional components.

Maybe it's due to /etc/rc.local start too earlier for the RP1.
The builder wait for 10 sec to avoid this kind of error (i got it during testing phase on RPI3 without waiting time) ... but maybe 10 sec is not enough for this model.

Maybe NorthCountry can try to edit and change wait4rc 10 to wait4rc 20 or more to see if it can be the way to success :D

Great point. The RPi1A+ is clocked 30 percent slower than the similar cpu RPi0W and more than 40 percent slower than the 4-core cpu RPi3B.
Hello all, I'm struggling with the install script and am not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

Here's where I am

1. install raspbian
2. Boot rasp and enable ssh
3. log in and run the commands, all goes well down to "write image to usb...."
4. Last message says 'save base os img for additional builds
5. I answer y and the prompt goes back to normal and then nothing happens. It says remove USB and use it to boot a raspberry pi but removing it and rebooting does nothing, and leaving the drive attached does nothing so I'm assuming that I'm doing something wrong

Anyone help? thanks
On the subject of waiting long enough...

Wouldn't it be nice if all RPi models treated their onboard "Activity LED" the same so we could easily flash it in a distinctive pattern when the build is done (or even signal that the build AbEnd'ed)?
I wrote a script as a PoC to display IP address with blinking act led ... I was thinking to include it in the builder but don't want to loose user :D
MoOde r4b12 with Winstar OLED 16x2 HD44780 + power button

Good evening everyone,

I own a RaspDAC with rpi3 + AUDIOPHONICS I-Saber V3 DAC ES9023 TCXO + Screen Winstar OLED 16x2 HD44780 + power button.
I'm trying to run the screen and power button with MoOde r4b12.
Does anyone on the forum have a similar setup?
I have already tried the program dhrone (pydPiper) for the management of the screen but it does not work for version 4.

Excuse me for my English, I use google translation ....

Thank you :)
Dear all,
sorry if this has been asked before, but I could not find a clear answer even searching the forum.

I have a raspberry pi B and would like to install moode. However, I do not have an external USB reader, and I only have one SD card. So.. is it possible to install moode 4 and how should I proceed?

Thank you very much