DIY progress report

Nelson, thank you very much. I am really thankful and I even like the fact that you're not publishing complete "official" schematics, because we've all seen what happened in the past. Luckily, by now we have learned to "connect the dots", so even if something we come up with is not the same as original, it's fairly close. One that understands the operation of basic buffer blocks, Sallen-key topology, and a bit of Open baffle/fullrange nature may not find it difficult to assemble B5-like circuit. So, it's a learning experience, and and I'm also thankful to Mr. Linkwitz for such nice explanations about Open baffles on his website. :cool:

I still can't access the site, even going directly, no matter which browser I use (Opera, Firefox, Safari or IE), even with the firewall and proxy off.

However, I did find the 'Elliott Sound Products' project 09 and 81 useful, especially the calculator tool.

As ZM said....

just search for "cottage" files in Pass Labs

replace active stage with Jfet buffer and voilla

All I have to do now is to work out the best crossover point for my Apogee Stages, anyone had any experience with these?
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> Keep in mind that what Seigfried and I are doing are different ..

You meant Siegfried .... ?


Tell me Papa, you're listening to Wagner?


Actually, that's why I asked this.:D
In fact I rarely listen to Wagner.
Onto my brother's largest grief. But to the music listening I like drinking beer. But I cannot be sitting in one place until so much time if I drink beer, that listen to Wagner necessary. Vainly, the age.

Papa has deficiencies as well.:)
Nobody may be perfect.