DIY Video Projector

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Aleksey The Great!....project builder,er,er...,

Dude, you are too much! (human)

I admire your persistance. And first, are you "real" russian? person?

"head" lights are only for a car! "projector" headlights, they will not understand this at Auto store and think you are crazy. And, make me wonder if I am the funny looking person now! he-he,...Am I?

Simple to say only "projector bulbs". But, not auto store....again, am "I" fool? You must go to photography area in any store for projector bulbs.

You are now off of the ship from 'vostok? (my joke & Yul Brenner's hometown too!)
Maybe, submarine break, in water near 'frisco coast?! ha-ha!

I am part-time English (conversation) teacher and let me help ease the pain. Maybe, I am like shot of Stolichniya for you. (it joke too)

Email me if some frustration begin. Consider me friend!
Soon, life be like nice, pressed white shirt!
I have free time and your abundant energy could be useful to us all, including you!

If you are just playing, then go somewhere else! If you are mentally divergent, "I" will still try to help.
If you are typical person, then I will help too! And we will make "Battle of Potemkin" first movie to watch on Aleksey's projector (or "Alexander Rubliev" or "Solaris", or "Spies like us", etc.,...).

...Folks, I have free time and will lend the glad-hand here. Sometimes, ya gotta say what the *@#! and risk your ****.
Anyway, we learn something this way.

Then after "Potemkin" we can all party on Aleksey's tab! Stoli's for everyone! Lastrovia! Brosht! (Just we joke Aleksey)

You are not freak are you?!.....No?! Good, I am glad!!!

Am I the funny one now?
What the hell is going on.

PS - my site is updated.

This is my screen plan:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

pretty much the biggest I can get it from a 48" x 96" sheet of the stuff. I've already cut my wood and spraypainted what needs to be spraypainted. I started assembling last night. seems as though its going to be a pretty easy job.
you mentioned that if I use more than one lens, it will reduce Spherical Aberration not Chromatic Aberration?
I used PCX lens with fl=318mm, I want final fl around 430mm, to get that I add Concave lens with fl=-1220mm, is it correct? With this 2 lens setup, will it reduce the abberation problem too?

big reflector.
In my previous post, I mentioned that we can't use oversize reflector (as big as LCD panel size), but I think we can, with some cost.
See my last edited drawing, explaining that setup.
new guy

i just started with this video projection stuff.
i made few projects but they went to ****, burned, smoke, fire, cracked,& fryed etc. im going to over look this whole thread to see
what works fairly good and what dosent and for what reason. as soon as im done with that ill think about it and ill tell you what i think. my goal on doing this is to get the best ideas and put them to getter for my next project. i suject maybe using the tv for lense testing thats one of my ideas.also another idea is, ive been using 2 white plastic sheets that came with my car lcd, i think it turns light in to white light, & also i think itdistributes the light evenly across the lcd. ibrought these up cause i havent seen these ideas brougth up from the first 15 pages i read, and for some reason i cant get my lcd to work with out those white plastic sheets. talk to you guys in a couple day.

Well I haven't been able to find a good light source. I thought the Solarc bulbs from Welch-Allyn might be a good candidate, but I am afraid with only a 50W bulb (metal halide) they will not be bright enough.

I decided to go with a Dukane Quantum 680 overhead projector from ISI. At the very least, I can use the light source (575W metal halide bulb) and fan. This model has an 11.2" x 11.2" aperture... almost big enough for a 15" LCD, but not quite.


I got it for $150 (plus shipping). I did a quick check on the web. The replacement bulb for this projector costs more than this. Mine was "excellent condition" so you may be able to get one for less depending on the condition.

I'm looking for XGA LCD's that are 13" or less (diagonal). If I can find one, then it should work with the Dukane 680 (11.2" x 11.2"). I found a site that looks promising:

HMR Los Angeles:

They sell all their LCD's through ebay, but none come with drivers. I was thinking of getting the driver from earthlcd, but I'm not sure it will work.

