Indian equivalents of the following DIY items.

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Got the entire thing for 6k including the shipping for the drivers within the US to my friend.
compared to corrson...i would have been able to get only two P17J woofers for the price.
the thing is that my friend is bringing them over personally to India..infact i think his plane landed just an hour ago in Mumbai.
What i am(on behalf of my friend) suggesting is that the parts will be shipped from the retailer(be it PE or madisound) to the US shipping company that my friend deals with. then it is shipped from there to Mumbai from where the drivers can be dispersed to their final desitnations.
the shipping cost from the US to India would be roughly 3-5% of the price of the components(say for 10k of components uwould have to pay nother 500-700 rupees max) and also the shiping will cost from Mumbai to final destination will have to be accounted for.
The thing is that my friend is going to offer this for free of cost and at cost price.
he will also not demand cash upfront..only thing he wants are gnuine interested parties who will nat back out after the purchase.(he said so.. at least when i last spoke to him abt this)
the purchase will be completely transparent to the buyer.
Ur inputs in this regard will be highly valuable..
will this work out for the DIY guys in India?

p.s:as per his wishes, i will reveal the identity of my friend only after i get my drivers. i will also give u details on the way he carried out the transcation for me. the method i am suggesting will be almost similar to that. Let me tell u that as of now, i have not met him and he has been an online acquaintance of mine for the past 4 months. he has bought them for me and i have not put one penny on the table even now.
i will pay him when he comes to Bangalore in 10 days time
Hello Arasuk,

You asked: "Whats the size of drivers you are looking at!!"

At this time I am challenging myself to make a satisfying good imaging speaker using single 4" full rangers, obviously no crossovers involved. My task is to find the right driver for the task.

It is possible because there are some fantastic single driver high end speakers on the market. It is all in the enclosure design..and a good driver tostart with.

As Ajju points out, the JBLs I am using now are a very good value and sound quite good....but as he rightly points out, the HF is a bit weak....but there is something to work with (Ajju, what type of electronics are you suggesting to help the JBLs? an in line circuit?). I am currently breaking in the drivers in my temporary "tuppersonics", which are closed baffle clear PVC tiffins with polyfill stuffing. They are surprisingly ok at low volumes and are a good conversation piece.

Thanks to everyone with info on suppliers. Here is another that I will look into: Appearently a Fostex distributer in Delhi. Not sure they have the full range drivers, though.
one more thing...
my friend is willing to help the DIYer's in Bangalore by making available a place where they can come and use the MLSSA software for measuring the driver parameters and also use the LEAP software for enclosure and Xover design...all for free.
How does this sound...
Also some inputs regarding acquisition of drivers and components from the US are most welcome....
Maybe we can setup a meeting of alll the Bangalore DIYer's when he drops into Bangalore if the idea appeals to u and we discuss how to go abt this.
this one is goood...
the only thing is you need a fairly good soundcard and a descent jig to be setup to help you with all kinds of measurements...!
I had an earlier version of this, and apparently it dint have measurements by the mass loading technique...
u needed to go the volume based approach and it was pretty cumbersome...!!

Hey Ajju,
A PC will be setup and i or we(if i can setup a meeting)can discuss with him abt the requirements(sound card ,etc).
i'll find out which version of MLSSA and LEAP he has and let u know.
OH, he al;so has a pink generator and a frequency generator(presently using thenm to break in my drivers) and these too will be made available..but these need a fair bit of planning.
Sachi, I was actually responding to speakerworkshop..!!

guess MLSSA comes with its own break-away capture card...not too sure though.. Yes we shall gather all the diyers in blr..
to be frank, I have been out of touch with most of them..and worst part lost all contacts and numbers...will start hunting around agian..!

speaker workshop etc

Thanks Ajju,

I am pretty new to the testing/technical aspects to fine tuning, discovering parameters, etc.

Other than Speakerworkshop, can you recommend a good place for a non-engineer to start? Or is Speakerworkshop a good start?

Cheers for the advice.


