Funniest snake oil theories

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a reference level, literally.
For the first hour the sound was excrutiating, then the sound steadily improved, and finally gave an excellent account of an old recording.
the Benz cartridge needed at least an hour to come on song

The conclusion drawn from this anecdote :
1 - Warm-up would have a greater influence than quality level of the cartridge.
2 - A heated mid-level cartridge would sound better than a cold reference model.

For a causal link to be anywhere near objective, instead of merely suggestive, requires :
- more than one parameter.
- verifiable ones.

Example : a car tire
- Cold, too stiff, sub-optimal performance
- Hot, too soft, again sub-optimal

In the Benz cartridge example, a five minute break between playing two records would require again another half hour of warm-up. => Thermo 101
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Hydrogen audio is extreme anti-subjectivist. If you cannot measure or demonstrate with ABX tests, you are banned
yes, I know.
BUT. it's part of the forum rules. a forum is a forum and nothing more: for instance, I have every right in the world to make mine, make my own rules, ban whoever I like etc. it's a take it or leave it matter.
FWIW, I'm registered at HA but have never posted there.
which doesn't go for other forums, like this one. it's a democracy, it's maintained by people born and raised in UK, US and mostly English speaking countries which have a culture in political correctness.
goes for other forums too, even non English ones. the "everyone has them and has a right to have them" mantra (opinions and you-know-what).

switching to philosophical mode a bit. it's maybe ~10-15 years since forums became really popular. I think we're not yet understanding what we're dealing with. it's a form of communication we use but we're not sure if it fits the natural way of human communication. etc.
[end rant]
I really can't believe that EEs can be stubborn enough to hold on to false beliefs when there's a cognitive dissonance.

I have an electrical engineering degree, both my brothers are engineers, we all worked lifelong with other engineers, and all I can say is thanks for the chuckle. Hard to believe but engineers are human as the rest and susceptible to the same errors. We just mask it in more arcane language.
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In the Benz cartridge example, a five minute break between playing two records would require again another half hour of warm-up. => Thermo 101
Yes, during the mid session snack break the owner put on a "raucous" recording, not meant to be listened to seriously - obviously for this purpose. The shame was that the warm up hadn't been done adequately before the show started ...

Edit: In my very early days, my first exposure to top notch high end used a Goldmund Reference, which was left constantly spinning. Why? The bearing takes 2-3 days to fully stabilise, said the owner ... :)
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Also, the feedback loop on Gainclones..... does it really need to be so short... I'm not so convinced!
The feedback path is crucial, every parasitic in that part of the circuit will have maximum impact on the sound; in my version I used the lowest tempco resistors of reasonable cost that were easily available - meaning the resistor construction was of significantly better quality ...
. I never paid a fraction of this price on a roll basis but Goot silver flowed better than anything other brand in my experience

I found an outlet where they have heaps of old stock silver solder selling for peanuts. I love the way it flows too, and the joints sure look purdy. No idea whether it makes any sonic difference.
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I dont believe PMPO was used as a serious measure by any engineer, ever. PMPO is marketing literature snakeoil for kids with kappa subs in the boot of their hyped up shopping carts.
as a matter of fact, I remember when we were kids, me and a friend of mine used to laugh at the ridiculous PMPO ratings. 8000W from a 10 cm boombox driver? doesn't take a PhD to figure that out :)

I have an electrical engineering degree, both my brothers are engineers, we all worked lifelong with other engineers, and all I can say is thanks for the chuckle. Hard to believe but engineers are human as the rest and susceptible to the same errors. We just mask it in more arcane language.
I'm a computer engineer myself and have worked as an engineer with engineers (including EEs) since graduation (10 years ago). so I know what you mean.
but I was referring to the exposure to good sound. I can't imagine anyone (including engineers) pretending that something doesn't sound good to them in order to justify a belief. and, most of the times, you're not even 'defending' beliefs of your own but of your teachers. and don't get me started on teachers... :D but I digress.
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