Help with old Mission 770

I thought you might find it helpful to see how this Mission 762i loudspeaker works, based on what I know about it, and you might measure some precise values:

Approximate circuit:

Mission 762i Circuit orig.JPG

Guesstimate response:

Mission 762i sim Orig.JPG

Phase response (The bit that usually only I am interested in...):

Mission 762i Phase Orig.JPG

Here's where some of my Boxsim 1.2 twiddling went, a circuit suitable for a SET amplifier, the middle LCR is called impedance correction, albeit I think closed box works better:

Mission 762i tank circuit.JPG

Looks like this:

Impedance Corrected Mission 762i options.JPG

That 22R and 0.68uF is called a tank notch at around 6kHz.

The dotted line is with just the 22R and positive polarity. Thus:

Mission 762i Resistor on coil.JPG

Boxsim 1.2 available here:

I like it for its accurate phase calculation. I have no idea what will sound better, but favour the tank notch.

With some cheap Mundorf electrolytics, and cheap ceramic resistors. you could have endless fun experimenting. :)