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Lovoltech LU1014D power JFET

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It seems that people are (yet again) ignoring some of the basics. So...
--Except for group buys, I am only shipping to Mexico, Canada, and the US. I am not shipping to any other countries. Please don't ask me to ship to other countries. The answer, as it has been from the beginning, is no. This means YOU.
--No, I don't accept PayPal. Period. Never have. Won't even consider it unless they start paying reasonable interest rates (at least 5% as of this writing) on money they hold. They'll also have to improve their track record in various other ways. The idea is a non-starter. Don't even ask. This means YOU.
Folks, I've said these things over and over and over. I said what I meant and meant what I said. Quit asking to be the exception. The answer is no.

Sorry Grey,
I'm one of the offenders who asked you these monotonous questions - hope you can bear with my and others ineptitude. Thanks again for your service in this and many other information you have provided through your posts in the past - much appreciated

For reasons which are unclear to me (I'm not [quite] paranoid enough to allege conspiracy), these things come in waves. If I get one e-mail from the South Pole asking for parts, it's a sure thing that I'll get a half-dozen more from other, similarly exotic, points of the globe within the next three or four days. Odd, but there it is.
I blame the phase of the moon sometimes...other times, I blame it on the weather, the stock market, whatever.
There's not any harm done really, it's just that it takes time and that's something I have precious little of. Today I had to go spring my wife from the hospital. I've been riding herd on the three year-old by myself and she's been a handful whilst Mom was gone. That's in addition to all the other things I've got going.
Got to go wash some dishes and get supper started. You guys keep plugging and I will too.

Hi z_willis_d,

The e-mail thing seems to be related to a minimum amount of time on the forum, or a minimum number of posts. I don't know, we haven't gotten an explanation. Try this: make some additional posts and then try contacting Grey.

Grey only has matched devices remaining. Go to the first post in this thread for info regarding ordering. That is a minimum amount of info...don't leave anything out. Be persistent within the forum. The failings for communication are not likely to be on Grey's end.

Hope this helps.
Thanks Ed. I guess I'm still a newbie then. I'm working on a preamp design, trying to decide on topologies, and now the search is for those Toshiba dual-JFET parts (2sk389/2sj109). They are hard to locate here in the US. Maybe I should just have my materials engineer call up and order me a bar of samples.
It's not all that much trouble to match 2SJ74 and 2SK170 parts. You can match a lot closer than the spec for the dual parts, and the singles aren't as hard to get. The only parameter that suffers is thermal tracking, and you can do a pretty good job there by laying out the parts so they kiss face to face and use self-adhesive copper tape to hold them together.
For all the assurances above, the e-mail thing didn't used to be this way. But if it is now, then that's what we have to deal with. For the record, I count this e-mail situation as part of the 'not working' I mentioned above; I meant it in a broader sense than Variac seems to have taken it. Oh well.
In the meantime, I have e-mailed Willus to see if I can get the e-mail pump primed.
tpark, I can't e-mail you until you turn on your little e-mail button dingus.
To everyone else...by all means post here if you can't get to me directly. However, I can't promise that I'll respond instantly as I'm curently being Mr. Mom, Mrs. Mom, maid, butler, and cook. Not to mention bottle washer. And repair man for everything under the sun from cars to picnic tables.
Repair in this case also includes a pair of the big Hurricane monoblock tube power amps beloved by Harry Pearson. The circuit is okay, but the power supply capacitance is puny. Makes me itch to modify the silly things to include a decent amount of capacitance.
Yes, they sound good. Very good.

I've e-mailed.
It seems that we are starting another round of people not paying attention to the total. I posted back in June about this, but here we are (again...) with the same problem.
I can't afford the time to repeat e-mail people. My wife is at home, bed-rest only. Between trips to the grocery store, cooking meals, taking out the trash, and washing dishes...not to mention trying to rebuild a bedroom and a few other odds and ends of things I'd like to get done (which aren't getting done)--and the three year-old...et--flipping--cetera...I depend on you to do your part.
Pretty please? With ice cream and whipped fudge on top?
Cuz elseways I ain't sending no more parts out.


P.S.: And if anyone points out that I haven't vacuumed, I'm gonna pound them so hard they'll have to pull their socks down to see where they're going!
Don't say you weren't warned.
Don't mention mopping the kitchen! My daughter toddled in this morning and showed me that she had finished her cup by turning it upside down. Well, yes, she had finished it, but there were the inevitable sticky dribbles all over the floor.
Um, while I'm in this thread, I'd like to mention that telling me you live "near Atlanta" or "outside Memphis" or "within twelve light-years of Alpha Centauri" doesn't count as an address. The USPS doesn't have much of a sense of humor about that sort of thing. Inevitably, I've had a run of about five or six e-mails in a row that all said pretty much the same sort of thing.
Yes, I realize that you guys (and gals) all get together and plan this sort of thing with an eye towards driving me crazy. I just wanted to let you know that it's working.

so if you can send them to europe i'm fine :D maybe i can get check payment from my bank, gotta ask, but i'm not sure - but i could do a money order to your bank account and when you receive it you can send them. or i can send you the money with an envelope... shouldnt be a loss that great...
but i'll go and ask my bank first if they have check's (cause i think i read somewhere that u only accept that way of payment).

thanks and regards,
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