Krell KSA 50 PCB

Hogwash !
Sustained bias plateau shoes, but still a midget.

those metal bars connecting the output with the terminals is nice.
And the stacked boards, with the big capacitors screwed straight to the rails, too.
Oh no, the fool is starting about silverplating copper bars and screws again !! :clock:

Does anyone know how many output devcies the S had ?
I've seen this picture some 10 years ago and even then it wasnt sharp enough to count the number of TO3 pins.
With the kind of heatsink on the S i would think 6 would have been the most logical choice.

Going above 35vdc rails will be a problem for the opamp in the Jung super regulator. Checked for possible solutions by doing a search ?

I have this picture in my collection.
Sorry Jacco, no inside details.
Wim: what forum is that?


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Are there any boards/parts groups left? I'm kind of in the market...

Yes I have 6 boards left and I brought them with me on the road.... You can e-mail me at cinerama84106@(remove) For details.

I have ordered another 100 boards but I took the slow route of 1 month delivery time..... I am also getting them made on .062" fr-4 instead of the .093" stuff. This might help the hole situation a tad bit.

BrianGT PowerSupply Boards

I know it's been asked, but I'm not sure it's been answered...

For those that are using the BrianGT PSU boards, where are you sourcing your caps? The boards take SNAP-IN type caps, 3 per channel. My math puts that at 27,000uf a cap, and would need to be 50V. Anyone?

Re: BrianGT PowerSupply Boards

googler said:
I know it's been asked, but I'm not sure it's been answered...

For those that are using the BrianGT PSU boards, where are you sourcing your caps? The boards take SNAP-IN type caps, 3 per channel. My math puts that at 27,000uf a cap, and would need to be 50V. Anyone?


I'm using these (left side, 10K @ 63v) in my BrianGT boards, but these are not going in my Krells.


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Boards Received


I have just received my PSU and Krell clone boards. Nicely packed and undamaged. Many thanks!

Reading the Salt Lake Tribune newspaper they were wrapped in was a eye opener. Jeeps going for $18,987 ! (Dollarprice X Rand conversion rate of X6,3= R119618.10) when the local agents are selling them for nothing under R300.000.00 ! The same applies to audio- what most overseas audiophiles consider cheap stuff works out quite expensive here.

With a second KSA clone in the pipeline I am keen to make this one a no-holds barred version. Any recommendations re best components to use will be welcomed.

Cape Town
South Africa