Gainclone building thread based on BrianGT's boards

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Can it be pushed further?

Peter Daniel said:

If it wasn't for the big caps at the chip issue we observed previously, I might have believed you now;)

Peter, I don't want credit for anything and I'm not selling anything, ok?
I made plenty of mods and tests because I have difficult speakers.
On a first and quick listen with the big caps bass was better (with my speakers), but after listening more carefully I found out that the rest was not so good.
And I reported that.
I have difficult speakers, maby that's why I've got to make a regulated PSU.
If you haven't tried it yet, you can't say.
I was joking on my last post, I was not making any insinuation, I don't know how you understood that post.
And I know how to listen to a system, but you belive it if you will, this is the internet, you know me from here, not personally.
If I could send my sound for you all to listen, I would, but that's not possible...
chris ma said:
Thanks for the explanations Peter,
But with regulated PSU doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of let the amp stays on 24/7?

Even with regulated supply, it's a good practise to keep the power constantly ON.

I would suggest that you try those BG caps. Brian offers them at pretty good discount. I could send you some on trial basis, without any comitment to buy.

I would be interested to hear your opinion on regulated supply, if you have a chance to built it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Can it be pushed further?

carlosfm said:

Peter, I don't want credit for anything and I'm not selling anything, ok?
I made plenty of mods and tests because I have difficult speakers.
On a first and quick listen with the big caps bass was better (with my speakers), but after listening more carefully I found out that the rest was not so good.
And I reported that.
I have difficult speakers, maby that's why I've got to make a regulated PSU.
If you haven't tried it yet, you can't say.
I was joking on my last post, I was not making any insinuation, I don't know how you understood that post.
And I know how to listen to a system, but you belive it if you will, this is the internet, you know me from here, not personally.
If I could send my sound for you all to listen, I would, but that's not possible...

That's one thing, the difficult speakers. That's why the opinion on reg supply may be somewhat biased.
I just can't imagine, how regulators may improve anything, when just the rect diodes have such tremendous impact on the sound.
I'm not jumping to any conclusion, just advice listening carefully.

You all know how reluctant I am to changes and the new ideas;)

I once was a follower of simple circuits, better sound approach. After trying an elaborate preamp, this has changed. Although the preamp is using 2 op amps at input stage, the DAC and I/V chip for volume and dual transistors for buffering with OP amp based current regulators it seems like the sound is much better with that preamp, than without it. Of course, I highly modified it, and still working on it.

A year back, I wouldn't believe it and I would totally dismiss the preamp idea. It is not the case now. There is something that preamp stage does, that makes the amp sound much better.

Maybe reg PS is a good idea too?;)
Peter, other persons that know my system very well confirm that it's even better now.
I don't needed the oppinion of those persons, they just said it naturally after listening.

If you want, I'm wrong, Pedja is wrong, tbla is wrong, Neal is wrong.
I guess it has to be you to say if it's better or not, isn't it?

Note: for almost a year that I'm saying that the GC plays even better with a good pre.:bawling: :bawling: :bawling:
I just can't imagine, how regulators may improve anything, when just the rect diodes have such tremendous impact on the sound.

Hi Peter / Carlos,

I was reading Morgan Jones on regulated supplies and he is suggesting that the improvement a regulated supply offers, perceived or not, could be down to previous unnoticed LF stability problem in the supply (motor-boating, causing loose smeared bass and mids.). I certainly had this on my amp. I did not realize it was there until I looked for it, adding the regulator killed it stone dead.

He goes on and talks about how a regulator has a near zero output resistance. A regulator is like a real world equivalent Thevenin source (close simulation) implying infinite current capacity where the supply that feeds the regulator has a finite current capacity. If the regulator is used within it's limits then it gets close to this ideal. It's a good read for anybody wanting to understand more.

He also made the point that you are listening to the ‘sound’ of the regulator, implying that some tweaking of it may be necessary to get the sound you want. As always YMMV!!

My 'speakers are a benign load and yet I still prefer this regulated supply :D

Give it a go!
:D :D
Re: Tranny Options

cantskienuf said:

Does each feed into the PSU board require 120VA, or can I satisfy the requirement by using two transformers, each feeding aprox 75VA to one side of the PSU?

I would use around this value as a minimum for two channels.
If single voltage trafos, you need two 22v at around 7A.

If you use independent trafo/PSU for each channel, divide this by 2.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

I just can't imagine, how regulators may improve anything, when just the rect diodes have such tremendous impact on the sound.

You like what a battery supply can do for the sound?
Ask yourself why that is now.

A well designed regulator isolates the amp from the mains akin to using a battery just that it can even do better than a battery alone can as the Zout of the regulator can be made very close to zero over a wide frequency band and it should be less noisy too.
That's only just one advantage of using a regulated PS, there is more.

CLC filtering stage will not work the same way in class B amp as in class A amp, as the current draw is not constant in the first case.

Why should a CLC filter be different depending on class of operation of the circuit?
BTW, even class A does not by itself present a constant current draw on the PS.

fdegrove said:

You like what a battery supply can do for the sound?
Ask yourself why that is now.

A well designed regulator isolates the amp from the mains akin to using a battery just that it can even do better than a battery alone can as the Zout of the regulator can be made very close to zero over a wide frequency band and it should be less noisy too.
That's only just one advantage of using a regulated PS, there is more.

I will put it out to you in a different way then. It's very hard to find a good sounding chip amp. I believe it's even harder to find a good sounding regulator.

The more I listen to batteries and to well made non regulated supply, the less difference I notice. The battery still has the edge, but only if you make direct comparisons.

Frank, I didn't know you were into that GC stuff.;)
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