John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier

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bear said:
I have very bad news for most of us. The loss of HF hearing does negatively effect one's ability to discern all sorts of things sonic. It makes zero difference compared to those who also share one's hearing deficit(s) in similar ways. But compared to someone of equivalent "discernment" who can hear the highs fully, we are only getting part of the picture.

In particular, various HF hash and trash becomes non-existant compared to those who can hear up to and past 20kHz. Believe me, that hash and trash is there - at one time I could hear such things all too well.

So, it is a mixed blessing, and a reality.


Trevor, still nothing I saw posted regarding the allegations you made toward me... ?? also you might want to turn on an email link and/or make available your website (do you have one?)

As far as comparing the input to output, how do you recommend the test set up for this? Please do post it so that I can try that test? Keep in mind that I and others reading will need reasonably explicit directions in order to set up the test properly. Thanks much.


I agree, good post bear.

For those that are very interested in Joshua's gear, I suggest opening a new thread.
janneman said:

Of course you are. You decided to 'give that amp a try' as a result of that review. That's being biased, clear and simple. What's so strange or objectionable about it?

Jan Didden

How about all those amplifiers I read many good reviews about, both from professional reviewers and users, which I didn't like their sound?

janneman said:

I am not predisposed to contradict anyone. Your remark is insinuous, impolite, dishonest, tendentious and a personal attack. Is that what you came back for?

Jan Didden

I believe JC was binned for less than this.
No new ideas, and criticsm only, and based strongly on personal sympathy or antipathy.

Really? Since I'm personal friends with both John and Jan, I must be awfully confused.

Wait a minute, I probably am.

I have very bad news for most of us. The loss of HF hearing does negatively effect one's ability to discern all sorts of things sonic.

And yet lots of people with restricted HF (at the age of 54, I am certainly one of them) are quite sensitive to the deficiencies of electronic reproduction of music. Nearly anyone who is familiar with the sound of live music can recognize it through a closed door or around a corner outside.
john curl said:
Hi frequency response apparently has little to do with live vs recorded evaluation.

Because products of intermodulation have as well low frequencies. We've discussed in another thread why 50 KHz microphones capture more real sounds from a drum set that 20 KHz one, and it is well audible that 50 KHz microphones give less of intermodulation on dishes and snares.
No, we just found that many IC's sounded worse for whatever reason. We, at least, expressed our results openly and honestly.
For the record, we evaluated the difference between IC op amps in a specific place, and it had NOTHING to do with Crown Equalizer that ultimately had to be updated. It was an OK test, and the results just showed that there is more to bad IC's than just slew rate.
Ultimately, we made special modified IC's, composed of a diff fet input stage coupled into the offset adjust pins of a Raytheon 5534 IC, bypassing the input stage, to replace what Crown originally used. It worked pretty well, but was somewhat noisy. Linear input stage?
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