Possibly the EarthVision AD2:

New bulb and ballast

I got my new bulb and ballast today its a 400W MH High Output 41,000 lumens is perfect is is the same exact size as the philips 250W MH you get at home depot but has more than twice the light output. The ballast is a standard M59 for both it cost me $96. I set it up just like I did the other bulb and wow it was bright still not viewable with the light on when im useing the white sheet but when i used the projector screen it looked real nice with the lights on. I sat there and ran it for a while and after about 10 min. I smelled something this thing get real hot I opened the OHP and the lens infront of the bulb was melting and had a bunch of bubbles in it. I guess next I have to make a reflector and build some kind of box to hold everything the OHP lets way to much light shine all over the room.
yes, I think you're right with your lens calculations. But if you change to longer focal lenght, you of course have to prolonge the the light cone of that side by movin the lample little bit into the fresnel direction.
Further, acromats have a positive and negative lense sitting beside each, often sticked together, but they should be acommodated(?) to wipe out wavelenght problems. This spherical and chromatic aberration is worster, the thicker a lens is. Meniscus lenses don't eliminate this problem completly, but more than others.
I would try both. Spend your existing lens a second lens with said negative value, or take alternativly two 1000 mm mesicus lenses.
And a last note: I assume you know that if imaging with PCX -lenses, the better result is always by facing the curved side to the object (LCD).

Happy working!
Aleksey ,
carlights? mmmh..,i don't think carlights have enough brightness for LCD projectors. And, how large is the size of the condensor? A condensor must have at least the size of the LCD panel window, or you get a circled image on the screen! I would rethink this idea. It also was subject of older postings here!


this is bull$*@!!!!
i called the Proxima today and asked them about model #842, it has a 800x600 they say that those things are so old, that they don't even have parts for them, cables.
dammit, what the hell is that..
if i go and buy an overhead projector, that is $100, plus $50 for a laptop LCD,and $200 for the controller?!?!? i do not think so!!!
Wiht all the other stuff, this is like a $400 investment,, and this is supposed to be a DIY project??!?!?
right now i am close just to buying a projector, and i know it is $3000.
what are you gusy using as a lcd? a laptop or an overhead projection panel? if laptop, how much did you spend on it???

i hate this all so far.....

Aleksey...people are taking different approaches. Most porjects I have heard have been an OHP with an LCD Panel. This is the fastest, easiest, and probably cheapest route. Problem is you get a white trash solutions (hey...I'm white trash so I can say that..hehhehe).
Once most people get over the ahhh of having an 100" projections they tend to try and improve it by making it smaller, brighter, and/or sharper.

Myself and others have bypassed the quick-fix stage and started out with LCD monitors. I purchased a used Viewsonic VG150 from ebay and I am trying to build my own lighting (I have rambled for weeks now about reflectors). I know Myren has completed his projector with a VG150. That is why I went the VG150 route in the first place.

If you want something cheap just buy an LCD Panel off e*Bay and make sure it has ALL the parts & cables. Otherwise you might be able to buy the cables/parts you need from Inventory Solutions. Otherwise you will end up like Myren, myself, and others who have spent hundres of dollars for their setup/design.
I figure I may spend over $1000 before I get my design completed, but I have already saved money by other peoples input (like Myren, Fender, Undream, tech_head, etc...) and I hope that my input will help others build my solutions for FAR less than what I put into it.

Hell when I am done I will probably give my work away to a friend or relative and build others for friends. But, I will be able to build them much quicker and cheaper than my initial design...Plus and heres a BIG PLUS...I will have a projector that will do 1024x768 natively, 350:1 contrast ratio, < 20 ms response time, and minor I spend $1000 I still saved about $2000 or 66% and had fun.

Thats what it's all about...having fun and/or making equivilant image for far less than you can buy.

Later, good luck...
Holy CRAP!!!

That looks pretty sweet undream...I have had my Plas-tex for a while but havent built anything for it yet. Let me know when you try it if you have any wavyness in the Plas-Tex....after reading the AVS forum it appears that is the biggest issue. People put it up but get minor waves in the screen. Most people seem to be glueing it to plywood or directly to the wall to make it perfectly flat.

Did you use liquid nails to keep it connected to the center beams?

I need to build something VERY lightweight so I can hang it and remove it easily from my apartment whenever I want to watch it.

I was planning on using a large piece of foam, but your design looks damn nice, and looks pretty light...What do you think? is it light enough to hang on a couple picture hooks?



The plastex itself goes almost to the very edge of the frame. I used liquid nails to secure the plastex to the frame, on all 6 frameboards. I then used a regular staplegun, and stapled about 75 staples all along the entire perimeter. I drove in screws to mount the trimboard, they go right through the plastex into the frame for added support of the plastex. I decided to put the middle supports in for the waviness problem, and, quite frankly, I dont think its going to be a problem at all. It weighs about 30 pounds, give or take, altogether. I'm going to be mounting two heavy-duty hooks into some studs on my wall, and just hanging the thing. I'll make sure the hardware I use is heavy enough, and secured enough. Its no different from hanging a really, really big picture :)
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