Finally, an affordable CD Transport: the Shigaclone story


Almost done :)
Next is engraving and display opening.
Hi everybody. I'm on the progress build shigaclone with vicol board. I think the first edition board (the green one) i confusing how to using minireg LT1763 5v for local reg V3 and V4. For V4 i understand i must remove L4 and L5. But how to using minireg for V3 ? Which ferrite bead i must remove?
When I'm using miniregs for v3 and v4 i still can supply v1 and v2 with onboard 8v input right? Thank you for your support.
Sanyo SF-101 cd mechanism issues

Although I have not actually built a Shigaclone construcction I have been following this thread because I use a 47 Lab Shigaraki CD transport, which was the inspiration for this project.

So, maybe can help me here. Lately I have been having issues -skipping and distorting- with the mechanism reading some CD's. Basically I have some CD's which are read completely by my Oppo 93 without any issues and these same CD's have problems with various tracks when played in the Shigaraki. One of them is practically new.. I cleaned it and got a little better...

I replaced the mechanism and also the ribbon connector but it keeps doing the same. I have examined the CD's in question and there are no major scratches in them, at least visible with the naked eye..

This mechanism is the 15 p one, not the 16 p you guys use in the Shigaclone..

So my question is: is this laser or mechanism that sensitive reading CD's or is there something else wrong?

So my question is: is this laser or mechanism that sensitive reading CD's or is there something else wrong?

I suggest you to replace laser CCS capacitor to a high quality tantalum one, as we use in Shigaclone.
This should clear your reading issues.

In Shiga MKII this is marked C19 and is 47uF/6V - see attachment arrow.
You need to find equivalent capacitor in Shigaraki.



  • Screenshot from 2016-08-15 18:14:04.png
    Screenshot from 2016-08-15 18:14:04.png
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Thanks. I looked into the board and the chip is the same as you show above, but I could not identify the cap you refer to. There are no regulators around that chip. The only ones are at the input of the AC, one for 8v and another for 5v. There are a bunch of electrolytic caps around the chip area and ribbon input -and some green film ones. One of these has a value of 15K written on it-. I will post a photo of the area.