Excellent SRPP power amp of MOSFET

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The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
The clever part is doing both. If you increase the bias to
the value of the largest peak output current, you are free to
set the effective gain of the current source as high as you
like, approaching 100% of the output. With the bias at 1/2
the peak current you are constrained to a gain of about 50%
of the output current.

I have built several amps using the higher bias, and it works
like glue, although it runs twice as hot.

From the beginning,
I never thought the distortion feature of such SRPP circuit worked in Class AB mode will better than the distortion feature of a pure Class A monster.
But I thought the distortion feature of such SRPP circuit worked in Class AB mode will not worse than the distortion feature of a normal Class AB amplifier.
And then, I found the problem about the BJT's saturation in the SRPP circuit.
So I add some parts to prevent the BJT go into saturation and solve the problem.
I still don't think the distortion feature of such SRPP circuit worked in Class AB mode will better than the distortion feature of a pure Class A monster.
But I think the distortion feature of such SRPP circuit worked in Class AB mode will better than the distortion feature of a normal Class AB amplifier.
The above #66 analysis stands also for a complex swinging and dipping speaker load, or just on nominal resistor? SRPP works best when designed for defined loads in general?
The impedance of a 8 ohm speaker sometime lower than 8 ohm frequently.
So how to determine the largest peak output current is very tricky.
But depend on the transition curve of a transistor,
A transistor with higher bias current always has better distortion features.
Because the working point is farther from the deflective point of the curve.

Congratulations! I just saw pictures of your "Cookie" amp, and it must say that it's very cute! I like alternative ideas, so just keep your spirit high, and the success will come. Money comes and money goes, but the knowledge stays and it never gets consumed, only multiplied....

Thanks for sharing


Congratulations! I just saw pictures of your "Cookie" amp, and it must say that it's very cute! I like alternative ideas, so just keep your spirit high, and the success will come. Money comes and money goes, but the knowledge stays and it never gets consumed, only multiplied....

Thanks for sharing


I second that!

Nicely said Vix.

All the best Wensan.

Best regards,

Audiofanatic ;)
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The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Wensan braved the snowstorm to pay a visit to Pass Labs
today, and we had an opportunity to see and measure his
excellent SRPP circuit, which works very well.

Here's his picture...



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