Killer Robots

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I thought the whole push for AI was that it expects everything?

By the same token I think their batting average beats the usual turnpike driver’s average by a country mile.

But I think we are missing what the main force is behind this technology- forcing humans to rent rather than own automobiles and keeping the cut from hiring any kind of professional driver from taxi to freight to whatever.

Planes will be next.
Productivity is a way to say profit without revealing your greed ;-)

It also appeals to the self-improvement / human-potential movements, insinuating productivity (creation) and commercial desire (consumption) is part of a path to self-actualization and happiness.

To me it’s just carefully selected semantics as part of the ideology of capitalist systems / oligarchies. I think capitalism necessarily relies upon aligning obsession, consumption and rapid purging for additional consumption with human progress. Productivity is a useful buzzword to those ends.

Thus those who are not productive are sent to:

A. Jails
B. Mental health facilities
C. Nursing homes

So they can provide indirect sources of “productivity” to those who manage them.

Additionally this brings into partial focus why productivity for one entity is oftentimes directly linked to the exploitation of another entity.

To bring it full circle: the reason I believe many are afraid of killer robots is because WE ALREADY SHARE THE SAME QUALITIES AS THE KILLER ROBOTS AS A SPECIES! We are mother earth’s “organically grown” killer robots.

We dominate, enslave, commit genocide, are ecological nightmares / resource pillagers, and will accept the extinction of other species to fulfill our own needs.

We are just less effective and calculating than they might be. So, it would make sense that creating something vastly more capable than ourselves in our own image would result in widespread destruction.

You might find this worth watching:


As well as this:

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Joined 2017
Not trying to give AI any ideas, but all they would need to do is go into the deserts of the world and start kicking up sand to knock us out.


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Article is quite poorly written. Somebody did not do enough research.

Robot is a tool, very sophisticated one.
And it is very hard to make those tools, and often things can be broken or missused. Automatization calls for altgorithms made by humans. It our falut if those systems break. Current AI is tech that needs to be use carefully.

In an event case of powerful broken AI the whole human race could be wiped. Or in case of vastly intelligent sentient AI we have even more potential problems.

To keep it short, I am convinced that AI is very dangerous and powerful(posibly not only tool), we need to take great care. Putting OFF switch into robots so to speak is simply not gonna cut it!
If you are interested about the topic listen this Sam Harris podcast with Eliezer Yudkowsky.
Last Friday I’m walking around with my wife in a big box hardware store. We got on the subject of pellet ice machines and how they are the best... yesterday she gets an ad on instagram for a pellet ice machine with a link to Amazon. Ever read the contract to those apps? They can access your camera and microphone at any time they want, push ads on you and or kill you. :D pushing ads on me does kill me a little bit each day... “something is squeezing my skull, something I can barely describe” -moz
There’s also settings one can adjust, preventing access to the microphone or camera or what have you.

Then you get features as well as privacy.

The above comments about recording conversations are completely overblown though. The way he believes it worked is extremely unlikely. There’s a much more simple and less diabolical answer.
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