LDR Pre MkII - LDR volume control and I/O switching

I can't find any defective on all discrete components, any bad solder or unwanted bridge.
I measured voltages present on nano board pins.
I can buy another display, but not sure if is worth while 5 volts still on SDA, SCL and BKL
Upload i2c scanner sketch and test the i2c response of your display. I believe display was working before? Is it the same behaviour now with both Arduinos? I remember someone on the thread having the similar issue, something preventing Arduino to boot at all, causing black display and no relay clicks, I don't remember what the solution was.

SDA and SCL both have pullup resistors, so 5V is normal, unless there is a data flow.
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Hi, I solved the issue by replacing the oled display. Now still is ERROR 20, so I continue troubleshooting, but somewhat relieved, as relays are clicking and Nano is alive.
Atch. is my Oled display, maybe of interest, as this SSD1309 variant, not seen it posted here already, and works without modification. Bought it long ago by the way.
LDR readings are: 97R, 390R, 215R and 249R.


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You should buy exactly 4, and any of them should be good. There is no need to pick the best ones, calibration takes care of that. Maybe it's not LDRs, maybe they are not getting enough current from the DACs. You should compare working DAC channel with other three, make sure all the voltages are the same at LDR inputs. I have never got a bad LDR, and I bought hundreds of them. Which type are they and where are you getting them from?
LDR are 32SR3, two white and two typed in yellow. but I can't remember what come from savaged VxO from Vincent, and what from a Taobao supplier from China.
Lets mention that now I tested again the resistence values, but reversing the proves I get very different values.
97R turned 13R
327R turned 43R
216R turned 24R
250R turned 28R

I noticed one regulator L7805CV is operating very hot, I can't hold a touch further than 2 sec. It measures also higher intensity than the others:
R+ = 84mA
O+ = 15mA
D+ = 26mA
A+ = 25mA
Total consumption with full OLED brightness and maximum number of relays energized is around 290mA, so 2x6V/10VA transformer is well oversized already as it gives 2x800mA. Even 3.2VA 2x6V would be quite sufficient.

I know that 2x9V are set in parallel, but there is also no load factor for each transformer, which is around 1.5x. For 25VA, 250mA is almost no load, which means 13V x 1.5 ~ 19.5V.
Despite warning ERROR 20, I biased at at 750k, then measured and entered minimum resistence LDRs :
LSE = 87R
LSH = 75R
RSE = 132R
RSH = 41R
Then after calibrate I get ERROR 23: RSE Power Failure.
Not being able to find any hardware error, I may guess must change at least this RSE LDR. Or maybe three LDRs, those higher than 60 ohm?