John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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If my name would be Jason, I'd squeeze the frequent posting members dry as a lemon, this place would be Vegas, and a CC would buy you a $/m PPV female audiophile.
I'd count your blessings, IIWY.
May-be my poor English, or your very frequent use of acronyms and English Internet slang, but, you know, I have great difficulty to understand many of your writings.
[edit] Not to forget the tired of my old neurons ;-)
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Well Derf, that is one way that you can avoid the 'point of view' of others. To be honest, what KBK is trying to say is beyond me as well, but that does not mean that there is not good sense in it. SY likes to put people in a box, for KBK it is 'poetry', for me it is 'dishonesty', for Joe it is 'profit making', etc. We all have opinions to contribute here, SY's is but one. And we resent being accused of being less than forthright.

I'm perhaps not as dismissive, if that's your concern. But there are discussions that, after you get the gist, realize the person is tilting at windmills. Or has a point so amorphous and diffuse that you're rendered unable to really communicate.

I really try to take people at their content, but at some point, there's only so much brain power to go around and you have to weigh the value of addressing it. And a healthy bit of Bayesian prior plausibility as intellectual shortcuts.

Philosophically, I do take a worldview that most are well-intended but often wrapped in their own world. If you should worry that comes across as overly judgmental, I apply that first and foremost to myself.
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there we go

Thank you, 2-face Fred. Looks much better that way.

As you've seen (time and again) I'm a little dim myself.
In my early membership days, I thought I was sending various nude images of myself to individual members, but for some reason they popped-up on threads.
In retrospective, I should count myself lucky those weren't added as external multi-MB links, now that would have painted a real Nèzty picture.
Joined 2002
Paid Member


  • plough monday.JPG
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in-put on the sub-ject

Sorta backing Mr Wurcer's line.

A simpleton as myself thinks of a symmetrical plough going through a homogenous butter field.
1-dimensional resulting force field, zero higher-order moments.

The nextdoor field is more difficult to plough, still butter, but the plough bumps into/onto rocks on a frequent basis, also non-symmetrical distribution on the track to plough.

Plough excitation would be pretty hard to calculate, but could more than likely be simulated, and measured.
Just crossed my mind what it would be like if the plough only weighed half a gram (-me award).

(huh, why does sperm-bike makes me think of Semen-Cycle, and why does that sound so familiar ? Oh Yeah, it sounds like Shimano and bicycle. Demented me, just had a talk about that and them a few hours ago)
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No firestorm from me: 0.05% (-66 dB) seems a safe enough low number. :)

Since adding 0.1% of H2 with a 1KHz signal is clearly audible i would suggest one order of magnitude below this level at this frequency and rising linearly with frequency from here.

Of course 0.1% at 1KHz wont be audible in a musical signal but that s entirely due to masking effects.
Objectivity has a hard time existing when it's purely derived and filtered in all ways through a purely subjective emotional and animal instinct system. When such systems brick wall in 100% subjective frame, filter, design and expression.

Scientific objectivity is quite the joke when the attempt and the carrier (medium) is wholly subjective, and past-reactive... in all levels and types of communicative I/O.

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