Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hi Bryce,

I see that the Python script needs to perform the text scroll. I thought the LCD firmware did this asynchronously after initializing some sort of scroll bit.

I'm not exactly sure what happens when the LCD update engine runs the script again while its still tied up in one of the scrolling loops.

In any case, since the script itself has to do the text scroll loops the only way it can work with LCD update engine is if the the text scroll loops happen asynchronously via separate threads or via a separate text-scroll-daemon that the main Python script sends text to via a pipe or socket.

Another option is to not use LCD update engine and instead run a polling loop in the Python script.

Btw, in your script you can get play/pause by parsing out 'state' from currentsong.txt file.

Hi Tim,

Your suggestion were right on. Kent also suggested something similar.

Not using the LCD update engine made things much easier in most respects. I still had to replicate some of its function. I also tied using threads for scrolling, 1 for each line. That was funny. Three lines scrolling at once and then the display just shut off. I have gone back to scrolling one line at a time.

Anyway, things are working very well right now. The script is loaded when the RPi boots, and it never seems to miss an update or get confused.

Cheers, Bryce.
I purchased Moode, it's running well. I have to congratulate the author for his work, many settings available, advanced kernels included. I use the Low Latency one, coming from volumio and rune, I have to say this is the best sound quality of the three. Keep up the good work!

I've read elsewhere that Moode sounds better and I agree. Dont get why but it just does.
Hi Tim,
I want to thank you again for this little gem. I use it now every day.
I have one question, to be more precise a feature request. Your radio station list is quite long but I am pretty sure that it will miss most users preferences as local stations and so on.
There is a site called Community Radio Station Board which provides a Database and an API free to use. Could you take a look at it and maybe integrate it to Moode?
Hi Tim,
I want to thank you again for this little gem. I use it now every day.
I have one question, to be more precise a feature request. Your radio station list is quite long but I am pretty sure that it will miss most users preferences as local stations and so on.
There is a site called Community Radio Station Board which provides a Database and an API free to use. Could you take a look at it and maybe integrate it to Moode?

Hi @heifish,

Its a great web site for getting the direct stream urls. Just download the PLS link and open playlist.pls file. You could then "create new station" in moOde.

I'm not sure what you mean by integrate it. Its a radio station aggregator, search and play service. What would the UI looks like in moOde?

I've just noticed a strange glitch in the Moode UI when playing radio streams. Sometimes the displayed bitrate is the output stream bitrate, not the input one. Not sure how to reliably reproduce, but I was flipping between JB Radio 2 (awesome sound quality from that source, btw) and Radio paradise, looking at the audio info screen for each stream when I noticed that the main playback screen was showing the wrong bitrate.

Hi Phil,

The rate displayed for streaming sources is derived by MPD and is a snapshot taken when the stream is first opened. Sometimes this is not accurate at first. If you refresh the Browser while the stream is playing, a new MPD snapshot is used and this will usually be accurate.

Same happens when you open Audio info, a new MPD rate snapshot is used.

I am suffering from audio glitches (AGs) since Moode 3.8.

Today i did fresh install from the last version of Moode , Volumio and Picoreplayer. Just a normal installation without any tweaks. I am using eth and local attached usb drive or usb pen drive (256GB). I also have one Moode 3.7 installation.

All my files are waves 16/24 44/48/96/176/192.

With Moode 3.84 (tried normal, LL and RT kernel) and latest Volumio i have AGs between tracks, when going into next track and when changing radio stations.

With Picoreplayer + local LMS and Moode 3.7 LL (on the same hardware - Pi3 + DAC+ Pro) i don't have AGs. So it is not one hardware issue.

Is this the new kernel version, or mpd version ? Any hint ?
Hi Kent,

Normally after you add music files to a source you would run UPDATE and then only open the Library panel after the update completes otherwise the Library cache will be incomplete. The RESET lib cache function is for just that scenario.

RESCAN builds the MPD database from scratch.

