Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

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I thought Dop should be no if i have dsd dac.
After i set DOP to yes it play DSD nicely
Thank you.


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Aha! Logically it looks like you should do it the other way round. I don't have any dsd but just playing with a dsd-capable dac right now, so I should probably make one to try ou and see what the fuss is about :)

DSD just another way to fill your HDD space :D DSD 64 take 100-200mb each song.
After looking at /etc/mpd.conf DOP set to yes change line usb_dsd to yes
If DOP set no -- usb_dsd change to no .

The SoX resample rates on the MPD config screen only apply to MPD.

Airplay receiver always outputs 16/44.1 PCM and thus must use resampling if the input stream is not already at this rate. It can be configured to use either basic or SoX resampling. Moode configuration uses SoX to ensure highest SQ.


Hi, yes that's what I thought... Is it be technically possible to re-route the Airplay stream to MPD and up-sample it from there ? Just asking out of curiosity.. thanks greets
Hi, yes that's what I thought... Is it be technically possible to re-route the Airplay stream to MPD and up-sample it from there ? Just asking out of curiosity.. thanks greets

You really don't want to resample AirPlay, it won't give you the improvement you think it will.

Firstly, AirPlay as a proctocol does crazy things with adding and dropping frames to keep drift in check


For Airplay, it is the client player that typically enforces resample to 16/44100, but also an Airplay receiver (Apple TV, RaspyFi) may perform a second resampling to 16/48000
For example, lets use a 24/96 music file as our source and iTunes as our player. iTunes will first resample the file to 16/44100 prior to streaming to the Airplay receiver. Then here is what happens at the receiver end:
1. Apple Airport Express 16/44100 output (no resample)
2. Apple TV resample to 16/48000 output
3. RaspyFi resample to 16/48000 output
The worst cases are 2 and 3 where 24/96 resample to 16/44 in the player then resampled again to 16/48 in the receiver. This is not good

This is, I believe, why Tim has disabled secondary resampling in Moode
You really don't want to resample AirPlay, it won't give you the improvement you think it will.

Firstly, AirPlay as a proctocol does crazy things with adding and dropping frames to keep drift in check


This is, I believe, why Tim has disabled secondary resampling in Moode

Hi Mike,

There is no "secondary resampling" option in shairport-sync software. I recall Apple TV device up-samples airplay streams to 16/48 though.


Dear Tim,

I am a very happy Moodeplayer user. For me its much better than volumio and rune.
But i have a question. Do you plan to add a function for giving tags for favorite tracks?
of course one can save a favorite playlist but what i mean is marking the good tracks in one album. Commercial player software like auralic aries do have this feature...

Just a question.

On reflection not sure if this is the case, I was running 1.2.10 on Moode 2.7 for a couple of weeks without noticing this. I will do some more testing with my old Moode 2.7 and base Moode 3.1 at the weekend.

Ok been a bit busy so only just got round to this, but there definitely seems to be an issue with Moode 3.1 and upexplorer. I have tried moode 2.7 and there are no issues , but moode 3.1 (advanced kernel) and I get the issue with the upexplorer taking 100%, it makes no difference which version upmpdcli I use.

The reason I am noticing it is because I use the UPNP functionality more, I hardly use the web front end.

To my mind it looks to be around the use of music from a UPNP server, and perhaps network stability.I have one PI that acts as a UPMPDCLI source for Qobuz and also it runs Asset UPNP. If I use a play list from Asset it plays ok, but if I stop it at night (no I dont think it is scared of the dark) by the morning the upexplorer process is at 100%. Because of the ohome capabilities of upmpdcli (I think) Moode remembers the play list. If I reboot the PI running Asset (after playing some tracks from it) even though the play list has stopped Upexplorer hits 100%, as I have not yet worked out how to get Asset to autostart it is not running when the Pi reboots so I think upexplorer is being called on a stale playlist , however the urls for the tracks in the play list (stopped) is not available because the Asset UPNP server is not available hence why I think network conditions make it more visible.

I will try the standard kernel next and see if I can reproduce with MDNLA.
About the above - not looking to contradict, just pointing out where I saw it. He also says integrated devices (such as the Pi) probably don't have enough grunt to accomplish libsoxr.

And, imho, AirPlay is a thing of convenience, not high-fidelity. It gives us streaming.CD quality, but more so it gives multi room, which is its key selling point, that and iTunes/iOS support.
Do you plan to add a function for giving tags for favorite tracks?
of course one can save a favorite playlist but what i mean is marking the good tracks in one album.

+1 for 5 star system embedded in the file tags. Also it would be great to see stars in the file album view to be able to pick correct files based on stars.

BUT -1 if that will complicate moode. It is so nice audio transport nowadays!
About the above - not looking to contradict, just pointing out where I saw it. He also says integrated devices (such as the Pi) probably don't have enough grunt to accomplish libsoxr.

And, imho, AirPlay is a thing of convenience, not high-fidelity. It gives us streaming.CD quality, but more so it gives multi room, which is its key selling point, that and iTunes/iOS support.

Hi Mike,

shairport-sync just uses basic stuffing or SoX for interpolation. It doesn't include any type of general resampling feature like MPD has.

Moode configures shairport-sync to use SoX and it seems to run fine on all the Pi models.

New use to Moode, and I must say I am quite enjoying it. Very easy to use, works well out of the box with minimal configuration. Thank you for putting together such a well designed and cohesive product.

I have a couple of quick questions:

1 - Is there an official Github org/repo(s) for Moode?
I've found and

2 - Is there an IRC channel on Freenode, or anywhere else?

Thanks, and keep up the great work!