Kicker ZX750.1 Makes Squealing sound when powered up

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Post the waveforms on the gate leg of one of the power supply FETs when the amp is drawing 10 amps. Set the coupling to DC. Align the trace to the center reference line. Set the vertical amp to 5v/div and the timebase to 10us/div. Adjust the timebase to display approximately 3-4 complete cycles if that's not what you see at 10us.

this is what i get on all gates
If you have a ground clip for your scope probe, connect it to the ground terminal of the amp to make sure that the scope has a good reference and do this again. The short ground eliminates errors due to long ground leads. Check the ground of the probe ground lead by making sure that you read ~0 ohms from the ground clip to the ground terminal on the scope.
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