Finally, an affordable CD Transport: the Shigaclone story

Hi Guys,
Thanks Uncle_Leon, I thought that kit is no longer available also I was hoping for some less expensive option. Yes I was trying to find some boomboxes with no result. Was wonder if there is some more recent substitute;( is there any other cheap-end cd for modding? beside ps1 (somehow I cant believe it will sing nice) Is there any way to convert portable cd/dvd/bluray recorders to transport? like this kind of thing:
There might be some other good players you can mod, but you would be essentially on your own, while Shigaclone is very well researched in most aspects. Yes, Tibi's kit is more expensive, but it is commonly agreed that it also sounds better than the original so it's not an altogether bad trade-off ;) I'm not sure if Tibi is still selling them, but maybe he will find one for a fellow diyaudio member :)

In any case, if you don't take up dantwomey's offer, I will :D

I'm thinking of selling my original but shipping across the pond can be a PITA.

Shipping is MUCH easier and cheaper if you extract the CD parts instead of posting the entire thing. I know, I posted lots of them ;) It only takes 1/2h to take it apart, maybe 1h if you're ponderous - all you need to do is to unscrew the case, take out the power supply, the amp board (it supplies power to the CD board), the CD board itself, and the display.
Hi Guys,
I thought that dantwomey is offering his already made player and I guess it will be more expensive than I can afford right now (labour/materials/sound quality Im sure he would expect more for that) If Im wrong and I can get parts for make my own player then Im interested. I'm vinyl enthusiast and I dont remember when was the last time I insert cd record to the player... Usually its flac files or vinyls that I was able to collect so far. but I would like to get a good but not expensive player as my girlfriend has quite big library of cd's and it hurts me so badly when she is play them from tiny woobly boombox she has and will be nice if she will be able to use my rig. Did anyone checked link from my previous post? Im curious if its possible to use portable bluray/dvd writers as transport but i dont have no idea if its possible to make controller for them, would be nice to have small transport and maybe separate dac. Thanks for reply
Thanks Tvicol, I think I actually saw this article while ago, but author wasnt 100% satisfied with results and part of cd-roms didnt respond in the right way. But as far as I know cd/dvd-rom's are used inside players as transport. Think I will read it again and try to soak more info from that article. Thanks
Thanks Tvicol, I think I actually saw this article while ago, but author wasnt 100% satisfied with results and part of cd-roms didnt respond in the right way. But as far as I know cd/dvd-rom's are used inside players as transport. Think I will read it again and try to soak more info from that article. Thanks

Any cd-rom solution is far away from Shiga MKII. The difference is huge. If you want to enjoy your wife CD's, I suggest you to look for one Shiga unit. maybe someone will sell his kit or ready made unit.
Last GB was run in December and was the last one.

Hi Guys, are there any new cd donor boomboxes for transplanting? I tried to find the one that were used but none are available right now. I really would like to try build something like that. Thanks


I have a used Sanyo MCD-ZX550F CD mechanism only. With remote. One of the IC is IC78602, Shigaclone is using LC78601. Not identical but same family. Do you want to try it? I have already taken out the CD mechanism and display board.



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Tubed Lukasz Fikus Digilampizator

Hello everybody ,

Many years ago I made the valve digilampizator and lately the mosfet version too.

The semiconductor version was something non appealing sound wise but just technically correct missing the guts and the soul of the music.

Contrary to SS ,the valve version I recall as something special and yesterday I had to resume once again my impressions from past years.

The resulting musical feeling with the tube on s/pdif is something so special that I wonder why I didn't made it once again much earlier but there is always a problem having the time for only few projects chosen from the endless list in your head ;)

The valve circuit make the music more intimate ,alive and credible.
The technical aspects of the sound (instrument placement ,separation ,3D etc.) is pretty much the same as with 300+90ohm resistor divider on digital out.

The digilampizator show you that the music that you listened through years ,have something more in it.It is hard to describe it because at the same time it allows the fine details to expose them self ,coming to your ears but those details don't grab your attention.
Instead the DL leave you to swim in between all that details and emerge in the music as a whole :)

The PSU consist of 79V toroid transformer connected on ey88 rectifier tubes in hybrid combination with the SS diodes ,connected as a ground part of the bridge.

The CLC filter is made of 4microF PIO through the 1000ohm choke (I am not quite sure about the inductance ,maybe 3-5 H ?) and the electrolytic after it.

The signal tube is 6n23p which sounds much better than 6n14p but you can test many tubes in this position.

In my experience the circuit is sensible to grid to ground 15kOhm resistor choice and currently the Russian mlt-2 plays it's role in my DL.It have more drive through the whole frequency range than other metal film resistors.
The 75 ohm resistors I didn't tested jet.

The heating is DC.

There is very little written about digilampization sound impressions and unfortunately a lot about DL circuit being a total nonsense (I suppose from people that didn't tried to build and listen to one hehe) .

Well, I don't care anymore about these words because the DL does much to my musical experience completeness and I encourage everyone to try it if the way the MUSIC is expressed to you ,count more than just a plain hi-fi ....


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Hello Igor

You never seems to amaze me my friend!...Well done again.
Did you modify the laserunit yet ?...I played a few weeks without and mounted the four times modified version in again ...the WoW and Holy Sh@t moments were there instantly.

I will keep telling everybody that this modification sugested by Tibi is an enormous upgrade and on the same level as upgrading your clock from Tent to Burson...yes that big !!!
Hello Igor

You never seems to amaze me my friend!...Well done again.
Did you modify the laserunit yet ?...I played a few weeks without and mounted the four times modified version in again ...the WoW and Holy Sh@t moments were there instantly.

I will keep telling everybody that this modification sugested by Tibi is an enormous upgrade and on the same level as upgrading your clock from Tent to Burson...yes that big !!!

Hi Erik,

Thanks.By the way ,what about your valve psu for the Shiga.Is it still in use?

Laser unit mean the capacitor upgrade underneath the laser.I never done that.Or there is some other modification that I missed?