DIY progress report

I've been reading the stuff that Seigfried wrote. It helped me better understand what is going on behind Open Baffles. I tried to read at different sources, so I picked up what I needed and changed-rejected what I didn't need. For example, at Rod Elliot pages I've been reading a lot and it helped me better understand opamps and active crossovers (among other things). Linkwitz page and MJK helped me better understand what is going on on Open Baffles. Now, Nelson kicked in with what I couldn't do, because I lacked the knowledge, time, space and money: practical experiment!
So, I figured out how to build active crossovers, using J-fet buffers. Knowing the nature of fullrange speakers I learned what to listen for and where to correct. Reading Nelson B5 article was a joy because it showed that although a combination of a woofer with the fullrange driver can be a pain in the a**, it can be done successfully. All one needs is patience and good ears. Most of the fog surrounding Open Baffles is gone. Altogether, it looks like a puzzle game, day by day I see it getting more and more completed... :worship:
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I pulled the spelling off the Audio Adventure magazine cover
on his web site.


another thing about you two can laugh , sitting on the porch , with glass of wine :clown:


  • Seigfried.jpg
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  • Seigfried-kwayzee-Yanks.jpg
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Yes, but if we respect and love from someone, then we can not rub his nose into this.
I tried to call his attention for the mistake because of this gently.
This was a mistake anyway, just a misunderstanding, not an error.
And yes, the other also deserve to write his name correctly.
Although if he is so satisfied with it on his own website ...
But really the name is a sensitive issue. I also taught to my children that it matter how we write our name.
Our family name is correctly Timár.
Here is a profession which is Tímár, Tanner in English.
It is all depends on how much. that there is a point on the letter I, or a comma.
So-called short or long letter I in the Hungarian alphabet

But even this did not anger you?

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That do not be allowed to say that I whine only always.
My experimental setup:
You would like to hear something about the sound of this possibly, my deary? I would say only so much temporarily, my emotions mixed.
My brain is obscure otherwise.
I do not can for an extra in English.
There is a weak link here, apart from this. Who is the person who finds this on the photograph??


But it is sure, that on the middle nestling blue LED monster brings me into the poorhouse on my end.


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