He's back and better than ever (aka Royal Halo Museum of Poetic Posts)

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Joined 2001
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I won't be back until my signature is back on those 1500 posts
from where it was taken away.

No moderater took away halo's signature. The signature file is global. When halo changed his signature file, he changed all the signatures in all his posts in one big swoop -- everytime he changed his sig file this would have happened. I'll happily help him put them back, but he is the only one who knows what they are (and to maintain any distinctness from post to post they would have to be inserted into each post, not the sig file, which means editing 1500 posts individually.

The only thing the mods did was remove the link to his ftp site, when after a couple nice requests that he do it were not complied with.

Joined 2001
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Compare these 2 posts:


This one HAS my SIGNATURE.
h (current sign of halojoy)


At this 27/2-03 and well over 1000 of my earlier posts
signature is REMOVED. No line.

the check box on the 2nd post for show signature has been unchecked. This is not something the mods did, all thou it could be possible that a hickup in the database switched it off (ie all posts before the hickup -- and we have had a few) -- in which case more people will also be missing there sigs too.

Going back to his old posts it seems pretty global, so a glich it probably is, because there is no way halojoy could of switched them all off himeself.

Now what pees me off is that this is the 1st time i have seen a proper explanation of the problem -- halojoy declined to answer my posts when i mailed him to try to find out detail of the problem. If he had explained, we could have had this sorted out months ago.

I will now go ask one of the warp engineers if it is possible to write and run a script to turn them all back on -- because it will be a whole hell of a lot of work to do it post by post -- but i will do it myself if i have to.

When we get this fixed, and if halojoy comes back he will still have to abid by the request to not have a link on diyaudio to a source of pirated music -- we do not need the RIAA lawyers on our butts.

Joined 2001
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dhaen said:
I spoke with Halo by e-mail over the last 2 days.

And thanx John, for posting this from halojoy. At least i now know what he has a problem with -- and knowing what the probelm is, i can fix it.

It is not clear on his ftp server -- at least it wasn't when i read it. And as i said previously, halojoy declined to clear things up for me, despite all my attempts to get an explanation i understood.

peranders said:
Halo is alive!

Anybody else who got a message from him?

What did he want? :scratch: :confused:

Odd way to try to be buddy with me :confused:
To be extra clear: I got an email from him and he wanted things but I'm a little bit :confused: about his maners.

I can't see why it's so important to _not_ to follow rules. Why is it so important to be anonymous? Everyone from here that I have been in contact with (except Mr J H) have signed their messages with their real names, everyone elso too infact.
Joined 2001
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OK, halojoy's signature problem is fixed.

Now, halo you can come back. Please come back.

But, no links to sites
with other's copywritten material
Link to a site with a link
if you have too.

And next time
(which i hope there isn't)
please read and respond
to my email
If you had
we could have had this fixed
within days of the problem.


planet10/rolling out the yellow brick carpet
Joined 2003
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planet10 said:
OK, halojoy's signature problem is fixed.
planet10/rolling out the yellow brick carpet

:cloud9: :cheerful: :eguitar: :drink: :drunk:

/Hugo - ...............................................................

Post us a reeeeaaaaaal nice one on those lines, Halo!!!
I'm somewhat baffled by the bitterness that the knowledgable people display on this forum.

I know that there's a lot of questionable posts by web-kids...but why so much touchiness by the "gurus"?

Is there something I naively don't know about going on, like people are making a lot of money at home from their contacts on this forum? I really just don't get it???:(
Joined 2003
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leadbelly said:
I'm somewhat baffled by the bitterness that the knowledgable people display on this forum.

I know that there's a lot of questionable posts by web-kids...but why so much touchiness by the "gurus"?

Is there something I naively don't know about going on, like people are making a lot of money at home from their contacts on this forum? I really just don't get it???:(
I don't consider myself as a "guru", but this is about the human touch of the forum. Has absolutely nothing to do with making money whatsoever.
Read some of Halo's posts and you'll maybe understand, or not. That doesn't mean you have to like his style. Some people like Halo, others don't.
/Hugo ;)

I just went to his FTP and listened to his "USA equals WAR" mp3.
It turns out to be "Star Spangled Banner".