PS: Thanks for the jig link
Speaker Workshop is quite a capable tool, and can be used to obtain T/S params of speakers quite easily. All you need is a good sound card (I used a SoundBlaster Live! 5.1, I believe the new ones are even better), a good amp with a "Flat", "bypass" or "tone defeat" mode, and a speaker jig. I dont remember where I found the schematics for mine, but it looked a lot like the one ajju posted a pic of. You can also measure impedance of coils for crossovers using this program. I didn't manage to get the crossover design part of the software working, though. I used a SPICE program (see to simulate my crossover design, along with Rod Elliott's speaker model.

Even if your amp's not perfectly flat. SW will do a calibration run, in which it will compensate for nonlinearities. This will affect the dynamic range available, though.

There are rumours that soundcards which do DSP-based interpolation wont work well with this software, I don't think this is true. What this means is that whatever sample rate you set the soundcard to, it actually operates at some fixed freq (usually 48 kHz) and resamples the input stream to match that freq with interpolating filters. I know that my SB Live! did this, but I could not notice anything particularly wrong with the impedance curves when plotted with different sample rates.

Search around, there are good tutorials on how to use SW with a jig to measure components and speakers.
Plinius & Harberth and DIY

i spoke to my friend and he asked me to give u guys the lowdown...
By this month or the next Plinius is going to setup shop in India.
My friend is the Managing director of the company who are the authorised distributors to India.
u can look it up here..

Now, Junia Alva(my friend), who is the MD of Intech wants to lend a helping hand to the DIY community by doing whatever he can...
the above proposals stand...
Plinius are setting up two showrooms, one each in Bombay and Bangalore....
he plans to have a room adjacent to the showroom in Bangalore where the DIYers can come and do their thing...
So, Guys let me know if u would like to carry this forward...
Well..he used to deal with Dynaudio....

he is open to the idea of keeping the DIY setup where it is most beneficial...if there are more number of active Mumbai Diyers than in Bangalore...then i guess it would make sense in keeping it there...
neway i'll forward this to him and ask him if he is willing to keep such a thing going at both the places...
Where do u think it would be most beneficial?
Also for the people in Mumbai...they have maximum returns if they decide to buy the components from partsexpress since Junia's shipping lot comes thru Mumbai...that is where his gowdown is..

infact he is a member of the forum..and does check in at times...i'll ask him to step in if u think it would be better....cause he can take desicions better instead of me relaying things back to him...
Dear Navin,

I was following you past threads...gosh you seem to know everything about the saga of audio in India !

From CMM to La Kozy to even my Dynaudio days....I don't know if we have ever met face to face....but you know the roots !

Anyway like Sachi said, I have got out of the Audio business some ten years ago to start a engineering software company. By the Grace of God, it is doing pretty well. Intech has several officies abroad & I am based in the US

I guess my roots in Audio have being pulling me back to India and I keep remembering all the hassels I used to have when I was trying to get thngs going while in India.

I was thinking if the DIY community in India are interested, Intech would be in a position to fund an operation whereby members could have access to the very best equipment with no strings attached.

Also I could arrange for parts to be imported at cost price.

The only request is that, I wouldn't wish anyone to absuse the system.

Perhaps a group of individuals in India could come forward to form the guidlines on how this would operate.

All inputs would be greatly appreciated.

In the meantime if they are any questions, please feel free to ask.


Hello everybody.

Been a long long time (may be a year). I really thought that I had forgotten my password.

Feels good to post a reply here.

I got a auto notification that there was activity on this thread and I come back and :bigeyes: its grown to 25 pages!

It took 25 mins to download all of them (I perfer checking them out when I am offline).

Nothing has changed for me since my last post in diyaudio. Like before, I check out DIY speakers and start salivating at the prospects of building one and then it dawns on me................I AM IN INDIA and have not yet found a sure shot way of getting a SHIVA or for that matter a DPL12 without thinking about customs. It kinda sucks when I think about that.

No one cares,
But given the tone in which everybody enthusiastically participate in asking or replying, I feel at home and hence just want to tell you where I stand.

Got myself a new job, lower pay but the job rocks and right now I am loving every bit of it. Looking forward to get the DPL12 (not one but two!!). Hope thats in the near future n hope no one here is givin up on me :D

There are also excellent drivers available from Morel, which is a bit closer.....


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