There could be a bug in the Javascript code that tallies the counts but I'd need some way to repro an issue. I've not noticed it on my end.


Hi, Tim.

I thought I was waiting until the update was complete but I was multitasking and may not have been paying attention.

I'm not in the mood to create a test case on another, empty NAS to repo. I'll probably just walk the code tomorrow to understand what's going on.

Then again, maybe I'll just listen to the music!

Hi @heifish,

Its a great web site for getting the direct stream urls. Just download the PLS link and open playlist.pls file. You could then "create new station" in moOde.

I'm not sure what you mean by integrate it. Its a radio station aggregator, search and play service. What would the UI looks like in moOde?


Hi, Tim.

I looked at some of the "used by" projects listed on the Community Radio Station site. Many of them seem to create exhaustive lists within the app of stations from which to select, which I don't warm to.

One, though, demo's a clean UI which might usefully be mimicked. The radio favorites screen has a "+ New Station" button which pops up a window in which one can enter a station name to search for and then select from the results to add to the list of favorites (e.g., entering "WFMT" returns a choice of two streams, one AAC and the other MP3). See Radiolise

Of course this doesn't address one of the moOde Player features I really like, the display of the station logo/icon. As we know, few stations provide one that's usable, let alone provide a sensible permalink to it.

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Joined 2007
Paid Member

Hi @ernesternest,

Which settings are you referring to?


Hi Tim, I had some issues in updating to 3.8.4. I screwed it. So I had to redo everything from scratch and had some issues. I always lost browser connection; annoying. So I thought it might make sense to be able to save the complete setup, to be able to play it back in case of.


Hi Tim, I had some issues in updating to 3.8.4. I screwed it. So I had to redo everything from scratch and had some issues. I always lost browser connection; annoying. So I thought it might make sense to be able to save the complete setup, to be able to play it back in case of.



This may help you to make a back up image, just remember the backup will be a much larger size than the original download file when you come to burn it again so you may need a larger capacity card.

How To: Backup & Restore your Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi HQ
I am suffering from audio glitches (AGs) since Moode 3.8.

Today i did fresh install from the last version of Moode , Volumio and Picoreplayer. Just a normal installation without any tweaks. I am using eth and local attached usb drive or usb pen drive (256GB). I also have one Moode 3.7 installation.

All my files are waves 16/24 44/48/96/176/192.

With Moode 3.84 (tried normal, LL and RT kernel) and latest Volumio i have AGs between tracks, when going into next track and when changing radio stations.

With Picoreplayer + local LMS and Moode 3.7 LL (on the same hardware - Pi3 + DAC+ Pro) i don't have AGs. So it is not one hardware issue.

Is this the new kernel version, or mpd version ? Any hint ?


Generally speaking, its likely that some USB and I2S DAC's don't include muting circuits that prevent audio glitch from occurring when the signal to the DAC stops or starts. Also its possible that certain player software may include code to compensate for the lack of muting circuits in DAC's by somehow leaving the audio output open and reusing it across stop/start sequence. I'm not aware of any such code in MPD.

1) Audio glitches with USB DAC's: All USB DAC's use the standard Linux kernel USB audio driver (exception: certain hiFace DAC's use a custom kernel usb driver). The only software fix / workaround available in moOde is the USB (UAC2) fix in System config.

2) Audio glitches with I2S DAC's: I2S DAC's use specific kernel device drivers and overlays written by the audio device manufacturer. There are no I2S driver settings or fixes in moOde that specifically target audio glitches like the USB (UAC2) fix does, and I'm not aware of any such I2S fixes from either the manufacturer or in Linux kernel, except that I recall reading that Allo has included code in their Boss I2S driver to compensate for lack of auto-mute in PCM5122.

PCM51xx chips after a certain date don't have an auto-mute feature and so unless the manufacturer adds a circuit to their board or code to their I2S driver, these chips can generate a bump when the audio signal stops/starts.
