Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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Holala was fine..... i feel good talking with french Canadien

Vous êtez Latine.... you are from Lácio place....Spanish, France, Portugal and Italy.... people there has something that is common to all of us Brezilienne.

C'est très dificille...jóie du vivre est notre!..... it is hard, that happy life, this way to go leaving happy, even having huge problems, belong to us.

Re: Holala was fine..... i feel good talking with french Canadien

destroyer X said:

Vous êtez Latine.... you are from Lácio place....Spanish, France, Portugal and Italy.... people there has something that is common to all of us Brezilienne.

C'est très dificille...jóie du vivre est notre!..... it is hard, that happy life, this way to go leaving happy, even having huge problems, belong to us.



Here in Quebec lot of us do have a mix of native indian and french ancestors and also a lot do have a mix of quebecois and irish ancestors.

Dx Turbo

Hi Carlos

I finished my stereo Dx Amp. I am very happy with this amp and the sound is great. Will post some pictures of my amp. I want to start with my Dx Turbo amp now. Did anyone build this amp before? Is there a PCB layout for this amp? If not I will make one. Carlos where can I get the latest schemetic for the Dx Turbo amp?
I will keep you guys posted with my progress.

Thanks Carlos

Here is a picture of my first Dx amp I build.


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Thank you Macd.....i am happy to see you again.

Nice laboratory...pretty instruments.

I will be more happy to adjust Dx to your voltage...also to your impedance...and inform if you will use continuous music (electronic)...or if you like to have deep bass response, down to 1 Hertz or not...also if you prefer treble, bass or voices.....this way i can arrange to your needs.

Send me a small sample of your main music...the one you like to listen, this way i can conclude and arrange things, customized to you, as you are a Dx constructor...a member of the Crew.... member of this thread Royalty.

Thank you by the images...having more, please, post them.

This thread is not more can post your image if you want it.

Those first 20 constructor will be in the History, as in the future of enormous Dx Corporation, you will be in the first 20 pictures in the main corporation's wall....hehe.... we do not pay to is good to think this way..... one Dx amplifier in each home...this is the target!

Inform voltage and preferences...tell me your acoustic environment...the furnitures, the dimensions and send me pictures or your speaker...tell me the speaker power and the speaker complicance.


Italian air for dx amp

Only tested with dummy load and oscilloscope: with 2n 2955 and 2n 3055 (good for trials, later I will use mj 15003 and 15004).
Result: very stable, no oscillations, 40/45 v square wave peak to peak on 4 ohm load on the oscilloscope screen from 20 to 50/60000 Hz (did not put C1, C2, C9 and C5 is only 39 pf)
Increasing the input signal the output does not increase anymore, I see that the power supply goes from 40 to 30-32V.
It seems to me good for 2n 3055 and 2n 2955.
I have nor yet heard the sound, but in the next days I will.
The only problem was a my mistake using the small pcb for bd 139 bias... I inverted the bce on the bd and had a barbecue with a pair of 2n3055 and 2n2955.
One question: when I switch it off in the negative rail of my power supply 14-15 volts remain for a long time and nothing on the positive: does it happen to you ?
Congratulations for this smart project!!
When the DX is turned off, the bootstrap resistors ( R12 + R 13 ) will maintain bias to the upper output half until the positive rail capacitors discharge to about 1V.

However, the lower output half will stop conducting as soon as the differential tail current falls below nominal such that the VAS (Q3) base can no longer be biased by the voltage dropped across R5.

Cheers ......... Graham.
Another problem....

Do not use overpriced components.... called "original"

Today I bought real Japan made BD139... very overpriced and the result was the same as I used bd139 fully plastic for notebook.... no result.... oscilate at high frequencies...

Replaced with those cheap ones... result is as it should be... amazing!!!

Great job macd.... great feeling... crew is growing.... Carlos is happy :)
Not needed to readjust bias Microp...enjoy Dx without oscilations

Now we have Evilsmelling...hehe.... very good, now an Italian i think, but that flag is strange to Italy...well... one more confusion of countries in this forum

I am happy that you fire your Dx unit soon...enjoy the sonics of a simple amplifier.

Welcome to Dx crew...of course i feel good with that....for sure!

Thank you by all the informations...and please, if possible, post pictures too.




Hello Graham, Nordic, Macd and all folks that read this thread.

I am still searching the i have made another amplifier...

ahahahah...another bull ship!


I use to say that simple is good..also Nelson Pass do the same.

John Hood (JLH) too.

The books use to informs that each stage disturb a little.

Also i use to say that simple Dx can beat a lot of good amplifier you can find, not only inside the forum, but also comercial units too.

And because of that..... to have sure about what i am saying, i am trying other schematics and comparing.

Not only because of that....because will be interesting to find something better to my own course!

Today i have made those modern, very standard circuits using CCS and voltage stabilizers into the differential...also mirrored....VAS mirrored...ahahahaha...another stérile thing.....awfull!!!

I will try to modify....but i think it will receive a hammer (my wife stole my gun because i gave a shot into the sea in front of my house)... that one do not deserve to be alive!

Take a look....hehe.... one more ship thing...a ship filled till the top with bad sonics.




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You may say that i am an idiot!... I think you are not wrong!

Only being more than an idiot...i have to be a clown to go constructing those crazy schematics...when 46 years of life shown me those things do not sounds good!

I will not show you schematics...because i am afraid that one belongs to a forum member...i do not want to fight with a brother.




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The schematic i made is not good...i will try to make it less bad

But if you want something that beat Dx amplifier.

Here is the schematic.... it is a GEM guys!

Doctor Graham Maynard schematic.

But dx have a little bit better treble (level only)

Attention!...the schematic i have made is not a GEM!.... i am showing a better option than Dx!




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Hi microp,

The new BD139s you are buying could have better specifications than the originals.

They might have a higher gain bandwidth product with lower C-bc, and if this is the case you would need to increase the value of C14, maybe to 33pF or 39pF or even 47pF.
By increasing C14 in this way you will not degrade the amplifier performance because all you are doing is replacing the internal capacitance of the older ones.

Hi Carlos,

That was the original 2005 GEM which you built within ONE day of me sending you the circuit.
!!! Actually your DX is likely to sound better than that one !!!
It was further improved in 2006, with several versions shown at document authored by Graham Stephen Maynard.htm

Cheers ......... Graham.
Thank you Graham...your GEM has more precise bass.

I was observing the circuit assembled...listening your test CD dear Graham:

Bias have to be adjusted very small....around 25 miliamperes.

If you increase it starts to be worst.... greek in my language seems that something is faulty....that there are losses, spaces without audio...something alike underbiased ....but overbiased!

The one do not oscilate, very stable

Also do not overheat...very good too.

But when you increase the audio volume...the bass stand still in the average power and the treble goes increasing..ahahahah!

My God!...i hope the designer do not belong to our forum...i tried to make the schematic something hard to detect if belong to A to belong to B..... this way i can dennie to avoid severe strike in our peacefull forum.

I have already modified all the output... drivers and output was very different now.... quality increased.....but continue "Greek"....has spaces without data...we call this "greek" in my country..because the language seems that something is missed on it.

I will be listening and tweaking.... comdemned to death this one.... Dx smashed it in such a way that i am embarrassed with better Dx overperformed this one.

I still think that CCS and Vas mirrors do not increase sonics....the opposite.

I am thinking to assemble the Ultra Low Distortion...but..there are many biased friends in Australia that will turn mad with me if i dislike it (i think this will happens....90 percent of chances) i will not do it anymore.... i want to keep my Aussie friends.




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