Funniest snake oil theories

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The valorization of celebrity media 'science guys' regularly spouting on topics dramatically outside their specialization is harming science advocacy and giving rise to popular push back and ridicule, with new coinages like 'scientism' to describe clueless fans who treat science like a favorite beverage or sports team.

I agree with this. But is an artifact of our shallow society, I think. Look at the larger celebrity culture in the US. Many of the most popular celebrities are dumber than a sack of hammers. Intelligence is no longer a virtue in western culture.

Nevertheless, when Nye talks about evolution he is correct. Jerry Coyne is the real expert, and he does advocacy work too, but I don't think too many people even know who he is. Jerry Coyne - Wikipedia

Science isn't glamorous. Magical fairy tales for grownups have a lot more appeal for the average moron.
Yeah, Flat Earthers are more a study in human nature than any kind of science.


Here's an AC receptacle which claims, among various other heroic attributes, to have "the grip of Mickey Mantle," which is...well, that's just weird, man. :confused: But hey, only 49 DOLLARS!

It's the cool triangle and green dot that make it work. :D

There's a problem with that outlet too. It's advertised as a 15-20 amp outlet, but it's really a 20 amp outlet, and it's a Bozo no-no to wire it to a 15 amp circuit.

EDIT: To make a quiet outlet for audio, you want a dedicated circuit with a dedicated neutral wire all the way to the service box. Don't share the neutral with any other circuit.

My outdoor receptacle was shot, so in 2019 I replaced it with this one, which is fine for the task.... and only $1.98!
You're supposed to put GFCI outlets outside.
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-Bernard Lietaer, Founder of the EU Currency System

I agree with Jacques Fresco...
"'My name is Jacque fresco. I'm an industrial designer and a social engineer. I am very much interested in society, and developing a system that might be sustainable…for all people.
First of all, the word corruption is a monetary invention…that aberrant behavior...behavior that's disruptive to the well being of people. Well, you're dealing with human behavior, and human behavior appears to be environmentally determined, meaning, if you were raised by the seminal Indians as a baby, never saw anything else, you would hold that value system.
And this goes for nations; it goes for individuals; for families… they try to indoctrinate their children to their particular faith and their country, and make them feel like they're part of that. And they build a society, which they call 'established'. They establish a workable point of view, and tend to perpetuate that. Whereas, all societies are really emergent, not established. And so, they fight new ideas that would interfere with the establishment.
Governments try to perpetuate that which keeps them in power. People are not elected to political office to change things… they are put there to keep things the way they are. So you see, the basis of corruption is in our society. Let me make it clear. All nations then, are basically corrupt, because they tend to uphold existing institutions. I don't mean to uphold or downgrade all nations, but communism, socialism, fascism, the free enterprise system and all other sub-cultures are the same… they are all basically corrupt."
You're supposed to put GFCI outlets outside.

Not necessarily, you might use a GFCI breaker for the whole circuit or another way to do it……several regular outlets outdoors may be wired to the same GFCI outlet that can be inside (which is actually preferable).

Another thing depending on your climate a high end full copper outlet is beneficial, ex; in coastal areas a normal Home Depot outlet will only last a couple years (inside a weatherproof box) before corrosion becomes a problem, even indoors to some extent. They really shouldn’t allow the cheap outlets outdoors in the coastal corridor to start with.
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My outdoor receptacle was shot, so in 2019 I replaced it with this one, which is fine for the task.... and only $1.98!

You're supposed to put GFCI outlets outside.

Yes..... "supposed to".
But after 17 years of mowing the front lawn (in dry sunny weather) with a B&D electric mower, I've never had a problem, and don't expect to.
The receptacle box itself is one of those with the spring-loaded gasketed flip-covers over each individual outlet.
Besides, I like "pushing the envelope" :D
And...... as mountainman Bob has mentioned, the GFCI is in the basement and the source for the outside outlet.
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Joined 2004
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Hi wiseoldtech,
But after 17 years of mowing the front lawn (in dry sunny weather) with a B&D electric mower, I've never had a problem, and don't expect to.
Well, the thing is, you know better and you know why. It doesn't matter if you end up dead unexpectantly. Surprise!

Remember we used knob and tube wiring for decades. That had to change, but I'm sure several houses did burn down because that wiring hadn't caused a problem for decades. Then it did. I'm just as certain that everyone was surprised except for the insurance people, electricians and the fire department to name a few.
Sarah Palin deserves to be mocked.

Creationists deserve to be mocked.

Bill Nye is mocked for correcting malevolent liars like this. And he is correct in his claims. Bill Nye advocates for reality which is described by science. Sarah Palin and creationists advocate for lies which are based in superstition. Sarah Palin is not correct about anything and neither are creationists. That's the point.
So you do the mocking too. Noted.
So you do the mocking too. Noted.
Right back at ya. Too bad for you this isn't twitter.

Yeah, the laws of Physics are a real hard case. You can debate them all you want no matter your profession and you'd still be wrong.
X2 I'll stick with the science. And I will exercise my right to mock the liars and sophists even if you don't like it, and I will back it up with SCIENCE, and I will be correct. Take your BS to the kiddie's room (fakebook) where it is acceptable.
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Not necessarily, you might use a GFCI breaker for the whole circuit or another way to do it……several regular outlets outdoors may be wired to the same GFCI outlet that can be inside (which is actually preferable).

I agree.

Another thing depending on your climate a high end full copper outlet is beneficial, ex; in coastal areas a normal Home Depot outlet will only last a couple years (inside a weatherproof box) before corrosion becomes a problem, even indoors to some extent. They really shouldn’t allow the cheap outlets outdoors in the coastal corridor to start with.

I have to replace all my outdoor outlets every ten years. I also had a problem with the GFCI tripping when it rained hard, knocking out several outlets or half the garage. I just replace the cover, gasket, and outlet every ten years. One outlet is switched from the inside, which I leave turned off most of the time.
That makes it kosher.

I hate to be a stickler, but you're supposed to put a GFCI PROTECTED" sticker on the outlet faceplate. Just saying.

I should mention....
The weatherproof box on the outside patio is securely sealed "air tight" with silicone gaskets AND silicone caulk, to eliminates ANY dampness or corrosion of the receptacle.
I went to great lengths to make sure of that.
When the covers are closed, they're sealed tight.
I get severely anal about some things around the house.
I should mention....
The weatherproof box on the outside patio is securely sealed "air tight" with silicone gaskets AND silicone caulk, to eliminates ANY dampness or corrosion of the receptacle.
I went to great lengths to make sure of that.
When the covers are closed, they're sealed tight.
I get severely anal about some things around the house.

Me too. The extreme weather (hot and cold) dry out the caulk and shrink any gaskets. Two outlets face the south with zero shade at any time of day. Ten years is all I get.
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