Yet another Halo paradox....

And if you're reading this Halo, think who your friends are. Friends are not people who will do anything (destructive or not) for you. They are people who will help you; sometimes even when you are rude to them and insult them.

Why don't you just dump that damn mp3. It's the only visible copyright item now, and get back to posting, and bringing a smile to peoples faces.



edit: just e-mailed him a link to this post....well you never know:)


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diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
dhaen said:

And if you're reading this Halo, think who your friends are. Friends are not people who will do anything (destructive or not) for you. They are people who will help you; sometimes even when you are rude to them and insult them.

Halo, listen to dhaen. Remember, he's the one who posted your message.

Friends are not to be dictated to. If you want to drive people away, issue ultimatums. That will do it.

I knew a fellow who went to Alcoholics Anonymous to give up drinking, which he succeeded at doing. However, he apparently compensated for the ego boost alcohol gave him by going around and announcing to the people he knew that they HAD to do this for him and they HAD to do that for him. If they said no, he threw screaming fits and tantrums. Even though he hadn't touched a drop in years, he kept getting thrown out of apartments by landlords and thrown out of jobs by employers. To this day, he still hasn't figured out that people don't like to be told that they HAVE to do a favor for someone-or else.

Halo, did it ever occur to you that the people you call false friends and cowards are just people who think that diyAudio might have a side in this situation and did not want to put themselves into a position where they would be fighting the forum? They don't know what Emails were passed back and forth between you two. It is not like the forum has shut you out-you could have worked this out for yourself. And for Chrissake, it's just a stupid signature.

Incidentally, I would just like to announce that I have never contacted Halo on this matter, and his use of my signature line in his message did not imply that I was one of those who he asked to post his message. I haven't contacted him, although I did consider doing so, just to see how he is doing.
peranders said:

To be extra clear: I got an email from him and he wanted things but I'm a little bit :confused: about his maners.

I can't see why it's so important to _not_ to follow rules. Why is it so important to be anonymous? Everyone from here that I have been in contact with (except Mr J H) have signed their messages with their real names, everyone elso too infact.

I got an another email from him. The mystery darkens. He sent a long business proposal. Somewhere something isn't right, but it's still a mystery.

He has several VERY interesting designs. Why can't he show them, not even in private conversations?

The answer is (I suspect) only talk. The message is altogether just weird.
Bring my belongings back, Please!

I'd like to start by quoting myself in another thread:
you can NOT put a moderator on Ignore.
This is because they should be able
to "moderate you" to suit what they find is good (for them). ;)
I am NOT surprised to find that an american moderator,
SY from NapaValley moved posts from here to Off Topic.

I hope that such reactions to critics
is not representative for most american citizens,
because if so USA is a land to pity.
Changes for the better can mostly come out of critics
or selfcritics.

I have nothing against that posts in question stay here,
and this is my subject, I started a long time ago.
I do find substance in those posts provide by 3-4 members
that couldn't be regarded more "out of subject"
than what we normally find on this site.


If you do not want to move these posts back where they belong,
I will do it for you.
A thread is a thread. Things ripped out of context
does seldome make sense.

halojoy - Sweden, means what he say - and wants no corrupt moderation

*corrupt - to make things out own interest

This statement by jean-paul surely
has its given place in this thread.
Because the technique used is to try to convince
the tv-program consumer, that something is very funny,
when it not necessarely is funny at all.
Originally posted by jean-paul
Location: The Netherlands

"Level of humor of most american comedy series that are shown here
is only enough to make some Dutch cows frown.
Good thing is that the background laughing comes from a tape
otherwise it would be quiet.
The price must be the reason that they're bought otherwise I don't see any reason
for poisoning our youth with these dumb programs."
Maybe it's just dumb ol' American me, or some obsessive-compulsive mania of mine, but I like to see discussions about tubes in the Tubes section, discussions about speakers in the Speaker section, and discussion about off topic stuff in Off Topic.

I didn't delete anything, edit anything, or censor anything. It's just over in its proper place, with a title to indicate the thread context from which it spawned.

Is my tie crooked? Tell me the truth, now.
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